Authentic Wellness Radio

#040: The Ketogenic Diet - Jimmy Moore



The ketogenic diet is buit on some very heavy, technical and potentially boring princples - it basically boils down to teaching your body how to burn fat for fuel (yay!) instead of sugar. Side effects of ketosis include weight loss, normalisation of blood sugar levels and increased brain function.... somehow. I sat down with weight loss legend and master of turning complicated concepts into simple explanations, host of the Livin' La Vida Low Carb podcast and author of the new Ketogenic Cookbook Jimmy Moore, to talk about what exactly this diet is and does. We cover: - What it actually means to burn fat for fuel instead of sugar - Who should try this diet (and how) - Why it doesn't mean you have to eat boring food all day Hosted by David White of Authentic Wellness Radio Subscribe so you'll NEVER miss an episode at