Starseed Radio Academy



Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet.Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar.Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.


  • Meet Our New Team of Astrologers

    03/03/2021 Duration: 01h40min

    We are so happy to introduce our new team of seasoned astrologers to you!  They've all had extensive astrology training prior to joining us, and now they've completed their starseed astrology training.  They've been doing a fantastic job with us for over 6 months now, helping to reduce our waiting time for readings.  Now they're ready to offer more of their services with our Stage 2 readings, which are the live sessions.  We're fortunate that they each have something unique to bring to starseeds, and as we introduce them to you, they'll talk about their individual strengths that can help you get to the next level.  Since we've just given them the additional training for doing the live sessions, they don't have waiting lists yet.  You can visit our site: and then click on their page to read about their work.  We have Carol, Emerald, Miyara and Riley joining us tonight, and we are so proud of the work they're doing, empowering starseeds to better serve the planet.  Since Lavanda

  • The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac

    17/02/2021 Duration: 01h50min

    This is the ultimate field guide to the 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe. ET enthusiast Craig Campobasso explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species. The species fall into two categories: 1) benevolent races, which function as the guardians of humanity, whose goals include helping people overcome duality, healing, and protecting; and 2) malevolent races, which are responsible for abductions, cloning, and ultimately domination. This intergalactic expose will entertain all those interested in UFOs, aliens, ETs. Sci-fi and fantasy fans of the Marvel universe; Star Trek, Star Wars, and other popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens; Roswell, and Project Blue Book will love this book as it delves deeply into who the real extraterrestrials are and what they want with the people of Earth. Craig Campobasso has been one of our favorite guests since he first introduced our

  • The Ringing Rocks of Atlantis

    03/02/2021 Duration: 01h36min

    Since 2007 a fulltime resident of southern France, a.k.a. Cathar Country, Jeanne D'Août is not only an author, but also a tour guide in southern France and tour organizer in Greece, and a passionate photographer and producer at PanOccitania Media. Since early childhood she enjoyed studying the lost history of civilization, the first centuries of Christianity, Gnosis and Mysticism. With her adventure novels, which were published worldwide in English, she has already drawn many people to beautiful Occitania, France, with its many mysteries, forgotten history and stunning Lord of the Ring-like landscapes.  In 2012 she was interviewed for a world famous TV documentary called "Himmler and the Holy Grail", giving her a page on IMDb.  In 2019 she was involved as a guide for the successful History Channel documentary series 'The Lost Relics of the Knights Templar' (episode four).  Again in 2020 she was part of the second series for History Channel, explaining several secrets at the Cave at Galamus.  Jeanne has been a

  • From Lavandar's Vault: Trickster

    20/01/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    Lavandar wanted to fully understand every aspect of the trickster energy, to help starseeds not be taken in, so she told her colleagues aboard the ship to bring demonstrations so she could learn firsthand.  They complied.  In retrospect, she didn't know that she would spend the next 19 years having every kind of trickster come to 'mess with her'.  Thanks to her fortitude and unparalleled discernment, her hard earned understanding allows the rest of us now have a guide book of sorts to recognize when we're under the influence of a trickster.  Many of us are somewhat blind in that way, giving trust where it is not merited.  She has defined the various types in great detail in her journal, and has recorded this information for our show this evening.  We first aired this in our earlier shows years ago, but with all that's happening in the world, it seems more relevant than ever.  You can read more of Lavandar's work in our Vault of Knowledge on our main site: At the top

  • Wellness Modern Recovery Spa

    06/01/2021 Duration: 01h24min

    Anand Sukhadia is a first-generation American of Indian Descent. Being around Allopathic and Holistic Health Practioners throughout his upbringing , Anand knew his calling was in bridging together the best values of East and Western worlds and do it with a spiritual and holistically health-related flare. Anand is the Founder & Director at Wellness Modern Recovery Spa located in Jersey City, Jersey. is an eco-modern wellness sanctuary that marries ancient healing knowledge with modern innovative technology. has been named as the Best Breakout Business in Jersey City in its 1st year and is the most unique wellness experience on the east Coast of the United States. In just under 3 years, they have aided over 6000 individuals in stress management, athletic recovery, and lowering inflammation through their unique suite of holistic health modalities.  ( Anand is also the host of the Limitless One Podcast, a conversational platform that interviews individuals living a limitles

