Starseed Radio Academy



Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet.Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar.Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.


  • Alchemy Guided by the Avatars

    22/12/2021 Duration: 01h27min

    Sandra Recchione is an alchemist who has been guided by Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Archangel MIchael and St. Germain in creating her Starseed Essences.  She also received the calling to become ordained in the Order of Melchizedek, working with Master Melchizedek in the higher realms.  It was St. Germain who appeared to her deep state transcendental meditation and told her to create these Essences using her collection of Crystal Andaras. These Andara essences carry the frequency of the Masters, angels and cosmic universal beings of light. The monatomic Andara Crystals were discovered by Nellie, a half-Choctaw Indian Medicine Woman, who was also a powerful shaman and healer. In 1967 a mineral deposit in Mount Shasta, the High Sierra Mountains of northern California, was discovered with monatomic minerals. We can find Gold, Silver, Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium, and Platinum in these minerals. This mineral complex can strengthen the energetic field of the human body, and it can restore health and bring balance to your

  • Star Being in the Mirror: My Journey as a Hybrid

    08/12/2021 Duration: 01h19min

    Jacquelin Smith, B.A., C.HT, is an internationally known star and animal communicator, light linguist and author who lives in Ohio. She’s been communicating with star beings, interdimensional beings, and animals since early childhood. Jacquelin has done private consults and taught classes for over 40 years. She communicates with a wide variety of star races:  Tall White Zeta Masters, Mantis beings, Arcturians, Zetas, Dolphins, Celestials, and many others.  She is the author of "Animal Communication: Our Sacred Connection with Animals", "Star Origins and Wisdom of Animals", and "Star Being in the Mirror: My Journey as a Hybrid". She has had many articles published in magazines and has been interviewed for a number of books. Jacquelin has done hundreds of radio and online interviews. She has also developed an E course, “How to Telepathically Communicate With Star Beings and Better Understand Who They Are.” Jacquelin offers light language sessions where star beings and other beings of light come through her to a

  • Astrological Weather Forecast and Starseed Hotline Expansion

    24/11/2021 Duration: 01h53min

    Big things are happening with planetary alignments, and we're excited to hear Riley's report on this!  Riley is one of our excellent team of astrologers at Starseed Hotline, and she has some great insights to help you navigate and benefit from knowing about these energies.  With the current chaotic energies of the third dimension, it's more important than ever for you to understand the bigger picture through astrology.  Riley's enthusiasm with this is contagious! We also have some exciting news about our expansion into publishing for Starseeds.  Arielle will talk about the upcoming books, written for Starseed empowerment for all ages.  We have so many starseeds waking up and searching for understanding, that we saw the need for a fast track galactic training handbook.  The first book will be available in less than two weeks, and it's focused on starseed children to help them put down their devices and reconnect with Mother Nature.  Lavandar will also be publishing information from her Vault, and we'll be tal

  • Extraterrestrial Species Almanac Documentary

    26/10/2021 Duration: 01h37min

    Craig Campobasso has a new project to make a documentary about his latest book, "The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac."  This is the ultimate field guide to 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe.  Craig  explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species.  The species fall into two categories: 1) benevolent races, which function as the guardians of humanity, whose goals include helping people overcome duality, healing, and protecting; and 2) malevolent races, which are responsible for abductions, cloning, and ultimately domination.  Craig has been a favorite guest here for years, and is an Emmy nominated casting director in Hollywood.  His short film, "Stranger at the Pentagon" about ET Valiant Thor's 3 year visit at the Pentagon has won several awards, and now he's making the ET Almanac into a documentary.  His books include "Autobiography of an ET Saga", and you can get

  • The Cosmic Candle

    05/10/2021 Duration: 01h23min

    Moorea is a Canadian born Galactic Mystic, Ordained High Priestess, Astrologer, Channeler and a Certified Dakini Of Tantra Education. She is also a Medical Clairvoyant, Crystal Reiki Master, a Multi-modality energy healer and a Certified Pandora Star Deep Trance Meditation Expert and owner of The Cosmic Candle brand and metaphysical shop. In 2012, Moorea had her spiritual awakening via a series of magical journeys with a Shaman which led to her connection with the Stars and her Andromedan & Pleiadian Star lineage.The Cosmic Candle is a Candle Magick, Ritual and Altar supplies shop for the modern day mystic based in Hawaii and online. We offer Custom Divination, Intuitive Readings, workshops, classes and various multi-modality Intuitive Energy Healing services. Our shop offers an extensive selection of intentional and eclectic candles, oils, herbs and incense etc for manifesting desired outcomes for the benefit of all. She's offering an ongoing discount on her site for our starseed listeners by entering th

