Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

The 7 Types of Rest: Why Types of Rest Are You Missing?



Have you ever felt so exhausted that you wanted to just lay on the ground and do nothing? Have you been to the doctor for your fatigue and had a bunch of lab tests done that all came back normal? Do you wake up groggy and tired even after 8 hours of sleep? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine doctor who was at the top of her game: seeing patients in the ER and ICU, writing books, doing television interviews, and speaking engagements. From the outside looking in, she was the picture of success: she had the happy kids, the happy spouse, the big house, a successful career, etc. But the truth was, she was exhausted beyond belief. Being a doctor, she knew how to research her symptoms. She ran batteries of medical tests. All came back normal.  She tried to sleep more.  It didn’t work. She was perplexed. What could be wrong? That’s when she discovered that there are seven different types of rest. She calls it Sacred Rest.  If you have been feeling tired and don’t know why you might be missing one or m