10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Are These Mistakes Jeopardizing Your Money Mindset?



Have you tried to adjust your money mindset, but you keep falling back into negative patterns? It could be that you’re making one, or more common mistakes. There are a lot of mistakes you can make as you attempt to develop a more positive mindset. This is especially true when you’re new to self-development. It’s also more difficult to change your mindset if you’ve been thinking negatively for years. In today’s episode, I’ll show you some of the most common money mindset mistakes you could be making. If you’re determined to succeed and develop a more positive mindset, you’ll want to check out this mentoring session. You’ll see why playing it safe really doesn’t help, and why attaching money to emotions is a bad idea. You’ll also see how failing to track your returns can be detrimental to your mindset.  *** Get the Full Training Here:  Cultivate a Healthy Money Mindset and Easily Transform Your Life  (or copy & paste this link)  https://thepathofme.lpages.co/healthy-money-mindset-workshop/