  • Mary Magdalene: Revelations from a First Century Avatar

    23/12/2020 Duration: 01h48min

    Gloria Amendola is an author and intuitive with a passion for esoteric knowledge and the hidden history of the Divine Feminine, especially the story of Jesus & Mary Magdalene. She has facilitated over 300 Magdalene Circles in the States, France, England and Wales. She teaches the Holy Grail Mysteries and their connection to the secret destiny of America.  Amendola is a trained group facilitator with a specialty in Dreams and Soul Recovery. She is a Reiki Master, and an accomplished shamanic drummer.  She was trained on the Chiren light instrument, and uses other cutting-edge disciplines in her energy work.  Gloria recently re-released her original play, “Magdalene’s Mind,” a script that was showcased in New York City and Seattle. She has written 2 esoteric thrillers and published a popular channeled trilogy called “Mary Magdalene: Revelations from a First Century Avatar.”  Gloria’s travels bring her to sacred sites worldwide, following in the footsteps of the Ancient Ones, and to experience powerful lands

  • Soul Speak with Erika Elmuts

    09/12/2020 Duration: 01h31min

    Erika’s awakening began when she personally experienced her own healing of an "incurable" disease, which ignited a passion for sharing with others the incredible power of the human body to heal itself through physical, emotional and spiritual practices.  She left the corporate world in early 2002 to launch her mission work which has expanded into multiple areas, including quantum healing, conscious parenting, channeling galactic guidance and intuitive tarot.  She is currently serving her global audience of lightworkers and other Starseeds through her popular YouTube channel with over 14 million views, and newly launched podcast Soul Speak with Erika Elmuts where she is focused on the ascension of The Divine Feminine & Masculine, soul growth & shadow work, and guiding lightworkers and Starseeds to stay in their light during this shift into the New Earth frequencies.  Erika has written for The New York Times, and appeared on The Ricki Lake Show, The Insider, Entertainment Tonight and NBC’s Today Show on

  • Sky Lore Anthology with Julie Loar

    25/11/2020 Duration: 01h50min

    “Twenty-five years in the corporate world convinced me that ancient ways of knowing can enhance and empower the lives of modern people through understanding the language of cycles and universal archetypes.”   After a near-death experience in Mexico, Julie Loar pursued her lifelong interest in angels, dreams, mythology, space travel and other dimensions through an intensive study of metaphysics, while climbing the corporate ladder in two major companies. Focusing on symbols, mythology, Astrology, Tarot, Qabalah, and dreams, Julie has been a spiritual teacher and counselor since 1975.  She has led thirteen sacred journeys to Egypt. Julie is the author of "'Messengers", co-author of "The Hidden Power Of Everyday Things", and the award-winning, "Tarot & Dream Interpretation". Her latest book, "Goddesses For Every Day:  Exploring The Wisdom & Power Of The Divine Feminine Around The World", has won five national awards. Her books have been translated into several languages. Julie is a frequent speaker, ra

  • The Magic of Why

    11/11/2020 Duration: 01h25min

    Lynne Hardin has been walking in two worlds since 1994 after a life changing automobile accident. Spending three days in a coma; prognosis being she would never walk or talk again given the MRI… she did survive. Her short-term memory was gone; and it took several years to start connecting the dots. The Magic of Why© process was given to her as a way to restore her condition. The Magic of Why© process has now been used by individuals, families, groups and businesses to intentionally move into a model of love, acceptance and abundance… rather than the traditional hierarchal model of fear, exclusion and lack. If we are to succeed as a species we must Love, Trust, Care, Share and Allow. Lynne has lived this spiritual knowing because of the accident… while having to operate in the hierarchical man-made illusion that there is not enough…. Being number ONE is the goal… it is a model that must be changed if our species and our planet is to survive. No longer will Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger and Violence be acceptable. 

  • Jampha CBD and Terpenes

    27/10/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    The doctors told Trinn Allen that he would never run again. His ankle was badly broken and giving him chronic, daily pain for which he was prescribed over 16 different medications and put on disability. Moreover, he was told he would need to have his ankle fused in a few years. After 5 years, unable to work and stuck in a never ending cycle of pain, Trinn pleaded with the Universe to help him heal. In that moment, he committed that in return for the wisdom to find his own healing he would spend the rest of his pain free life sharing this knowledge with as many others as would listen. Within two weeks, Trinn was led to find CBD and other plant medicines. Within two years he was medication-free, and now 3 years later he is pain free and lives a normal pain-free life. Through a plethora of synchronistic experiences, this commitment to serve others has led to his life’s path: healing with plant medicine, and specifically Cannabinoids and Terpenes found in Hemp. Jampha’s vision is to hold the energy of a collectiv

