Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 31: He Done Got Pink-Socked



It's Thanksgiving, and this group of turkeys are bringing the stuffing in an all new episode of your favorite show(we assume)! Somehow, Tudor's is both awesome and disgusting simultaneously. Ben Carson and The Donald both saw something that didn't happen... it was on TV, y'all. Who are these people that answer surveys that determine the leader in political polls? Alaina is convinced that Charles is actually a bear. Evidence suggests that she's correct. A redneck, convinced that the south will rise again, makes a bomb and tries to 'splode WalMart. The Canexican, Ted Cruz, acts like a petulant child and demands Obama to SAY IT TO HIS FACE! Subway Jared's attorneys try the Chewbacca defense, to hilarious results. Another failed attempt at Aaron's Google searches. A double shot of the Subreddit of the week. A fascinating Period Report, and SOOOOO MUCH MORE!