Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#100: Do You Have a Service People Need, Yet Your Business Isn’t Growing?



Are you frustrated with slow growth even though you have a service you know will help your customers? It’s frustrating when your business doesn’t take off, but it’s even more frustrating when you don’t know what you’re doing wrong! If you don’t figure out what’s holding your business back, your business won’t survive long enough to become profitable.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks to Aimee Bennett and Lauren Paradis, founders of Empower Postpartum Physical Therapy. Aimee and Lauren are struggling to grow their business even though they have a service that millions of women need. Listen in as Don helps them reposition their business with a new name idea, a more specific offer for their customers, and fixed pricing for their products. If you’re in a service-based industry, this episode will help you position your services as tangible products, making your customers more likely to buy so you can help more people and your business can grow!   Find out more about Empower Postpartum PT at EmpowerPostpart