Where We Talk About All the Topics You're Supposed to Avoid On First Dates and Holiday Dinners
CAS 028: Kindly Kill Yourself
15/07/2016 Duration: 55minSummary: In this episode we discuss the recent developments in the curious case of Hillary Clinton, along with the ethics of influence. Is your abuela completely unlovable? Will the administration ever truly go after one of their own? Also, what kind of responsibility does one have for encouraging someone to kill themselves or others? Lastly, we finally get down to addressing the important issues: how big is a "big turkey"? FInd out the answers to all these questions and the true origins of queso! Did New York City invent this podcast? Let us know by emailing us at the email address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Mayor Bill de Blasio CIty Hall New York, NY 10007 or on Twitter at: @nycgov.
CAS 027: The New Religion of Bunk Nutrition (With Julia Jarrell)
05/07/2016 Duration: 46minSummary: In this episode we are joined by Julia Jarrell, registered dietitian, biotechnologist, and (loving?) wife to the more charming of our hosts! Forget the lesser, we try to get to the bottom of who is the the greater of two evils! We also talk women in STEM, nutrition science, and Gaston's neck. Finally, is pseudoscience a religion? Is it a plague upon the left? What does all this have to do with the tv show Lost? Can anyone provide a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for cookie-ness? Do you like to get Double Stuffed in the weekends? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Michael Pollan 12 Western Avenue Petaluma, California 94952 (707) 773-0654 or on Twitter at: @thefoodbabe.
CAS 026: Gunning For the Gun Control
13/06/2016 Duration: 01h04minSummary: In this episode, Colin and Evan start by waxing poetic about the finer points of what qualifies as a donut and what qualifies merely as a fritter. They then move into questions of proper toilette admission depending on one's genitalia, and finally wonder: what exactly qualifies as an arsenal of guns, and if you have one, are you a danger to society? Do you have an arsenal of weapons you're just itching to pull the trigger on? Tell us all about it by hitting us up on the email address or the Twitter handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence 805 15TH STREET NW, SUITE 700 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 or on Twitter at: @CSGV.
CAS 025: Grilled Chicken with a Side of Guilt
27/05/2016 Duration: 55minSummary: In this episode, Colin and Evan start by telling each other offensive jokes then move onto the green party and their strange new preoccupation with defending homeopathic pseudo-science. Finally, for the Hot Topic of the Show, they discuss all the various reasons you should probably stop eating factory farmed animals, but why wild game is...well..fair game. Do you have trouble cutting out the sweet taste of innocence and suffering from your diet like Colin does? Tell us all about it by hitting us up on the email address or the Twitter handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: The Green Party of the United States PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013 202.319.7191 or on Twitter at: @drjillstein.
CAS 024: Wealth Inequality? Yes, Please!
20/05/2016 Duration: 01h07minSummary: In this episode we discuss all the various reasons you almost certainly don't know what your talking about when you talk about the dismal science. Have any interest in hearing ALL the right answers? Find them in this episode! by emailing us at the address on the About page or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Berkshire Hathaway Attn: Warren Buffett 3555 Farnam St. Omaha, NE 68131. or on Twitter at: @warrenbuffett.
CAS 023: Trump is for Real: A Billionaire’s Astounding Story of his Trip to the White House and Back
07/05/2016 Duration: 01h25minSummary: In this episode we discuss the post-Trumpification political landscape. With the now rapidly decaying head of Ted Cruz serving as a ornament on the hood of his car, speeding down the populist superhighway to FingerOnTheButtonsville, what are the odds of a Trump presidency? Are we counting Trump out, or will his hopes of shtupping a supermodel on the floor of the Lincoln bedroom be dashed upon the rocks of glory by none other than Hillary "The Super-Predator" Clinton? We also dig deep into the important ways that evolution is like a market. Finally, we speculate about our odds of getting into Heaven. As the Bible says, "it's easier for Trump to pass through the office of the presidency than it is for Colin to get into Heaven." What do Evan and Saint Peter (Heretofore referred to as "Gabriel") have in common? FInd out in this episode! by emailing us at the address on the About page or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mai
CAS 022: What Could Be Greater Than Golf With A Socialist?
