Conrad Rocks

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 404:55:45
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I talk about how to get closer spiritually to the biblical Jesus. I discuss what it means to "walk after the Spirit" and to have a relationship with God. My experiences and scriptural exploration will help you to Know Jesus - and not just know about Him.


  • Follow the Spirit and Not Emotions part 1

    01/12/2018 Duration: 19min

    We can easily begin following emotions such as fear, anger, and guilt. Following the Spirit is biblical. Matt 6:33 seeking God first; Following spirit and not emotions; Fear, anger, and guilt should not motivate us; Casting down vain imaginations 2 Cor 10:3-5; Devil works in emotions and rationale; Bring our thoughts under the Word; Gen 4:7 emotion rose up and caused murder; James 4:7 submit to God; Root of bitterness Hebrews 12:14; The Spirit rules over even hunger; Dwelling on the thought causes us to act upon it; Isaiah 26:3 keeping our mind on the Word; Joshua 1:8 speaking and meditating on God for success; Matt 4 and Luke 4 Spirit wielding Sword; Moving away from hell vs toward God; Seek God diligently Hebrews 11:6; Martha did good stuff, Mary did what was needful;

  • Missionary to Africa part 4 - Persecution

    24/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Continuing the interview with Glenn Roseberry - Persecution. The names and countries are kept secret for safety purposes; Many people per square mile; Armed forces and their solutions; Radical Islam - Al Shabaab; House churches in Muslim areas; Dressing according to local culture; Staggered walking approach; Saved from gangs ; The dangers of shaving; Attacked for having a bible; Kidnapping and murder; Beaten and tortured; Dangers of crossing borders; Christians turning Christians into government; Machine gun fire; Police arresting people by the hundreds; Young girls kidnapped and married; Forced conversions to Islam; Housing needed for young girls;

  • Missionary to Africa part 3 - Witchcraft , Islam, and the Internet

    23/11/2018 Duration: 24min

    Continuing the interview with Glenn Roseberry - Missionary to Africa. Internet, Power, Spiritual warfare and a success story. Internet and Electricity; Going into town to charge phone; Solar Panel and sharing; Leading the world in phone banking; Spiritual warfare and child abductions; Witchcraft and prosperity; The police and getting 'disappeared'; Islam and witchcraft; Muslim coming to Christ; Luke 10 person of peace; Becoming a man;

  • Missionary to Africa part 2 - Daily Life

    22/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    What is a day in the life of a Christian Missionary in Rural Africa? First podcast ; House churches among the persecuted; Living in a goat stall to building a house; Elephants and other wildlife ; The Luke 10 Evangelism model; Chores on the Farm; Daily sharing of faith; Witch doctors and demonic influences; Ignoring distractions for the Kingdom; Exercise and food; Flouride and malaria; No gender mixing; Roles of women and men; Medical supplies and logistics; Addressing hygiene issues; The cost of medical care; Prosperity gospel and scams; Day to day discipleship; Having the same problems as Paul did;

  • Back to Basics in Christianity

    17/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    We can stray away from the fundamentals of Christianity at times. We need to get back to the basics. My blog was about national repentance 2 Chron 7:14; Fundamentals are important in football and God; The prophetic football dream ; Disciplining ourselves to write our dreams down; Some major revelations are fundamental Christianity; Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning; Loving God above all else is fundamental; Dad terminally diagnosed to the exact day; Panic attacks because I relied on dad and not God; Hollywood chews up and spits out wholesome people; Believe- 'Pisteuo' means to 'rely upon' John 3:16; Seeking God in Spirit and Truth; Seeking the Spirit of God by meditating on the Word; God came through for groceries miracle; God came through on rent miracle; God's plan for salvation is bigger than me; My prophetic phone; Seeking God in Spirit and in Truth;

  • Ocean Springs Speaks - State of the Church

    10/11/2018 Duration: 34min

    Interviewing the people of Ocean Springs on what they think about the current state of the church. Going to an art festival but never made it; Getting shut down for interviews; An elderly navy man opines about the church; Politics and religion; People in Military need bibles; A church problem? or a family problem? ; Moms in the workforce and school dropouts; HomeSchooling mom interview; The word of God needs preeminence in the church; We don't need fancy lights or fog machines; Monologue verses dialogue; Arrive at Art festival with lots of people; Military Lady opines about the church; The church is divided; The focus should be on Jesus; Bible not opinions; One on one discipleship not one to many; The Spirit and worship; Unbelievers refused to opine; Man on park bench opines; We the people are the church; Staying connected to the vine; Shares his testimony overcoming drugs; 68-year-old lady ignored on HWY 90;

