Physique Mastery



Physique Mastery is the quickest path to your goal, but its not a quick fix. Physique Mastery is your shortcut to building a ripped and muscular physique, yet it focuses on the long game.Physique Mastery doesnt happen over night. Its a process where the fundamentals and nuances of training, nutrition, and lifestyle become increasingly easier and enjoyable through continuous practice.If youre looking to build your best body ever, especially if youre over 40, youre going to love the Physique Mastery Podcast. Physique Coaches Scott Tousignant and Bryan Krahn have a passion for building rock solid aesthetic muscle with chiseled details. Combining the best of the old school with todays science based training techniques. Keeping it real and practicing what they preach.


  • Positive Attitude: You Get What You Give

    27/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    On the importance of staying positive in your actions, how you engage with others, and who you surround yourself with. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Reducing Protein Intake and Natural Eating Tendencies

    13/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    Episode 45 of the Physique Mastery Podcast is all about designing your nutrition plan in a way that makes it enjoyable, easy to stick with, and suits your personal palate. Bryan also reveals why he recently decided to reduce his protein intake and why it may be a good idea for some of our fellow bro's to do the same. You'll want to listen all the way through to the end as we share some funny high protein diet experiences. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Stop Micro Managing Your Workouts

    06/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    In Episode 45 of the Physique Mastery Podcast, we discus the problem we see with too many physique focused lifters micro managing their workouts and focusing on details that take away from the true training effect. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • How To Build Bigger Legs

    02/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    In Episode 44 of the Physique Mastery Podcast, we share the leg training strategies that have worked best for us and our clients. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Stay True To Your Physique Goal

    31/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    The vision you have for your physique, your health, and your lifestyle should be unique to you. Everyone has their own opinion and view of what an 'ideal physique' looks like. Some people think close to stage shredded year round is idea. Others prefer a little more 'cushion' and a softer look. There is no right answer. It's all on you. It's all about being true to yourself and not allowing the standards of others to influence your vision. And that's the topic of episode 43 of the Physique Mastery Podcast. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Takeaways From a 24 Week Contest Prep

    26/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    In episode 42 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share our takeaways from a recent study titled Nutritional strategies of high level natural bodybuilders during competition preparation. This study followed the nutrition practices of 51 male and female competitors throughout a 24 week contest prep. Providing insights into how many calories they consumed, their macronutrient breakdown, how much weight and fat they lost on average each week, and supplements they consumed. Click play to find out what like about their fat loss approach and what we would do different. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Should You Avoid Alcohol

    23/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    Should you avoid alcohol when you are trying to lose weight or build muscle? Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • When To Cut Yourself Some Slack

    19/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    As important as it is to set a standard that challenges you and pushes you toward achieving your physique goal, there are moments when you just need to cut yourself some slack. Episode 40 of the Physique Mastery Podcast is all about failing fast, learning from the experience, moving on, and improving as you go. Enjoy the episode and as always, we look forward to hearing your feedback. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Benefits of Varying Exercise Selection

    17/01/2018 Duration: 18min

    Changing exercises in your workout plan isn't about "confusing your muscles". If anything, physique mastery is about practicing the same things over and over again. After all, improving the quality of how you execute a movement is a form of progression. Exercise selection is a prime example of why it's important to take a big picture approach with your training. Building a system rather than haphazardly piecing together various workout plans. Over the course of three to four months you should have some core exercises that you continue to progress with. In the beginning your progress will come in the form of efficiency in the movement. From there progress can occur by increasing reps, load, or sets. As important as it is to keep some elements of your training the same, it's also important to incorporate some variety. In episode 39 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share the reasons why you should change up certain exercises, which exercises you should swap out, and when to make those changes. Click play

  • How To Work Harder In The Gym

    11/01/2018 Duration: 18min

    It's time to step up your workouts and crank up your effort. You've got more in you to give. Leave it all on the gym floor. In today's episode of the Physique Mastery Podcast, we'll share our best tips to improve your training performance and get more out of your workouts. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Fat Loss Transformation High Bar Habits

    04/01/2018 Duration: 13min

    Beginning a fat loss transformation can feel overwhelming when you think of everything that goes into the process of sculpting a beach body. How much food should you eat? What’s the best food to eat? What time should you eat? How often should you workout? What’s the best workout for fat loss? Should you do cardio? How much cardio should you do? What type of cardio is best for fat loss? Should you take supplements? What supplements are the best? How much sleep should you get? When is the best time to go to bed? The list goes on and on as you get lost in the sea of minutia. If you want to set yourself up for a successful body transformation where you slash unwanted fat and maintain your lean physique for life… you should begin your journey by focusing on just a small handful of habits. In episode 37 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share the ‘high bar habits’ that will give you the most bang for your buck and are easy to stick with. With this approach you will simplify the process and eliminate a lot of un