01/05/2016 Duration: 53minSummary: In this episode we discuss libertarianism, socialism, and the Nordic model. We weigh in on the debate playing out between Jacobin and the New Yorker. What counts as progress, and how do we make it? Do libertarians have a class conception? Is there anyway to hold power accountable? How much good could a good chuck chuck if a good chuck could chuck good? We're obviously asking the important questions here people, so listen up! Have an important question for us? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or hit us on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Jacobin Magazine 388 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 or on Twitter at: @_KennyRogers. Notes: 1. Gator Golf Commercial [VIDEO] 2. Kenny Rogers [VIDEO] 3. Teddy Ruxpin Commercial [VIDEO] 4. Howdy Doody Show Intro [VIDEO] 5. Soviets Feared AIDS, Jewish People & Reagan (In That Order) 6. Reagan Son Claims Dad Had Alzheimer's As President 7. Nancy Reagan &
CAS 021: Fun With Anti-Natalism!
22/04/2016 Duration: 29minSummary: Another week another mulligan! Between the flooding in Houston and Colin going out of town, we missed another recording session. Instead, we bring your our discussion from an episode of the Honest Liars Podcast in which we discuss the sexy new anti-natalism movement. Look out Freudians, there's a whole new reason to resent your mother! Is it immoral to ever have kids or just to bring them to the movies? Is it just your life that is full of misery and suffering or is it the human condition? Find out the answers to these questions and discover how much of a gentle ribbing the notoriously fun-loving anti-natalists can take in this episode! Want to give us a gentle ribbing? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: David Benatar Philosophy Department University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 South Africa or on Twitter at: @antinatalism.
CAS 020: How is Fascism like Pornography?
16/04/2016 Duration: 55minSummary: In this episode we discuss fascism. Is Trump a fascist? If so, why are so many (some) libertarians endorsing him? Is our inability to define fascism giving the left a free-pass? We talk identity politics, apples, and that guy (Colin) in the grocery line. Find out the answers to all of these questions and what Mussolini has in common with Ron Jeremy. As you can see, this one was a real rambler! Think you can name three different kinds of apples? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Headquarters 725 Fifth Avenue Manhattan New York City, New York 10022 or on Twitter at: @Nero. P.S. Boston Market sucks. Notes:
CAS 019: Augustine on the Jihad of Scientology – Genocide, Caliphates, and What It Might Really Mean to Clear the Planet
10/04/2016 Duration: 01h48minSummary: In this episode, we are again joined by Jeffrey Augustine, host of Surviving Scientology Radio and author of The Scientology Money Project. Can the profit motive save us from a scientology genocide? Should this summary have eased in to that question? Probably. We talk texts, interpretation, and Scientology sharia. To cap it all off, we try to get to the bottom of the Church of Scientology's relationship with the Nation of Islam. We didn't land on Teegeeack, Teegeeack landed on us! Want to rid us of body thetans? Have your people get with our people at the email address on the About page or hit us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: John Travolta P.O. Box 3560 Santa Barbara CA 93130 or on Twitter at: @TomCruise. Notes: 1. L. Ron Hubbard - Science of Survival 2. Scientology Tone Scale 3. L. Ron Hubbard - Dianetics 4. Operation Snow White 5. Tony Ortega - The Unbreakable Miss Lovely 6. The International Association
CAS 018: Special Announcement + Matthew O’Neil thinks God’s Favorite Movie May Be TopGun
05/04/2016 Duration: 01h11minSummary: In this episode, well...we aren't really in this episode...well...Colin is. It's hard to explain. Put simply, due to some complications, this week isn't an original episode. You see we are hard at work on another episode for you guys. Don't worry; we haven't abandoned you. In fact, mommy and daddy will be back on Thursday with a fresh 2-hour long interview with Jeff Augustine. And today, we are rebroadcasting an enlightening interview Colin and the Honest Liars crew did with Matthew O'Neil. So enjoy that in the meantime. Angry at our continual incompetence and poor punctuality on publishing fresh content? Tired of Colin recycling previous achievements and resting on his (let's face it, unimpressive) laurels? Mail us at: Colin Aulds 123 Get Over It Ln carelessville, FU 93415 or on Twitter at: @colinaulds. Notes: What? We look like note takuhs ta you? What are you; the gestapo or sumthin'? Get outta here!