  • Answering the Call of Your Spirit

    21/09/2021 Duration: 01h25min

    Heidi has been a practitioner in counselling, energy medicine techniques, and teaching for more than 30 years. She has achieved recognition as an expert in traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and healing the soul back to wholeness. Heidi believes that by supporting one person at a time to remember the light of their soul, this has a ripple effect within that person’s family and community that brings further illumination and peace.  Her book, Answering the Call of Your Spirit, was published in 2021 in Canada. Her most significant education has been through her world travels and learning from various Elders of different indigenous peoples who encouraged her to share the ways of returning home to one’s truth and one’s soul. Heidi has been given guidance and support from various Native Elders in Canada and the United States, and from many Elders in South America, Africa, Egypt, Israel, New Zealand and Australia. Heidi McBratney brings a depth of wisdom, insight, compassion, and encouragement that enables her to

  • Sparkle Shamelessly!

    07/09/2021 Duration: 01h29min

    Lainie Love Dalby is a Galactic Rainbow Shamaness on a passionate mission to free Human Spirits that have been told they’re either “too much” or “not enough” to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® for the good of all and step into their authentic power & sovereignty. She’s a direct descendant of the Celtic Shamans, Druids & Iceni Warrior Womenand a trailblazer of woman’s spirituality and empowerment, #1 bestselling author, transformational speaker and retreat facilitator, holy ceremonialist, shamanic healing artist, the cosmic creatrix of the new Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle and the founder of the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy that offers training for personal & planetary transformation. As a spiritual thought leader with her own flavor of multimedia ministry, she is using daring style, deep substance and Divine #SOULSPARKLE to dismantle old systems, ideas, and ways of being that promote separateness and limit our full (r)evolutionary potential, so that we can come wildly & unapologetically ALIVE. Ulti

  • Planetary Humanitarian Tara Keakahi Mu

    24/08/2021 Duration: 01h42min

    Tara Keakahi Mu is a galactic shaman, who has been actively unfolding her galactic missions on the planet since 2017. The remembrance, the activations, the galactic demonstrations, the timing and access to her cosmic bank accounts, the deep + intensive human meat suit work (deep personal work + true ownership of self), deepening in self love + true embodiment, while in a unique cosmic hermit like incubation, all led to her deep + clear knowingness of being a Truth Anchor for the planet: Enabling a completely different radio station than the current 3D radio station that people are tuning into, for the planet to Truly Be Free.  She has been called to different parts of the world, to unfold galactic assignments of all sorts, serving as a planetary humanitarian, which was a part of her galactic training into the upleveled "version" of being a galactic shaman for this New planetary transformation. She recently finished a 2+ year full time nomad assignment, after being galactically informed to put her things in st

  • The Mothers of UFO Statistics

    03/08/2021 Duration: 01h45min

    Cheryl Costa is a native and resident of upstate New York. She’s a two-service military veteran USAF & USN and a retired professional from the aerospace industry. Cheryl wrote the wildly popular UFO column “New York Skies” for Syracuse New Times newspaper (2013-2019).   She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at Empire State College in Entertainment Writing and Production.  She’s been a speaker at the International UFO Congress and the MUFON Symposium and many other UFO conferences. Cheryl and her wife Linda are UFO statisticians and have compiled the eye-opening statistical models of the UFO sighting phenomena in the United States and over 3100 counties.   From 2001 through 2020, Americans filed 167,632 UFO sighting reports. The United States averaged about 8382 per year, about 698 per month, about 161 per week and about 23 sighting reports per day.  In their most recent book, UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2020, Cheryl and Linda have compile

  • Fresh off the Starship

    20/07/2021 Duration: 01h27min

    Ann Crawford is a lightworker and an award-winning and bestselling author of six books with a couple more on the way. With her trademark optimism, her life-affirming books weave tales of love and intrigue that take readers on mystical journeys. Her characters live radiant lives touched by magic, an ability Ann believes we all have. In particular, she loves writing about Starseed subjects:       Fresh off the Starship: a romantic comedy about a starbeing sent to help humanity       Life in the Hollywood Lane: about an actor dealing with the suicide of her best friend, but also funny and quirky       Spellweaver: a mystical story about a healer during the Burning Times       Angels on Overtime: a romantic comedy about angels and the humans under their watch       Mary's Message: about Mary Magdalene and Yeshua       Visioning: about manifesting the life of your dreams Her books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Ann has traveled the world -- to all 50 states and 75 countries so far, inc

  • Starseed Quest Stories!