  • From Lavandar's Vault: Crack Between the Worlds

    13/10/2020 Duration: 01h22min

    Crack Between the Worlds is Lavandar's story of how her ET colleagues first revealed the work she was to do in bringing the Star Marking codes to Earth, did a demonstration about Walk-Ins, and her connection with George Van Tassel, who who was another early contactee. George is known for building the Integratron near Giant Rock in California.  This story is the pivotal point in her mission, and the foundation of the beginning of her work.   She describes all the 'high strangeness' that occurred during that time and the prophecy she was given about Giant Rock cracking in two.  That would be her signal to release the Light information, which she has been doing through this radio show and her work with her clients.  Caution - do not listen to this episode while driving, because many people have reported physical reactions to hearing it.  We replay this episode every few years for those new listeners who may not have heard it, and even those who have still hear something they missed before.  Her website is: https

  • Crystals and Fractal Expressions

    29/09/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    Nicole Barrs is an artist, energy worker, planetary crystal grid balancer and energy conduit for the new frequencies coming into the planet. Born under the Dark of the Moon, with a strong connection to Neptune in the 12th house, her Aries Sun, Pisces Moon & Sagittarius rising placements have supported her in uncovering her soul’s purpose in this life.  From a young age, she knew she was different from others around her. She found Lavandar's Discovery of Star Markings in 2011, attending her first quest in 2012. Since then she has experienced profound energetic events, traveled to sacred sites planting Giza crystals, cleared disruptive energy in Masonic buildings with sound and ceremony, and most recently opened her online shop Fractal Expressions, offering her art and powerful optically clear Arkansas Quartz, Colombian Quartz & Lemurian crystals for people to work with.  After her QHHT session with Suzanne Spooner in early 2020, profound information came through which she followed, leading her to be co

  • Ignite Your Feminine Sovereignty Now

    15/09/2020 Duration: 01h32min

    Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job as the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not built to work for anyone else. Since then, Dr. Ostara has become a Certified Human Design Specialist (Level 4), a Certified Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, and a highly sought after teacher-mentor. She teaches high-achieving women how to develop their personal sovereignty, to activate their innate super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success in favor of their own.  Her topic tonight is: Ignite Your Feminine Sovereignty Now: Become Powerful and Influential on Your Own Terms to Give Your Highest Contribution and Experience Profound Joy and Deep Satisfaction.  She’s the creator of the Soul Signature Self Awareness Project, the Wheel of Power of the Visionary Entrepreneur, and over 20 educational programs focused on building soul-inspired businesses that positively impact the world. She’s hosted 5 multi-speaker online conferences, and

  • On the WIngs of My Dragonfly author Maria Reynolds

    01/09/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    Maria Garay Reynolds is an Artist, Author, Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Reverend, and Psychic Intermediary. Maria has had many art shows around the country, and also has taught in many cities about being Intuitive: what it is and how to recognize who you are.  She always knew she was born a Star Seed person. It would take years to fully understand she was from a Pleiadian family. It took many years of many classes and courses in college to help her understand her talents, to figure out those feelings of knowing she carried for so many years.  Her latest book,"On the Wings of My Dragonfly" speaks of  the power that we bring to earth, when we learn about Star Seed, and our other Star families in the universe, who are our ancestors. That is when you discover why you are so different, with many talents to help earth.   Check out her website: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest to starseeds not heard in the main stream!

  • Intentional Molecular Creation

    18/08/2020 Duration: 01h41min

    Jewels, the Founder and Creator of Eternal Gold High Frequency Skincare, understands that you are not living your best life unless you are moving into your Highest Potential. With over 23 years as a vibrational therapist and intuitive counselor, Jewels was guided to create a gateway system using ORMUS Elements and Scalar Frequencies to Elevate humanity to the NEXT level of Human Evolution. Her goal is to provide products, sessions and workshops that will reverse and prevent degeneration, upgrade genetics and expand consciousness using cutting edge delivery systems that advance human potential. Her life has been in Co-Creation with the Council of Light to bring to humanity a method of intentional molecular creation, so each of us has the power to code to the NEW Human. WE are Becoming what is NEXT by raising cellular intelligence, reprogramming genetics and elevating beyond the 3D limitations. Jewels was given a process of coding cellular intelligence she calls DECU (Dermal Expression Cellular Upgrade). DECU i