CAS 017: You’ve Got to Fight For Your Right to Maximize Flourishing
27/03/2016 Duration: 01h16minSummary: Sorry for the lateness of this week's episode. There were some serious technical difficulties that prevented us from publishing until now. In this episode we discuss metaethics and the problem of political authority. Which came first: the consequences, or the rights? Would living in anarchy be anarchy? How do our ethics inform our politics, and what does morality mean when doing rights feels oh-so-wrong? Find out the answers to these questions, or don't, in this episode, and learn more than you'd ever prefer to know about the genitalia of snakes! Want to send us your ophiological dick-pics? Email or tweet us at the address or handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Bernard Sanders 332 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 or on Twitter at: @ReptileFacts.
CAS 016: Jeffrey Augustine on the Big Business of Scientology
18/03/2016 Duration: 01h06minSummary: In this episode we talk to Jeffrey Augustine, host of Surviving Scientology Radio and author of The Scientology Money Project. How does the church do business? Why is it tax exempt? How are people recruited into Scientology, and why is Colin such an S.P.? We find out the answers to all these questions and attempt to understand the wild world of proprietary demons. Can you recall the moment of the pinch? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Citizens Commision on Human Rights 403 E Ben White Blvd Austin, TX 78704 or on Twitter at: @Scientology. Notes: Jeffrey Augustine: Twitter: @Big_Bang_Writer Amazon: What Caused the Big Bang? The Scientology Money Project Surviving Scientology Radio Email: scienowriter[at]gmail[dot]com
CAS 015: Is Hillary Clinton the Ideal Conservative?
11/03/2016 Duration: 56minSummary: In this episode we dig deep into the fruit salad of life. We talk Hillary Clinton and the insane implosion the Republican party. Is the current conservative coalition sustainable? What might a post-Trump political landscape look like? Why is Hillary Clinton so totally unlovable? Why is Ben Carson so delightfully incoherent? Do you have some delightfully incoherent things to tell us? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the about page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. A always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Benjamin Carson, M.D. 305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 310 Towson, MD 21204 or on Twitter at: @HillaryClinton.
CAS 014: Defending the Cult of Privacy & Challenging Sam Harris
03/03/2016 Duration: 01h12minSummary: In this episode we breakdown Sam Harris’ defense of the FBI in the ongoing FBI v Apple case. We thought it best to consult the experts, so we invited on Ruben Somsen and Ali Beikverdi to sort things out for us. Ruben Somsen and Ali Beikverdi co-founded the Seoul Bitcoin Meetup and Ali also founded the company Bitholla, a social payment app. In Orson Welles’ 1958 classic, Touch of Evil, Charlton Heston’s character tells us, “A policeman’s job is only easy in a police state.” Is this simply a mantra of those inhabiting a cult of privacy? Is the mind a warrant-proof room? Is the Consigliere a meaningful check on the Don’s powers? Is it fair that some people are tall enough to reach the top shelf while others aren’t? Find out the answers to these questions and hear us struggle to come up with ever newer and worse analogies in this episode! Do you have your own completely unproductive analogy to contribute to the conversation on encryption? Let us know by email us at the address on the About page, or hit
CAS 013: Adel Zayat On the True Origin of ISIS
27/02/2016 Duration: 01h31minSummary: In this episode we talk to our good friend Adel Zayat! He is a Syrian who witnessed the Arab Spring firsthand in Syria and Egypt. He was engaged in humanitarian efforts when he fled Syria under political pressure from the Assad regime. We talk to him about Syria, the refugee crisis, Islam, apostasy, and more! What is it like being a secular atheist in the war-torn Middle East? What can the U.S. do to help? FInally, why so Syria-s? DO you have a horrible and untimely pun you would like to tell us? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Embassy of Syria 2215 Wyoming Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 or on Twitter at: @KremlinRussia_E. Notes: Ayaan Hirsi Ali Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Infidel
CAS 012: Ashley Frawley Wants to Turn Your Grin Upside Down!
