Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Maria Popo: Entrepreneur, globally recognized for launching five successful startups – 069



Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Maria Popo is an entrepreneur, globally recognized for launching five successful startups inside Foxconn, 3Com and 3M plus two companies from the ground up. Her approach as a woman raising capital is creative and inspirational – as she’s taken an intrepreneurial route, which she tells us all about in today’s interview! AND Maria will be joining us as one of our Circle of Inspiration Facilitators at the September 18th Extraordinary Women Connect event. I’m super excited about this particular event, as we’re going to be focusing on women raising capital! With only 2% of venture capital funding going to women owned businesses, I’m excited to bring our 4 Circle Inspiration Facilitators to the room to talk about their journeys raising capital! For the full line up, jump out to my Extraordinary Women Connect page! Extraordinary Women connect is all about connecting great women to great women. I love the connections that happen – and even more so – I love the lasting rela