  • Glenn Roseberry Testimony

    03/11/2018 Duration: 57min

    Glenn Roseberry was once a successful businessman in America. He left all that to live with the poor people of Africa. I had to find out why. Salvation and pretty girls; The monumental time of repentance; Getting pulled out of speech class; Falling away after a business failure; Hearers verses doers - Rock vs Sand; Successful business once again; Jeff the Memphis Missionary Mentor; Worldly Christian and the spiritual tug; Impacted by the lives of the early church; The Radical teachings of Jesus; Taking to heart - Loving the 'least of these'; Juanita and the Porsche; The radical change to be a Kingdom Christian; Frustration with making disciples; The radical restructuring; Encountering Jesus while jogging; God speaks about Africa; The scammer in the airport; Leading Muslims to Jesus; Running across naked ladies; Sharing 8 minutes in a crusade; Manifestations of demons and salvations; Links:

  • Transforming Prayer

    27/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    I have been praying in Word and Spirit over the last few weeks and I have some revelation about transforming our prayer life. Pray first two lines of Lord's prayer; Pray in Spirit; Keeping mind stayed upon Him Isaiah 26:3; My goal is to get into the Ezekiel river; So much in spirit, we forget gravity; Intentionally wading into Ezekiel's river; Bouncing out of the spirit by thinking our own thoughts; God is a Spirit that must be worshipped in Spirit; In the beginning is the Word; Worship in spirit - I can back out without a model; Psalm 100:4 entering into the spirit but not staying; Groaning in the spirit with words that cannot be uttered; After this manner - keeping our mind on Him; The Spirit meets us in our meditation; Paul knew the Word but not the Spirit until Acts 9; The Spirit wields the Eph 6 Word Sword; We purposely determine to walk into the river;

  • Benefits of Seeking God

    20/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    People seem to be more concerned with escaping hell than with seeking God. In this podcast I talk about some of the by-products of seeking God Adam and Enoch walked with God; Grow in Word and Spirit ; Moving away from hell; Depression is a spirit; God turned it around; God loves the rebellious children; Jerusalem slays the prophets matt 23:37; Prodigal son selfishness vs love; Sin is rooted in selfishness Luke 15:11; Faith works by love Gal 5:6 Benefits when seeking God; Seeking God Hebrews 11:6; William Seymour prayer life; Repent and do the first works; first love; Charging your phone when you feel like it; Matt 6:9,10 prayer life; Matt 6:33 seek God first and He takes care of our stuff; Outer Darkness vs Sitting In Jesus Throne;

  • Furnace of Affliction

    13/10/2018 Duration: 22min

    Are YOU a Brand plucked from the fire? Are you being baptized with fire? There is good news! Notes: Spirit sows together a tapestry of doctrine; Downloading info like the Matrix; Bring to remembrance what God has told us - John 14:6; Before they call I will answer Isaiah 65:24 ; Eldad and Medad prophesied in rebellion Numbers 11; Earnestly covet to prophesy 1 Corinthians 14:39; Zec 3 This is a brand plucked from the fire; Satan is at the right hand of the Lord? ; Brands are used to make a mark; Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire; Fire has a purpose; Shadrach Meshach and Abednego - went through the fire; If your faith is not tested, you don't know if you have it; Our righteousness is as filthy rags Isaiah 64:6: This iniquity will pass from you! ; Rev 6:11 - White robes given to saints; Rev 7:13 robes made white in the blood; All Israel tried - only Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were obedient; 1 Cor 3:13 our works will be made manifest; Rev 3:18 Lukewarm Laodicea; Jesus counsels

