George And Charlie: Off The Bridle

S3E3 - Michael Holding – the cricketing giant shares his racing passion



We’ve taken our time to record this episode. Lots of reasons, but the main one was: how on earth do we follow Sir Mark Prescott? Well, in Michael Holding we have just about the only man who could. ‘Mikey’ came to visit us at Eve Lodge and what a gentleman… warmth and dignity in equal measures. And lots of insights. Find out how he came to call Newmarket his home from home; discover which top trainer he spends many of his summer mornings with. And also he reveals a fellow West Indian fast bowler ‘who would bounce his mother’! Racing and cricket chat - we've got it covered. As Michael was our guest, it was only fitting that Charlie recalled his net ‘session’ with England pacer Matthew Hoggard. And, guess what. George has been to Wembley. He was only there to witness a little piece of history as England beat Germany 2-0. It’s all in episode 3 of series 3… listen and enjoy.