Physique Mastery



Physique Mastery is the quickest path to your goal, but its not a quick fix. Physique Mastery is your shortcut to building a ripped and muscular physique, yet it focuses on the long game.Physique Mastery doesnt happen over night. Its a process where the fundamentals and nuances of training, nutrition, and lifestyle become increasingly easier and enjoyable through continuous practice.If youre looking to build your best body ever, especially if youre over 40, youre going to love the Physique Mastery Podcast. Physique Coaches Scott Tousignant and Bryan Krahn have a passion for building rock solid aesthetic muscle with chiseled details. Combining the best of the old school with todays science based training techniques. Keeping it real and practicing what they preach.


  • Calories In Vs Calories Out - There's More To It When Getting Shredded After 40

    28/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    Calories in vs calories out is the most important factor in getting shredded after 40. But for us men over 40 who want to feel our best, perform our best, and live our lives to the fullest -- we need to think beyond calories in vs calories out. In today's Jacked After 40 Podcast we'll dive into why the source of the calories you consume and how you burn calories throughout the day, can play a significant role in your successful body transformation. For more tips to get shredded after 40 visit For more tips to get jacked after 40 visit

  • Setting Goals After A Cutting Phase

    21/05/2021 Duration: 37min

    Many of my fellow men over 40 struggle with motivation and setting goals after completing a cutting phase. With fat loss your progress is easily measured and comes at a much faster pace than gaining muscle, especially with decades spent under the bar. Having to put in a year of work to add a mere 1-3 pounds of muscle can be demotivating, which is probably why some of my fellow bro's prefer to gain more weight during a fat loss phase. Although the excess fat won't lead to greater muscle gains, at least they know they are moving in the right direction when they see the scale going up a pound or two each week compared to seeing just 0.25 pounds and wondering if that's muscle or just excess waste in their digestive system. So how do you stay motivated to continue improving your physique without packing on unnecessary excess fat in the process? We've got you covered in this week's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast. 0:40 - Biggest challenge when setting goals that aren’t fat loss related. 2:13 - Coach Scot

  • Is Getting Shredded After 40 Worth It

    13/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    Today's kick butt episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast is a recap of Aaron's 11.5 week cutting phase. You'll gain insights into the lessons he leaned from the process, changes he'll make during his continuous body transformation, and whether or not the sacrifices involved in getting shredded after 40 are worth it. You're really going to enjoy this one! 0:56 - Recap of Aaron’s cutting phase to get shredded after 40… how long it lasted, how much weight he lost. 2:23 - Benefits of starting a cutting phase with no life distractions or challenges and feeling great. 5:12 - How recovery was impacted from getting shredded. 8:56 - Possible reasons for hitting a weight loss plateau. 9:31 - The impact of having high calorie and low calorie days. 11:14 - Are the sacrifices worth it to get shredded after 40. 16:56 - Learning lessons and what Aaron may change if he has to go through a cutting phase again. 23:23 - The importance of knowing WHY you want to achieve your goal of getting shredded after 40. 29:41 - C

  • The Process Of Getting Shredded After 40

    07/05/2021 Duration: 41min

    In this week's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast Aaron and I discuss how and why we embrace the process and get more joy out of it than we do the end result. We also talk about how we need to be careful not to take on the identity of a diet or circumstances in your life. And we share insights into our training and diet experiences from this past week. Aaron is approaching the final week of his cutting phase and has learned some very valuable lessons that I'm sure you will benefit from hearing. 1:26 - Taking on an identity and how it impacts our actions. 10:20 - Embracing the process over the outcome and being present in the moment. 20:40 - Insights into Coach Scott’s diet and training experiences this past week. 25:55 - insights into how Aaron’s been dealing with hunger and why you can’t always trust the signals your body is sending you. 30: 06 - What Aaron’s calorie intake is. 30:50 - How tough it is to diet when your family is enjoying more nutritional freedoms. 35:01 - Changes to Aaron’s die