18/02/2016 Duration: 01h13minSummary: In this episode we talk to Ashley Frawley, lecturer in sociology & social policy at Swansea University and author of The Semiotics of Happiness. We discuss this book and so much more! Is Bobby McFerrin the opiate of the masses? Why is the left so dysfunctional? Is there any value in us laboring over The Labor Theory of Value? Find out the answers to these questions, and hear us tell Epicurus to shove it up his ass! Do you have something you'd like to shove up our asses? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Thekchen Choeling P.O. McLeod Ganj Dharamsala Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) 176219 India or on Twitter at: @MartinShkreli. Notes: 1. Michel Foucault - Discipline & Punish 2. Paul Bloom - Against Empathy 3. Paul Bloom & Sam Harris - The Virtues of Cold Blood 4. Emile Durkheim 5. Maslow's Hierarchy of
CAS 011: Sarah Haider & Mohammad Syed Have a Bone to Pick With Regressives
12/02/2016 Duration: 01h07sSummary: In this episode Colin interviews Sarah Haider and Mohammad Syed of Ex-Muslims of North America. Actually... this is just a rebroadcast from Colin's other podcast, The Honest Liars. We were having issues this week (more so than usual), and we weren't able to record, but this is even better than what we would have done anyway! He, Gabriel, and Adam talk to Sarah and Mohammad about Islam, Apostasy, Atheism, and more. Check it out! We'll be back again with all new material next week when we interview sociologist Ashley Frawley! How has our failure to produce novel material made you feel? Let us know by hitting us up at the email address on the About page, or on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: CAIR Headquarters 453 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20003 or on Twitter at: @ggreenwald.
CAS 010: We’re Gonna Make Them Pay For It!
05/02/2016 Duration: 54minSummary: In this episode we discuss the latest episode of the Rubin Report (w/ Areva Martin) and intervention! Who is Oscar, and why is he so white? Has anyone ever seen Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the same place at the same time? Who should the U.S. invade and kill? Find out the answers to these questions and discover the solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict in this episode! Have your own solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America 3505 International Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 U.S.A. or on Twitter at: @SenSanders. Notes: 1. Honest Liars Podcast - Interview with James Lindsay (Part 1) 2. Honest Liars Podcast - Interview with James Lindsay (Part 2) 3. Douglas J. Amy - Government is Good 4. Dave Rubin - Larry Elder Inter
CAS 009: Walter Block Wants Us All to Take a NAP!
28/01/2016 Duration: 55minSummary: In this episode we talk to Walter Block, the Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics at Loyola University New Orleans, and the author of several books. We discuss his books Defending the Undefendable pt. I & II., The Privatization of Roads and Highways, and Differing Worldviews in Higher Education. Why not litter? Should we privatize the roads? Why is Colin bathing with a rubber ducky? Find out the answers to these questions, and discover which academic is an alternate for the U.S. Olympic Dressage Team. Want to blackmail us? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Paul Krugman Department of Economics Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School Princeton, NJ 08544 or on Twitter at: @USEquestrian. Notes: 1. Austrian Economics 2. Walter Block & William Barnett - Continuums 3. Vagueness Problem 4. Shouting Fire in a Crowded T