  • Cardio For The Right Reasons

    05/12/2017 Duration: 10min

    Let’s face it. The only time cardio crosses the minds of many physique focused lifters is when they are attempting to lose fat. Some view cardio as a ‘necessary evil’. Something they don’t particularly care for, but feel they have to do in order to achieve their fat loss goal. Unfortunately, this mindset is the very reason why so many people ‘fall off the wagon’. In episode 36 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share a more positive approach to cardio. A shift in mindset that makes the experience more enjoyable and easier to stick with. We also reveal our preferred form of cardio that enhances the overall experience. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Enjoy All Those Holiday Calories and Build Muscle While Improving Your Physique

    28/11/2017 Duration: 10min

    Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • The Myth Of Progressive Overload

    24/11/2017 Duration: 12min

    The most important factor for building muscle and improving your physique is progressive overload. Trouble is, many physique focused lifters are under the impression that progressive overload only involves adding more weight to the bar. This couldn't be further from the truth. It's a myth that can unfortunately lead to feelings of frustration and inadequacy when physique artists fail to add weight to the bar week after week. One of our clients, Carey Pierce echoed this feeling of disappointment in the Physique Mastery Movement earlier this week, which lead to a great discussion and moment of clarity for several other members in the group. Because this is such an important topic that we want to make sure you are crystal clear on, we decided to cover it in depth in episode 34 of the Physique Mastery Podcast... Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Tracking Beyond The Numbers

    17/11/2017 Duration: 15min

    You've heard us discus the importance of spending a few weeks tracking calories, macros, and portion sizes has been covered in previous episodes of the Physique Mastery Podcast. It's an eye opening and educational experience when you see an estimate of how many calories you are consuming in a day. It also eliminates much of the guesswork involved in deciding what changes need to be made in order to see visual progress in your transformation journey. But the numbers don't tell the whole story. Far from it! In episode 33 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we discus the most important metric for you to track if you want to experience faster and long lasting body transformation success. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Factors Influencing Muscle Damage and Recovery

    14/11/2017 Duration: 16min

    Outside of training volume and the amount of effort you give during each workouts, there are a great number of factors that influence how well you recover from each training session. In episode 32 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we discus; - The importance of training with proper technique. - How and when to train to failure. - Where you could be selling yourself short. - Why you shouldn’t be afraid to give your best effort. - How to avoid getting pigeon-holed by research. - What you should really be concerned about when it comes to recovery. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Flexible Deadline vs Strict Deadline

    08/11/2017 Duration: 12min

    Have you heard the saying "A goal without a deadline is just a dream." There's a lot of merit to this statement. A concrete deadline creates a sense of urgency, especially if there is an event tied into it such as a wedding, beach vacation, photo shoot, or physique contest. This is inline with Parkinson's Law which states, "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." But as we all know... Life happens. And these unexpected challenges often set us back, which places a greater stress on you if you are to still achieve your goal in the allotted time frame. In episode 31 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we share our approach of using a floating deadline, which gives you the best of both worlds. A sense of urgency with a bit of leeway for when life presents you with challenges. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Making Fitness a Lifestyle

    26/09/2017 Duration: 26min

    Physique Mastery Movement group coaching client Dr. Greg Green joins us today to discus how's he's made fitness a lifestyle by applying the physique mastery approach. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Client Q and A - Progressive Training and Nutrition For Long Term Success

    18/09/2017 Duration: 38min

    Physique Mastery Movement client Becky Eschmann joins us for a question and answer session. Topics include; * The thought process that goes into workout program progressions from month to month. * The problem with information overload. * Why it's important to manipulate training volume. * Nutrition strategies suited to the individual. * and much more. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

  • Applied Physique Mastery - Client Success Story

    11/09/2017 Duration: 24min

    Physique Mastery Movement client Dennis Breitwieser-Cutshall joins us to discus the success he's had during the past 12 months of participating in our group coaching experience. This is a must listen to episode as Dennis shares the key strategies that have lead to his successful body transformation. Visit the Jacked After 40 website Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future episode? Send it to

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