  • Chakra Empowerment for Women author Lisa Erickson

    04/08/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    Lisa Erickson is an energy worker specializing in women's energetics and sexual trauma healing, and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women from Llewellyn Publishing. She helps women maximize and balance their energy during key life transits such as pregnancy, post-partum, perimenopause and menopause, including balancing the mother-child energy line.  She also works with women to heal emotional wounds on an energy level from abuse and assault.  She is certified in mindfulness meditation instruction and trauma sensitivity, and has trained in a variety of healing modalities. She is a member of the International Association of Meditation Instructors, the American Holistic Health Association, the Energy Medicine Practitioners Association, and The Breathe Network, a non-profit dedicated to supporting holistic healing and healers for sexual trauma survivors. Lisa is passionate about helping any woman connect with their energy bodies. You can learn more on her websites:   and   http

  • It's My LIfe, Too! Caregiver Dave Nassaney

    21/07/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    Dave Nassaney is a speaker, syndicated radio host, life-coach and best-selling author of, “It’s My Life, Too! Thrive and Stay Alive as a Caregiver.” However, his most important role is caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene, who suffered a massive stroke in 1996 that left her severely speech-impaired and paralyzed on the right side.  Dave has recently appeared on 34 network morning shows from Washington DC to Hawaii, has shared the stage with Suzanne Somers at Harvard, and Caitlyn Jenner, at The Harvard Club of Boston, as well as the Nasdaq Market site in NYC. His membership website teaches caregivers how to not only survive, but to thrive with practical advice and tools to help them stay alive, since 30% of caregivers actually die before their loved one’s do, while many more become sicker than the ones they care for, eventually needing a caregiver themselves. There is also a higher incidence of suicide among caregiver.  The mission of Caregiver Dave’s membership website and syndicated radio show, heard in al

  • Australian Elders Prophecy for 2020 with Steven and Evan Strong

    07/07/2020 Duration: 01h19min

    In the words of our Australian guests, Steven and Evan Strong: Primarily, I am Original and was given ceremony with a task to inform the world of the true Original history and heritage using science, artifacts and bones. We are the first people, we traveled around the world in ancient times exporting our knowledge, magic and combined  Original/Pleiadean genes.  The reason the Elders decided to share our secrets and evidence is because there is a prophecy of a fundamental cleansing of the planet and humanity which begins at Uluru on the 21st of December, 2020, when the final ceremony will be given. It is their belief, and ours, that hidden at Uluru is a "magic box" which they will try and turn on. If successful, everything changes; if they fail, the Earth will take matters into its hands and cleanse itself and all that reside upon it. This is our last chance!  Some topics we can pursue include obviously the prophecy, the bones we have of a Pleiadean, Atlantean and Lemurian rings, sacred sites with Alien narra

  • Starseed Nation Ascension into 5D

    23/06/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    Shar Veda, an intuitive counselor, healer, writer, and channel was born on a Mother’s Day new moon with gifts of clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaudience, and a heart for humor and service work. Shar has worked in health-healing and media-publishing for 25 years. She has published over 100 articles on health, wellness, and high vibration self-care in national magazines like American Spa and Mother Earth Living, served as a health counselor to at risk teen girls, as yoga therapist to low income kids, and as trusted lifestyle advisor, healer and confidante to elite private clients around the world.  Star Seed Nation Ascension into 5D is Shar Veda’s first book. Much of it was channeled living near Mount Shasta, the root chakra of Earth. Since then, Shar has moved to Pahoa, Hawaii and specializes in supporting those wanting to raise personal and planetary frequency move from fear to love with a unique blend of intuitive counsel, healing, Ayurveda, astrology and message retrieval.  Her style is to the point,

  • Dr. Chad Beauchamp: REPAIR your body and mind

    09/06/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    Dr. Chad Beauchamp is both a Doctor of Physical Therapy as well as a Board Certified Sports Specialist. He is owner and founder of REPAIR Sports Institute, located in Orange County California. In addition to consistently trying to improve the overall standard of practice at REPAIR and in the profession, Beauchamp travels both domestically and internationally with the US Olympic Beach Volleyball teams. He participates in NFL combine camps, NFL & MLB offseason training, PGA concierge treatment and injury prevention while also providing medical coverage for some of the nation’s best local high school sports. Dr. Beauchamp has made it his life's work consistently pushing the boundaries of western medicine. It is imperative that his practice combines both Eastern and Western medicine which is ultimately the balance of the masculine and feminine energies. Our eternal souls are only here on this planet for a short period of time and in order for us to live our best most fulfilled lives we must take care of our v

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