Love, Life, Law of Attraction

Vibrational Whiplash



Today on Love, Life Law of Attraction Lisa M. Hayes, Reationship Coach and LOA Expert and Cassie Parks, Lifeologist and Money Maven are going to talk about vibrational whiplash. What is vibrational whiplash? It's when you set that big intention or start moving into a really big version of yourself and all of a sudden everything falls apart (or seems to). Lisa is going to talk explain vibrational whiplash by explaining the science behind what is happening. She's also going to share the cool new program she's offering called Lifescaping, which is joyfully reverse engineering the life of your dreams into the life you are living. It's a really cool course! If you've ever had a time when you felt like you were on fire, everything was going well and you were growing super fast and then it all came crashing down, you'll want to listen to this show to learn how and some ways to keep it from happening again.