  • Overcoming Challenges Near The End Of A Cutting Phase

    29/04/2021 Duration: 40min

    In this episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast my physique coaching client Aaron shed's some light on the adjustments we've made to his diet and lifestyle to finish this cutting phase strong and wrap it up with a nice beach vacation. We also share our big takeaways from David Goggins book Can't Hurt Me. Here's the details of what we discus... 0:58 - Challenges Aaron’s faced as he nears the end of his cutting phase. 3:53 - The ways stress effects you during a fat loss phase. 7:52 - Why cheat days aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. 13:28 - How to tweak your diet to make a cutting phase suit your lifestyle and feel more manageable. 18:06 - When you shouldn’t extend a cutting phase. 20:11 - The value of outside opinions when they come from the right people. 23:00 - Lessons we learned and are applying from the David Goggins book Can’t Hurt Me. 24:20 - Why even when things seem to be going right, there are still adjustments to be made. 28:40 - Achieving goals without sacrificing what’s really important

  • Dealing With Hunger While Cutting

    23/04/2021 Duration: 38min

    In this episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast I bring back one of my clients, Aaron Sanchez to share how he managed some intense cravings this week as he nears the end of a mini cut. I'm certain you will find value in the lessons from his experience. I also share my experience of using food for comfort during a time of stress this past weekend and so much more. Aaron is going to be a regular guest on the Jacked After 40 Podcast. Just two bro's keeping it raw and real as we share our experiences from our training, diet, and lifestyle from the week. The challenges we've faced, how we've grown, and how we plan to level up. 2:09 - Aaron’s journey from a husky kid to being overweight to getting shredded 8:50 - Being open minded 9:55 - Lessons learned from Aaron’s cutting phases 12:31 - Hunger mind games and avoiding binge eating 23:05 - Deadlines and goals 24:00 - How stress impacted my eating over the weekend 28:22 - Why it’s best to eat to the point of satisfaction and not stuff yourself silly 31:05

  • We Are MORE Than Shredded Abs

    16/04/2021 Duration: 16min

    In this episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast I share some conversations that I had with some of my clients this week on the topics of there being more to life than having shredded abs, genetic structure of your abs, and why we should feel like we need to optimize all areas of our jacked after 40 life every day. For more tips to get shredded abs after 40 visit

  • How To Fine Tune Your Diet To Get Lean And Stay Lean After 40

    08/04/2021 Duration: 27min

    In this week's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast we'll discus how to fine tune your diet to get lean and stay lean after 40. I share some examples of how I've fine tuned my diet over the years as well as some simple guidelines for you to follow with your nutrition lifestyle. For more tips to get lean and stay lean after 40 visit

  • Mindset Tips To Get Lean After 40

    02/04/2021 Duration: 24min

    Goal setting and knowing the reasons why you want to achieve your goal of getting lean after 40 is a part of mindset that we’ve talked about it recent videos. In this week's Jacked After 40 Podcast we’re going to dive deeper into mindset and discus beliefs, attitude, emotions, and the feelings you experience from the fat loss terminology you use and how they effect the success of your body transformation experience. For more tips to get lean and stay lean after 40 visit

  • How To Get Your Body Ready For Beach Season

    26/03/2021 Duration: 24min

    This week's Jacked After 40 Podcast is all about getting your body ready for beach season. Mindset tips, diet strategies, how to approach your workouts, what kind of cardio is best, and structuring your lifestyle to set you up for success. Enjoy the episode. I look forward to hearing your insights and feedback. For more tips to get a beach body after 40 visit

  • Lessons From Gaining 50 Pounds Of Fat Then Losing It To Get Shredded After 40

    19/03/2021 Duration: 24min

    In this week's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast I share the lessons I learned from gaining 50 pounds of fat and struggling for 10 years until finally losing it to get shredded after 40. This episode is based on a subscriber who asked some great questions about what my training experiences were like when I was heavier, what I recommend to prevent a decade of struggle, and visualization tips to get the most out of every exercise. I hope you enjoy the insights I share from my personal experiences and I look forward to learning more about your journey along with the challenges and lessons you've learned along the way. For more tips to get shredded after 40 visit

  • 5 Lessons I've Learned From Getting Lean And Staying Lean After 40

    12/03/2021 Duration: 20min

    There are 5 BIG lessons I've learned about getting lean and staying lean after 40 that will have me looking my best, feeling my best, performing my best, and living my life to the fullest for decades to come. Discover what these 5 BIG lessons are in today's Jacked After 40 Life video and immediately begin applying them to your lifestyle so you get lean and stay lean after 40 as well. For more tips to get lean and stay lean after 40 visit

  • How Shredded Do You Want To Get And Why? (Men Over 40)

    05/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    How shredded do you want to get? And why do you want to get shredded after 40? That's the important topic of discussion in today's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast and I would love to hear your responses to those two very important questions, so please be sure to share them in a comment. For more tips to build muscle and lose fat after 40 visit