    06/07/2021 Duration: 01h40min

    We've been reuniting starseed soul families in Arkansas since 2012, and since then, the Starseed Quest has evolved into an intense 4 days of DNA activations as we facilitate starseeds in claiming their power. With each group, the energies climb higher to put starseeds on a fast track to complete their missions in assisting humanity through the shift into 5D. Each Quest is in alignment with powerful galactic timing. While each group is different, within each group are unmistakable patterns between the people who respond to the call at that time. It's remarkable and obviously the result of the 'unseen hands' of Pleiadeans at work, urging starseeds to gather like a galactic homing signal. Our Quest alumni keep coming back for another level up. It's wonderful for us to see their growth and development, getting stronger, clearer and more effective with each attendance. In this episode, you'll hear firsthand stories of the impact and success of our starseed gatherings. The Quest is like no other spiritual gathering

  • Modern Day Mystic Maureen St. Germain

    22/06/2021 Duration: 01h28min

    Maureen St. Germain is an internationally recognized transformational teacher, and best-selling author. Labeled a modern-day mystic in Famous Wisconsin Mystics, she has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. Maureen has taught in 24 countries, including China, Japan, Australia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Egypt, England, Scotland, Canada, Mexico and the US. She has also taught at the prestigious American centers Kripalu and Omega Institute.  Maureen is the author of five books, including the award winning and bestselling books, Waking Up in 5D and Opening the Akashic Records. The newly revised and updated edition of her best-selling book, Beyond the Flower of Life, is now available on Amazon. She is published in 11 languages. Maureen is also the composer and voice of dozens of guided meditations. Her passion is supporting individuals in their personal expansion and spiritual awakening. Visit her website: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed

  • The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac part 2

    08/06/2021 Duration: 01h43min

    This is the second part of Craig Campobasso's interview on the ultimate field guide to the 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe. Craig explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species. The species fall into two categories: 1) benevolent races, which function as the guardians of humanity, whose goals include helping people overcome duality, healing, and protecting; and 2) malevolent races, which are responsible for abductions, cloning, and ultimately domination. This intergalactic expose will entertain all those interested in UFOs, aliens, ETs. Sci-fi and fantasy fans of the Marvel universe; Star Trek, Star Wars, and other popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens; Roswell, and Project Blue Book will love this book as it delves deeply into who the real extraterrestrials are and what they want with the people of Earth.  Craig first introduced our audience to Valiant Thor, an E

  • Winged Aliens

    25/05/2021 Duration: 01h41min

    Margie Kay is the CEO and President of a forensic investigation company, Director of the OZ Inter-dimensional Communication Institute and president of Un-X Media. By night, Margie is a 40-year veteran UFO investigator, author, and musician. She also serves as Assistant State Director and Education Coordinator for Missouri MUFON, and as Director of the OZ Interdimensional Communication Institute. Margie is a licensed private investigator in Missouri and is the author of 14 books with more on the way. Margie is a trained psychic and paranormal investigator. She is clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant, and is known as an extreme psychic and remote viewer. She is a MUFON Star Team Investigator and has completed over 500 investigations for MUFON and over 1,200 UFO and para-normal investigations on her own.  Margie's new book, Winged Aliens discusses historic and current winged creature sightings that remain unexplained by conventional science. Sightings of Pterodactyls, Thunderbirds, Mothman, giant birds, and

  • Song of Atlantis

    11/05/2021 Duration: 01h31min

    Author Brian Power returns to our show with more about his book "Song of Atlantis" which is about the sustainability of the earth envisioned by well drawn characters — thinkers, scientists and explorers — led by an American Indian anthropologist, Gordon Tallbear. Three story lines are interwoven throughout the novel. It begins 12,500 years ago with Amon Goro, Master Architect of the advanced civilization of Atlantis, harnessing the earth’s forces in an unprecedented structure that will provide a perpetual and limitless source of clean energy to sustain the planet’s growing civilization.  They soon unravel the secrets of perpetual energy and plan to re-create this energy source to benefit the world.  In "Song of Atlantis", author Brian Power speculates that when the ancient civilization of Atlantis realized their island was in peril, they sent emissaries to all parts of the world in the hopes of imparting their knowledge to other, less enlightened cultures. This premise sets the stage for a riveting thriller t

