Glorious In The Mundane Podcast With Christy Nockels



The "Glorious in the Mundane" podcast is hosted by Christian Artist and Worship Leader Christy Nockels. Offering conversations and interviews with some of your favorite artists, speakers and authors, the podcast is designed to inspire you right where you are today doing whatever it is you're doing.


  • Season 3 Ep 56 - Come Magnify The Lord With Me

    27/02/2019 Duration: 47min

    NEW PODCAST TODAY! I’m SO excited to re-launch #thegloriousinthemundane podcast after a much needed break in January and am feeling refreshed to be back! I’m so excited to hone in on this theme of “Come Magnify the Lord with Me” -  I love the invitation of Psalm 34:3, “oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” Essentially, David is saying, “come join me in blessing the Lord.” What does it look like to bless the Lord? What happens in terms of our own blessing when we learn to bless him? I love that the Psalms are like this songbook of our identity as the people of God. We’re invited to respond both personally and corporately and I’m learning that both responses are essential in the life of the believer. I hope you’ll join me on this personal, worship journey for the next several months! It’s going to be beautiful!Support the show

  • Season 3 Ep 55 - A Better Home

    20/12/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    “A Better Home” is the title of today’s episode as we wrap up an amazing year together! We’ll dive into the heart of the home together and how sharing what we’ve been given can be true for anyone, in any economy, anywhere in the world! With eternity in our hearts, we’re both looking for a better home and a better country, all the while displaying it here in our own hearts! You’ll get to hear from the lovely Myquillyn Smith @thenester and her heart on sharing what we’ve been given and allowing our homes to be the backdrop for caring for others! I’ll share about our Georgia home being featured in Better Homes and Gardens as well as Country Living. (The photos here are from the BHG feature back in the October 2014 issue!) This is the last podcast for the year! I’m so grateful for all of you who have listened to the podcast this year, even those of you who are just getting started and catching up! You’ve made my life so rich with your kind words and your support and most of all, by sharing how God has spoken to y

  • Season 3 Ep 54 - Home, Home on the Road

    10/12/2018 Duration: 01h28min

    So excited about today’s episode! I’m calling it “Home, Home on the Road” and today we’ll be reminded that because God is a home for us and He’s building His home IN us…we are agents of CHANGE for the world around us! My sweet new friend, Ginna Claire Mason  will be joining me today for this episode! She has just finished a 20 month tour with the Broadway Musical “Wicked” and knows a thing or two about finding a sense of home…home on the road. She truly embodies this beautiful theme of home and has been such a blessing to me in just the short time I’ve known her! I’m excited for you to meet her and I pray that you’re encouraged and that your faith gets built up for how God wants to use YOU as you hear her story! You know, it wasn’t until I really sat down and started preparing for this podcast that God whispered in even another layer of experiencing home on the road…it has a little something to do with that whole “agents of change” thing and I’m excited for you to hear about it and be encouraged by it! I’ll t

  • Season 3 Ep 53 - The Invitation

    21/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    This is our Thanksgiving episode and I’m praying grace upon grace as you all head wherever you’re going! If you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, it’s the same prayer…grace upon grace!! Today we will thank God together for how intentional he is in inviting us into a deeper walk with him! Sometimes the invitation comes through His Word or maybe our prayer time but sometimes it comes through a rough season or a major disappointment. I love when I find out that He was working all along, even when it seemed like he was disengaged! It’s beautiful how he entrusts us sometimes with rough seasons so that we can uncover the deeper invitation that he’s offering to us. He is so good! I’ll talk to you soon!Support the show (

  • Season 3 Ep 52 - A Heart Turned Towards Home

    07/11/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Happy November Y’all! I’m so excited about today’s episode because you’re going to get to hear from my dear friend Molley Moody - she’s not just a guest today because she’ll be with us on our Night of Hope #AFamilyChristmas tour or the fact that she’s just released a beautiful album called #HeartSongs - of course all of those things are wonderful things that I want you to know about! She’s a guest today because Jesus is a trusted Builder who restores people’s lives! I’ve watched Molley rise up in her calling over the last few years and so much of that has happened because she chose to place her heart in the hands of Jesus. You’re going to hear about how Jesus restored some very broken places in her heart and has continually walked with her into freedom and wholeness in so many beautiful ways. You’ll hear her share about her prayer process in combating lies and fears and how she’s learned to invite Jesus in to help her daily believe truth in those places. You’re also going to hear one of her new songs called “