  • How To Workout When You Feel Tired

    26/02/2021 Duration: 17min

    How you approach your workout when you feel tired can have a big impact on your motivation, the effectiveness of your training session, as well as your long term transformation success and joy in the process. In today's Jacked After 40 Podcast I share the changes I make to my training when I'm feeling tired and how it has me walking out of the gym feeling victorious and empowered, even if I'm still dragging my butt and still feeling exhausted. I'd love to hear from you as well. How to you approach your workout when you feel tired? For more tips to build muscle and lose fat after 40 visit

  • High Volume Vs Low Volume Training For Men Over 40

    19/02/2021 Duration: 19min

    Are low volume workouts best for men over 40? Or is high volume training best for men over 40? Find out in this week's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast. For more muscle building tips visit

  • Is This Stopping You From Getting Shredded After 40

    12/02/2021 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast we'll discus a very important topic that I see holding a lot of men back from getting shredded after 40 and compare it to a simple shift in mindset that men over 40 are making to successfully transform their physiques while living their life to the fullest. Enjoy the episode and please be sure to share your personal experiences with this important topic for us men over 40. For more muscle building tips visit

  • The BEST Way To Gain Muscle After 40

    05/02/2021 Duration: 41min

    Can you gain muscle after 40 with decades of workout experience? If so, how much muscle can you expect to gain? What’s the best diet approach to gain muscle after 40 and what’s the best workout to build muscle after 40? In today’s Jacked After 40 podcast we dive into the research, evidence, and experiences of men over 40 to reveal the best way to gain muscle after 40. 1:01 - Evidence based realistic expectations for gaining muscle after 40. 1:54 - How the number of years of PROPER training influences how much muscle you can gain after 40. 6:04 - Am I at my genetic muscular potential? 7:06 - How much weight should men over 40 aim to gain each month when trying to build muscle? (Based on evidence) 10:10 - How much should men over 40 eat to build muscle after 40? (Based on evidence) 13:39 - How to use personal experience to set your muscle building goals and diet approach to gain muscle. 23:24 - The BEST way to gain muscle after 40. 25:08 - The most important thing you can do when trying to build muscle after

  • How To Set Up Your Fat Loss Diet To Get Shredded After 40

    29/01/2021 Duration: 23min

    This past week a few of my fellow men over 40 reached out for some advice on how to structure their nutrition. So in this episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast I'll show you how to set up your fat loss diet so you can get shredded after 40 without losing muscle. I also share some insights into weight fluctuations and how I recommend you handle them. Calculate How Many Calories To Maintain Your Weight Subtract 500 calories to lose 1 pound per week Subtract 1000 calories to lose 2 pounds per week For more tips and guidance for getting shredded after 40 visit

  • Metabolic Slow Down When Getting Shredded After 40

    22/01/2021 Duration: 23min

    In today's episode of the Jacked After 40 Podcast we're going to talk about the possible reasons why your weight loss slows down or even plateaus. Is it metabolic slow down? Or worse... is your metabolism damaged? And most important.. what changes you should make to speed your fat loss back up. We'll also discus super high protein diets and diets that may be sub optimal for muscle building. Plus the things that can make fat loss almost feel effortless. 0:45 - Hectors fat loss success. (how much weight he's losing per week and how many calories he's consuming. 2:10 - Why his weight loss has slowed down and what changes he needs to make to speed his fat loss back up. 5:32 - The benefits of keeping your caloric intake and lifestyle the same each and every day rather than having cheat days or refeed days. 7:55 - Analyzing a fellow jacked physique coaches diet. 12:00 - Why don't more people consume high protein diets if it's harder for protein to be converted to fat? 17:02 - Why this mini-cut feels almost e

  • Optimize Your Lifestyle To Get Shredded After 40 With Client Aaron Sanchez

    15/01/2021 Duration: 36min

    Discover how to optimize your lifestyle to get shredded after 40 beyond what you do in the gym and kitchen. 0:53 - Diet and meals 4:40 - Camaraderie 12:09 - Optimizing lifestyle for improved performance, health, and well being 24:50 - Quantifying what actually makes a difference 27:10 - Solid foundation before minutia 28:52 - Caloric intake 29:35 - Experiences with bulking and cutting and former fat kid experience Video of Aaron recording his workouts and meals For more tips and guidance for getting shredded after 40 visit

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