Leadership Revealed

Intro & What is Leadership?



‘Leadership is all about turning vision into reality using influence to create followers’ In this inspiring first episode, John Paul shares the attributes all good leaders have and how to effectively use your emotional intelligence to lead and influence others positively on the journey to realise your vision. Everyone can improve their leadership skills so listen in now to find out more about how to make positive changes. KEY TAKEAWAYS Everybody needs to lead in some aspect of their life whether it’s in business,  their family or in social situations. If we can talk openly about leadership, explore what leadership is and learn from it we can all become better in our lives. Leadership is all about turning vision into reality using influence to create followers. Most people have a goal or a vision when it becomes your reality you have achieved it. We influence people positively to create followers. It is what you are doing that is having an effect on people. There is one thing all leaders have  – emotional i