  • Season 3 Ep 51 - A House God is Building

    24/10/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Y’all, I’m so excited about this episode! As always, the Lord took me through something in REAL TIME where I basically LIVED this episode with something I was walking through personally. I’m so grateful when He does that. It keeps me walking in humility and depending solely on Him for the “content” as well as being assured that He’ll have me experience the content too! Yes, it exposes dead ends in the “home” that He is building in me where I need to trust His vision when He knocks out a wall! (whew!) We’ll look at Isaiah 54 together, this passage!! Oh, how it tears down any preconceived ideas of any sort of “cookie cutter house” that He wants to build in us! He’s the God of more. The One who puts windows in walls and staircases inside of one-story cottages! We can trust this Builder. You’ll also hear me sit down with my sweet friend Meshali Mitchell to talk about the RESTORATION journey that God is unfolding in her life! Through an unexpected story-line, God has shown Himself a trustworthy Builder who is care

  • Season 3 Ep 50 - Longing For Home

    10/10/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Longing For Home - I’m loving this theme, THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! It’s helping me be present in the place that matters right now, which is home! But that doesn’t mean I can’t take that WITH ME wherever I go! Today we will let Psalm 84 wash over us and remember together that “better is one day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere!” You’ll also get to hear from the lovely @jessicanturner on her brand new book “Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter and Thrive” I think we can all relate to being stretched too thin in different seasons of our lives, I know I can! I hope today’s episode encourages you RIGHT where you are! I’ll talk to you soon!Support the show (

  • Season 3 Ep 49 - There's No Place Like Home

    26/09/2018 Duration: 46min

    Season 3 Ep 49 - There's No Place Like Home by Christy NockelsSupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 42 - How Can it be Time Already

    23/05/2018 Duration: 01h02min we’re going to talk about what it looks like to cultivate the smaller reach of our lives instead of being overwhelmed that we’re not making a “huge impact”… Maybe we have big dreams for the future but what if instead of running after the the big thing, we spend time cultivating the smaller reach of our lives, weaving it strong and true. I’m going to introduce you to my niece @adelinehillmusic today who is pursuing a music career in the mainstream and let me tell you, the girl has something to SAY. I’ve gotten the privilege of getting to mentor Adeline since she was very young and I’ve watched her choose to be “made in the secret” when the doors weren’t quite opening yet. I’ve watched her cultivate the smaller reach of her life that has afforded her friendships and experiences she’ll carry for a lifetime. Her new song, “How Can It Be Time Already” is about realizing it’s already time to fly the nest but it’s been beautiful to watch it kind of sneak up on her, those of us wh

  • Season 2 Ep 41 - Special Guest Lauren Tomlin

    09/05/2018 Duration: 57min

    Special Guest - Lauren TomlinToday is a beautiful reminder that before we are a wife or a mama, we are a daughter with an invitation to take God up on all that He has for us, if we’ll just choose to step into it with Him. This episode is actually our Mother’s Day episode, but PLEASE don’t pass it up just because you are not a Mama! There’s something for EVERYONE in today’s episode! Today is actually one of my favorite interviews that I’ve gotten to do, to date! You’re going to get to hear from my beautiful friend Lauren Tomlin whom I’ve actually mentioned several times on this podcast before! She’s married to my friend Chris Tomlin and theirs is a story that has been incredible to watch unfold over the years. Married later in life, Lauren opens up about the invitation that marriage and parenthood has been to engage their hearts deeply with the Father. She is so transparent about accepting God’s invitation in it all, even through a lot of pain and trial, but how it’s changed the way they live with and love eac

  • Season 2 Ep 40 - Postures of the Heart Part 5

    27/04/2018 Duration: 54min

    “A Heart of Welcome” As we trust God with the unfolding of us, a heart of welcome opens up for the unfolding of others… I’ve shared these heart postures over the years in many settings and this is always the posture that’s the most fun to talk about because it’s the most fulfilling to LIVE! Something supernatural happens when we place our trust in God for our own wants, needs and desires and even the things that we dream and plan! We freely begin to open up with lives of WELCOME that invite others into our “familiar” with our Father. Here’s to the unfolding of all of us to be what God has always intended for us to be…His life extended to the world around us. His “welcome”! I’ll talk to you soon! - ChristySupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 39 - Postures of the Heart Part 4

    11/04/2018 Duration: 46min

    Season 2 Ep 39 - Postures of the Heart Part 4 by Christy NockelsSupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 38 - An Easter Invitation

    21/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    An Easter Invitation Once there was a cutting away and a grafting in, then…there must be an abiding.Today you’ll hear about a little pear tree that once helped me preach the gospel and how I wasn’t even ready for how it preached the gospel to me! We’re going to pause from our regular Heart Postures series to get our hearts around the full invitation that is Easter! Honestly, this could have easily been one of our heart-postures, the heart that abides…but I wanted to give Easter its own moment. I needed it and I hope it’s meaningful to you too! We will all most likely be joining Good Friday celebrations and Sunday Services, even maybe a picnic on the lawn…but the beauty of the gospel, front and center for us today is that right from your steering wheel or as you hit the pavement for your morning walk, you can experience Easter…the glorious in the mundane style! I’ll talk to you soon!- ChristySupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 37 - Postures of the Heart Part 3

