Grit And Grace

The Pursuit of Joy



Cindy Robles started her career in hospitality in her early twenties and worked up to the position of Hotel Operations Manager. She’d achieved success but lost a sense of joy in her career. She took the brave or only decision she could (depending on how you look at it) - and quit her corporate job to become a dance fitness instructor. This immense change led her to re-evaluate all aspects of her life and she created her podcast Guests in Your Life - around the idea of letting go of things: a career, a relationship or even preconceived ideas of who you are. If you are ready to make a change or to start thinking about the process, there are 3 important questions in this episode that you can start with. Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and can be found at: This show is produced by Les Konley of Healent Media: Show notes provided b