  • The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception

    27/04/2021 Duration: 01h32min

    Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the United States and the United Kingdom. The founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School, she is the author of The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity.  Delving into one of the Virgin Mary’s forgotten gospels, the Infancy Gospel of James, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals a truth that has been suppressed for nearly two millennia: that Mother Mary was not a passive bystander to her own pregnancy but an advanced member of a sacred order of women trained in divine conception.  Unlocking the hidden codes of Mary’s gospel and other ancient source texts, the author reveals how Mary conceived Jesus through a careful process that she willed and initiated. She explains how Mary was born into a family of powerful priestesses, women who possessed, cultivated, and passed on the ability to consciously conceive eleva

  • Ghosts of Atlantis

    13/04/2021 Duration: 01h37min

    For almost a quarter-century, J. Douglas Kenyon was the editor and publisher of Atlantis Rising magazine. He is the author and editor of several books, including "Forbidden History" and "Forbidden Science", and the writer, producer, and narrator of several documentary films, including "Technologies of the Gods", "Clash of the Geniuses", and "The Atlantis Connection". He'll be talking about his new book, "Ghosts of Atlantis: How the Echoes of Lost Civilizations Influence Our Modern World".  Investigating the perennial myth of a forgotten fountainhead of civilization, J. Douglas Kenyon presents extensive physical and spiritual evidence of a lost great culture, the collective amnesia that wiped it from planetary memory, and the countless ways ancient catastrophes still haunt modern civilization. He explores evidence of advanced ancient technology, anomalous ancient maps, extraterrestrial influence, time travel, crystal science, and the true age of the Sphinx. He examines evidence of Atlantis in the Bible and anc

  • Healing to Activate Sovereignty

    30/03/2021 Duration: 01h26min

    Julie is Reiki trained and certified, levels I, II & III/Master.  She believes that all we are is energy and this moment is all that we have. As a mother guided by two beautiful daughters, a philanthropist, a volunteer, a citizen and steward of Mother Earth that we share, and community member she is humbly honored to realize her service as a healer. As a healer, Julie will meet you where you are with unconditional love. To walk with you, and support you in your healing into thriving along your spiritual journey, co-creating space within and without. Colorado has been home for almost 15 years. As a creator, commUnity member, entrepreneur, healer, mother, philanthropist, visionary, world explorer and traveler, she is guided to be of service to all living beings who are ready and willing to actively engage in their own healing and life purpose service work.  She is here to cocreate heaven on Earth with awakened starseeds. All of her past accomplishments are stories that are associated with them. This is now,

  • Healing and Empowerment Beyond Space and Time

    16/03/2021 Duration: 01h29min

    Kristi Borst is an integrative quantum healer and spiritual guide, born in alignment with Galactic Center. She offers healing and empowerment, utilizing her unique healing resonance and what Lavandar calls her “Universal Library Card’. Like many, Kristi was told to shut down her abilities as a small child,. Nearly 50 years later, a dramatic encounter with an American Bald eagle and what she feels were activations coinciding with the 2012 Mayan Calendar cessation allowed Kristi to release obsolete programming and claim her path. Join us as Kristi shares ancient wisdom and insights, facilitating our seeing/BEing beyond space and time. How can our challenges become opportunities, given a multidimensional perspective? How can karmic release, ancestral healing, and clearing and balancing the non-physical aspects of Self heal our bodies? How can we heal our present and step more fully into our Mission by stepping backward? Hers is a message of trusting your path and timeline, while opening to Higher Guidance and Se

  • Meet Our New Team of Astrologers

    03/03/2021 Duration: 01h40min

    We are so happy to introduce our new team of seasoned astrologers to you!  They've all had extensive astrology training prior to joining us, and now they've completed their starseed astrology training.  They've been doing a fantastic job with us for over 6 months now, helping to reduce our waiting time for readings.  Now they're ready to offer more of their services with our Stage 2 readings, which are the live sessions.  We're fortunate that they each have something unique to bring to starseeds, and as we introduce them to you, they'll talk about their individual strengths that can help you get to the next level.  Since we've just given them the additional training for doing the live sessions, they don't have waiting lists yet.  You can visit our site: and then click on their page to read about their work.  We have Carol, Emerald, Miyara and Riley joining us tonight, and we are so proud of the work they're doing, empowering starseeds to better serve the planet.  Since Lavanda

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