  • Stephen Barrett Missionary Interview

    11/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    Stephen is on his way to bring revival to Kenya all they way from Japan. He is currently in California with signs and wonders following. 1:50 Stephen is in California; 3:45 California is a spiritual hot zone; 6:15 Lance Row Sacramento 8:29 Healings are happening; 9:30 knee issues and scoliosis healed; 11:40 Atmosphere of faith; 13:06 knee healing testimony; 13:30 Scoliosis healind testimony; 15:09 talks about trip to Kenya; 18:45 El Camino Real tent preaching; Links for Stephen:

  • Sidewalk Chalk Ministry

    06/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    How the sidewalk chalk ministry got started, testimonies, and things that i have learned. Pray about what scriptures to put down Youversion and google Not illegal; Truly non confrontational; If we love people we will share the gospel; Started out with homeless shelters; God brings people to inspire to go higher; Started with signs on Beale St; Rejection doesn't hurt; Keeping Testimonies on the phone; Never got beat up for knocking on doors; How this started; FOCA in Strayhorn wrote scripture; Chalk lasts after we are gone; People get convicted while on chalk; Salvation after we are gone; Words in season; Activate Kingdom Seekers; Act 13 method of evangelism; Post your evangelism on social media; State line sigh and design; Share your testimony; Establish rapport and eye contact; Take no thought and let God move; ask to pray for whatever they need; So few laborers there are divine appointments everywhere; God coordinates the teams; Dollar store, Walmart, Amazon ; Keep extra chalk around;

  • The Importance of Mentors

    29/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    In this podcast I talk about the benefits and importance of being and having a mentor. Stephen Barret Holy Fire Japan; Joseph shared his dreams with his family; Elijah and Elisha relationship; Paul and Timothy writing ; Voxer is a great app for mentoring; Marco Polo is a video app for mentoring; We all have blind spots; Building our theology on the Rock; Bible chopping leads to serious error; Doctrine is like a clarinet in the orchestra; Two or Three witnesses to establish; The Sum of the Word is Truth Ps 119:160; Sumphaneo is 'agree' in Matt 18:19; Standing on the Rock and wading into the Spirit; My early relationship with God; Succumbing to peer pressure; Don't ignore the checks in your spirit; Suppressing the voice of God; The perilous prayers ; Studying the Ph.D.'s instead of scripture; The electronic franklin bible and God; Write what you learn Hab 2:2; Gideon growing in his relationship with God; Zechariah and his relationship with God; The sheep of Jesus know His voice; Wisdom from noobs; 2 Cor 12:7

  • Spiritual Warfare - The Biblical Way

    22/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    Spiritual Warfare the biblical way. Chronology of developing an iniquity. What to do about it. Keeping a warfare journal Seven sons of Sceva Acts 19:14 ; Taking the Name in vain; Night Terror and saying, Jesus; Jesus Models warfare in Matt 4 and Luke 4; Satan looks for a door to get in; Spirit drove Jesus to be tempted; Matt 5:27,28 looking leads to sin; Job 31:1 looking leads to thinking; Matt 18:7-9 eye-hand sin problem; We are what we think in our heart Proverbs 23:7; 2 Tim 2:25 seeking God for repentance; 2 Tim 2:26 recovering ourselves; Continuing in the Word John 8:31; Know the Truth for Freedom John 8:31,32; Sword of the Spirit Ephesians 6:17 ; Keeping ourselves from our iniquity Psalm 18:23; Gen 4:7 ruling over sin at the door; Matt 5 Pure in heart shall see God; James 4:7 Submit to God, then resist the devil; Drawing nigh unto God and He will draw nigh to us!; Warfare Journal; Dad's death lead to depression and panic attacks; I was focused on myself instead of the kingdom; An anoin

  • Our Goals VS God's Goals

    16/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    I was meditating on how to make my goals line up with God's plan for my life. How do we get transformed into what God wants us to be? I explored this in a live video. It isn't profitable to fight God; Satan's 'I wills' Isaiah 14:13-15; Moth seeking the light example; Seeking to save our lives Luke 17:33; Matthew 16:25; Fear the One that can destroy soul and body Matthew 10:28; Being saved verses knowing Jesus; Having an encounter with God and THEN doing exploits; Five 'I wills' of Lucifer is infiltrating the church; Proximity with God and how God defines death; Outer Darkness Matthew 8:12; Overcomers sit with Jesus Revelation 3:21; Sinners outside New Jerusalem Revelation 22:14,15; Matt 7:21-23 do you KNOW Jesus? ; Meditating on the Word Josh 1:8; Psalm 119:11; God is a spirit and Must be worshiped in Spirit John 4:24; God searches the reins of the hearts Jeremiah 17:10; Seek God first Chronologically and priority wise Matthew 6:33; Paul's example ; Rigid requirements to be a Rabbi back then; Matt 7:

