What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#85 Chip Conley- Hospitality Entrepreneur and Best Selling Author



Bestselling author, hospitality entrepreneur, disruptive business rebel, and social change agent, Chip Conley is a leader at the forefront of the sharing economy. At age 26,  he founded and took an inner city motel and turned it into the 2nd largest boutique hotel brand in the world. Chip’s books, PEAK and the New York Times bestseller EMOTIONAL EQUATIONS, share his own theories on transformation and meaning in business and life. Chip was CEO of his innovative company for 24 years and in 2013 he accepted an invitation from the founders of Airbnb to help transform a promising home sharing start-up into what is today the world’s largest hospitality brand, as Head of Global Hospitality & Strategy. http://whatgotyouthere.com/   Vuori Clothing 25% off with discount code “WGYT” https://www.vuoriclothing.com/ GlobeKick 10% off with discount code “WGYT” https://globekick.com/ 15% off Four Sigmatic with discount code "WGYT" http://foursigmatic.com/wgyt   https://chipconley.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/chipconl