    09/03/2018 Duration: 42min

    "The Heart that Receives"I’m so pleased to offer Part 3 of the Postures of the Heart series! Today we’ll talk about how vital it is that we ready ourselves to RECEIVE the life that Jesus offers us! He came that we would have life and have it abundantly! (John 10:10) Today we’ll remember together some beautiful things that His life truly offers us…we can so easily forget, can’t we? Talk to you soon!Also don't forget to check out our Patreon page where you can be apart of supporting the podcast. You get access to the podcasts a week before the rest of the world as well as journal prompts that go with each podcast, and all sorts of other great ways to engage as a community. Check out the page- ChristySupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 36 - Postures of the Heart Part 2

    28/02/2018 Duration: 38min

    We’re going to look at the next “heart posture” today which is the heart that LOOKS UP! It sounds too simple, right? I actually think that God did intend for it to be simple but we live in a noisy world where we can SEE everything and we have to learn to clear the view… What does it look like to learn the habit of looking up and inviting God to LOOK AT YOU? What do we need to be looking to Him for? We’ll also learn that MOVEMENT IS HEALING! Just like our bodies need to move to heal, our hearts must also move towards our Creator. Sometimes it just takes looking up! These are all things we’ll talk about today as we take in what it means to have a heart postured towards Him, gazing at Him with the eyes of our soul. Look up with me! - ChristySupport the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 35 Postures of the Heart Part I

    14/02/2018 Duration: 27min

    Today I’ll update you on what’s been going on with my health journey that I posted it about a few weeks ago and why I’ve been kind of laying low! It has been just that, a journey, and I’m trusting with every day that God knows exactly what is going on! In the meantime, I’m SO happy to be back at the podcast! This is a series that I have wanted to do for a really long time called “The Posture of the Heart” and I’m so excited to dive into it together! Just like the concentric circles and the “bullseye” that I’ve shared about before, there’s an order to how we posture our hearts before God that gives way for MORE in our lives. But first we must start with the consecrated heart…a heart completely surrendered to Him no matter what is or isn’t on the horizon. I’ll share how having to trust God totally with my health these past few months has caused me to land on this first posture... I hope wherever you are at in your own journey that God uses this to speak to you today in a really powerful way! I’ll talk to you so

  • Season 2 Ep 34 - Conversations Part Two

    27/12/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    “Conversations” Part Two is available now! I had so much fun answering these questions but as always we’ll dig a few “deep wells” too.

  • Season 2 Ep 33 - Conversations Part 1

    09/12/2017 Duration: 53min

    This is Part 1 called “Conversations” which is our fancy word for Q & A! You’ll hear about my hair routine (ha ha, yes this is happening right now) plus questions about songwriting, parenting, hearing from the Lord and more! The questions were submitted by our “patrons” of the podcast. They are the ones helping us keep #thegloriousinthemundane podcast thriving and we are SO grateful for them!! If you become a patron (just $6 a month) you’ll receive the podcast before everyone else gets it as well as first dibs on insider info, tickets sales, VIP ticketing and journal prompts for many of the podcasts which are like mini devotionals. For all info visit Enjoy!Support the show (

  • Season 2 Ep 32 - When Mystery Bring Clarity

    21/11/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this one as you hit the road to visit family this week! I’m so excited to introduce to you today, my brother @eric.hill_ from @withyouministries as we talk about what it looks like to truly rest and remember that God is WITH US and how He calls us to step into the “mystery” of trusting that Him being with us is actually ENOUGH. Eric is one of my favorite humans! Yes, he’s my brother but he’s also a kindred spirit and a very dear friend. I am so excited for you to hear from someone who has inspired MANY songs (and has even co-written some with me!) on my journey and has really been one of THE most influential people in my life through the years. Eric has helped the gospel come ALIVE in my life in both creative and memorable ways! Eric will be joining @nathannockels and I on the Night of Hope Christmas tour coming up in just a few weeks! We hope you’ll join us for it, it’s going to be an incredibly special and memorable night! All info for the tour dates here

  • Season 2 Ep 31 - Go and Tell No One

    08/11/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    I could not be more thrilled to introduce to you today, my sis-in-love @mrskristinhill who many of you know as "Amaryllis Kristin" AND who now can be called "author" as we celebrate her first bible study release "Go and Tell No One - Remember and Rest in the Secret and the Sacred." You'll get to hear how this message bubbled up in Kristin in the "secret place" that we talk about a lot on #thegloriousinthemundane podcast! You'll hear her share about this amazing invitation to be known, understood, and even affirmed in the Secret and Sacred as you walk with Him and dig deeper still into His Word. What I love about this study is that you'll learn HOW to study the Bible for yourself in a really practical and uncomplicated way! You'll also hear the story behind the song "All That is To Come" from Be Held - another weighty prayer that has lingered in my heart for some time now...learning to trust God with my past, my current "tension" a

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