  • Seek God First

    08/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    Seeking God first and making His will our priority. I will be talking about how to do that. Devil works in religious hierarchy; The Sons of Korah Rebellion; The 5 “I wills” reveal Satan's desire; Self exaltation permeates the church; Camping out on confession and repentance; Jesus gives us a model to pray in Matthew 6; Entering His gates with praise Ps 100:4; The FEAR of the Lord; Blocking out time if necessary; Jesus manifests Himself those that love Him; Seeking God chronologically; What is tugging at our heart strings; Join the Inner Circle ; ; Please subscribe and share;

  • Sons of Korah Sedition

    01/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    I heard "you take too much upon yourselves you sons of Korah" in the spirit. I break down this prophetic word in the podcast. This is close to Numbers 16:7; Story is in Numbers 16-18; Disclaimer right off the bat; The root of Covetousness; The root of Jealousy; Solomon prioritized God’s kingdom 1 Kings 3:5-13; Lying Liars that lied; Jews which believed Jesus were Satans John 8; Pride is the sin of the devil’ Satan’s desire the 5 “I wills” Isaiah 14:12-15; Being exalted and revered of men; I did a Facebook Post on popularity; Sedition has a goal of usurping authority; The Apostle - Example ; God kept after me to say “sons of Korah” ; Spiritual descendants of Korah; Https://

  • Beware of the Scribes 06

    29/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    I am sharing a method i have learned through trial and error on reading the bible. The only way to the Father is through Jesus John 14:6; We must worship God in Spirit and Truth John 4:24; Jesus is The Word John chapter 1; The spirit guides us into all truth John 16:13; The quickening of the Word - Heb 4:12; Shouting off the rooftops in joy Matt 10:27; Listening to the Spirit while we read or listen; Beginning by carnal meditation on The Word; When we follow the spirit miracles happen; We have a responsibility to seek God; Dont ignore the spirit of truth through presuppositions; God confirms the Word John 14:26; John 14:26 the Holy Ghost will teach us; Consume vast amounts of The Word; John 15:6-8 abide in the Word; Think what God thinks; ESword ; YouVersion ; Looking at parallel translations to compare; Two or three witnesses before a doctrine Matt 18:16; Building our house upon the Rock; Bible chopping ; Bible Chopp

  • Beware of the Scribes 05

    26/08/2018 Duration: 35min

    Some words I take issue with in the bible. We will be looking at the underlying definitions and how it affects us. Different words make a difference; Quoting some from ; King James changes passover to easter; Changing not only the name and the date; Early Church celebrated passover; Council of Nicea changed the date; Martin Luther added a word to Romans 3:28; World or aion? Mat 28:20 Mat 13:49 Mat 24:3 ; A period of time and not the world; Taking a look at the word 'obey'; Vines definition resulting from persuasion; Nicolaitans 'lording it over the laity'; Church killed people over doctrine; Heb 13:7,17 remember our leaders; The Shepherding movement and obedience; Submission like Paul and Timothy; Submission in rehab - my two cents; Rom 12:2 renewing our mind; Nuremberg defense ' i was only following orders' ; Wives submit to your husbands Eph 5:22 ; Stanley Milgram;s experiment on obedience; Rom 6:16 we are the servan

  • Beware of the Scribes 04

    23/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    Why is Unicorn only in the Authorized King James Bible? Digging deeper into that today. Treasuring the Word of God; Unicorn is only in the King James Bible; Unicorn article Unicorn is mentioned 9 times in the KJV; Delving into the ancient word monoceros (one horn); Excerpts taken from Creation Today on Unicorn; Original definition in Webster's for Unicorn was Rhinoceros; Unicorn, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny; Did God want me to talk about Unicorns? ; 2 Months Free with Scribd

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