Bu With Declan Edwards

Insider Scoop Season 1, Episode 1: Connecting with Ami Assigal, BU Member



Ami Assigal is many things. A business owner, a mother, a leader and a changemaker.  But after so long juggling so many roles, and wrestling with a high achiever drive, Ami found herself at a place where she no longer knew who she was, what she wanted or what would fulfil her. She was stressed, anxious and permanently hustling for her worth - never taking the time to slow down and appreciate herself or her life. This is how we first connected with Ami in mid-2019 when she joined the BU movement as part of our Personal Development & Wellbeing Mastery Program. Nowadays Ami is proud of who she is, is ok with slowing down and has a much healthier relationship with her emotional wellbeing. The best part is Ami is still kicking massive goals and achieving great things in her life but now she is doing so from a place of fulfilment and self-love. On this debut episode of The Insider Scoop series, I sit down with Ami for the first time in person to find out more about the journey from her own perspective and