Swish Edition

SE138: You Are So Takei



This week we welcome the amazing storyteller, George Takei. This actor and activist was an absolute delight as he told tales of his "It's Okay To Be Takai" campaign to counter those nutjobs down in Tennessee who want to make it illegal for teachers to use the word 'gay.' He also addresses the Tracy Morgan anti-gay comments from last week, talks about his coming out, all about the powerful new musical called Allegiance that he's creating for Broadway, and his kick-ass role on the Nickelodeon show, Supah Ninjas. Apparently, it's supah! George was such a good sport and we learned so much from this dedicated, talented legend. And you'll loooove his voice. Yup, we didn't even mention it until paragraph three, but you and the WHOLE WORLD knows George Takei best as Mr. Sulu from the original Star Trek television show and feature movies. We certainly encourage you to take time to listen to the complete 50-minute, completely uncut chat with George, which includes expanded conversation and history of Prop 8 as well as