Inner Truth



Inner Truth looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive?Through weekly conversation, Inner Truth brings together leading thinkers, speakers and healers that are at the forefront of these questions. The discussions are aimed to inspire deep internal inquiry and positive change in the lives of listeners.


  • Sera Beak: Finding Your Truth In Confusing Times

    31/03/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Sera Beak is a Harvard-trained scholar of comparative world religions who spent years traveling the world studying spirituality with Tibetan monks, Croatian mystics, shamans, Sufi dervishes, and more. She is the best-selling author of The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark and Red Hot and Holy: A Heretic's Love Story, has appeared in The New York Times, People, and Publisher's Weekly, and on NPR, The Dr. Oz Show, and Oprah and Friends. She has won critical acclaim from myriad spiritual thinkers including Neale Donald Walsch, Mirabai Starr and Christiane Northrup and been described as one of the “new role models” for our generation by The New York Times. In this conversation we talk about her abrupt re-awakening in 2009, finding your soul in dark times, the epidemic of soul loss in society today, and how to find your center when all else seems lost. This conversation was recorded before Covid-19 and seems eerily more acute in our current period of isolation.

  • Stephen Jenkinson: The Grief & Mystery Of Our Present Situation

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Stephen Jenkinson is a teacher, author, storyteller, spiritual activist, and founder of the Orphan Wisdom School, a teaching house and learning house for the skills of deep living and making human culture. It is rooted in knowing history, being claimed by ancestry, working for a time yet to come. He is a Harvard Educated Theologian and author of: Money and the Soul’s Desires Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul Come of Age: The Case for Elderhood in a Time of Trouble In perhaps one of the most cosmically timed conversations in Inner Truth's brief history, we navigated a conversation through this current situation with the Covid-19 outbreak through the lens of 20-30 years of his work contemplating what it means to die wisely and correspondingly of course, what it means to live wisely.

  • Manex Ibar: Covid-19 - The Start Of A Great Awakening

    19/03/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    These last couple of weeks Covid-19 has racked the world. Almost the entire Western populace is on lockdown with panic across financial markets, food buying and fears of a global economic recession. These are unprecedented times but were they unpredictable? Many wisdom systems have pointed at 2020-2027 as a period of great volatility and transformation, Covid-19 is perhaps just the beginning. In this week's special episode I caught up with internationally-renowned shaman and mystic Manex Ibar to make sense of these events in a wider picture and talk about what the invitation is for us now to move into a much deeper embodiment of love, community and creativity.

  • Mark Wolynn: How Your Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who You Are

    17/03/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Mark Wolynn is one of the world's leading experts on inherited family trauma and its impact on our physical and emotional wellbeing.  After spontaneously losing nearly all his eyesight as a young man he made a miraculous recovery simply through uncovering and healing family trauma hidden in his subconscious. His recovery sparked a 20 year career into how unprocessed trauma in our lineage impacts of physical and emotional lives in the most profound of ways. His book IT DIDN’T START WITH YOU: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle is one of the most authoritative reads in the field of how our DNA is coded from birth by the traumas and past experiences of our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on through our genetic lineage. In this conversation we talk about how science is essentially now proving karma through epigenetics, how your life is hugely codified by your genes and family trauma, and how to spot and heal those effects.

  • Lucinda Gordon Lennox: How To Heal Trauma, Depression & Anxiety with EMDR

    10/03/2020 Duration: 54min

    Most of what weighs us down isn’t ours to carry. Various life events cause us to build up barriers to experiencing our true selves, and this can claim our power as individuals. This is particularly so if we've experienced trauma (i.e. everyone). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR is a powerful form of psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro in the 1990s in which one is asked to recall distressing images; the therapist then directs you in one type of bilateral sensory input, such as side-to-side eye movements or hand tapping. The process is aimed to replicate the natural phenomenon of eye movement that occurs during dream or REM sleep which allows us to process experiences and in this instance 'stuck' memories. Lucinda Gordon Lennox is one of the top EMDR therapists in London. She helps people who present with either specific traumatic events that they wish to heal, or with troubling feelings that are hindering everyday life, or both, in order that they can shed what no longer serves the

  • Panache Desai: Truly Embracing The Miracle That You Are

    03/03/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Panache Desai is a bestselling author, thought leader, and life catalyst whose presence and power of insight have transformed many thousand individuals, organizations, and companies. He has appeared with Oprah on her show Super Soul Sundays and has been praised by numerous spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. His latest book You Are Enough launches right into the heart of the human challenge of feeling whole. He argues that the soul--whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source--isn't a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. It is not something we have to work to develop--it is our birthright. And when we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself. In this conversation we dig into why we feel we're not enough, what this is doing to us as individuals and as a collective, and how we can s

  • Paul Selig: How To Make Sense Of Events In Your Life

    25/02/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels in the world today. In his breakthrough works of channeled literature, I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, and The Book of Freedom he has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. In this week's conversation we talk about how everything that happens in our life is a product of our vibrational and energetic accord with everything else. Many times we are confused with things that are taking place for us, but actually we are in direct energetic accord with those learning experiences. In this week's pod we unpack how to make sense of those things so we can continue to lift our consciousness to greater and greater learning experiences. Born in New York City, a spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. As a way to gain a context for what he was beginning to experience he studied a fo

  • HeatherAsh Amara: Opening Your Heart With Toltec Wisdom

    18/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    HeatherAsh Amara is a teacher, speaker and author of the bestselling book Warrior Goddess Training. She has studied extensively in many spiritual practices an in particular the Toltec tradition under the tutelage of don Miguel Ruiz, bestselling author of The Four Agreements. In her latest book, The Warrior Heart Practice she introduces a powerful Toltec practice to help reconnect with our sense of authenticity and inner-knowing and realign with our true nature. The Warrior Heart Practice is a system based on the four chambered structure of the human heart. Walking through each of the four chambers―Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent―one’s learn to take stock of their current emotional and mental state and reframe their situation in a new healing light. In this episode we walk through the process together to learn how to connect back into our innate capacity for inner healing.  

  • Dr. Kelly Neff: Living Sex Positive

    11/02/2020 Duration: 58min

    Dr Kelly Neff is a social psychologist, author, professor, futurist and talk-radio personality who has a unique focus on the intersection of psychology, consciousness, and human sexuality. She has spent almost a decade teaching thousands of people in her online and in-person Psychology of Human Sexuality courses at Saddleback College, CA. She lives in Denver and hosts the hit radio show, Lucid Planet Radio, on Transformation Talk Radio out of Seattle. From her new book Sex Positive: "Millennials and Generation 'Z' are rejecting traditional gender stereotypes and embracing tech as it revolutionizes virtually every aspect of our sex lives. The future is Sex Positive -- tolerant of individual choice and open to sexual freedom and exploration, but what does this mean for our sex lives and our definitions of love as we navigate this brave new world of sexual autonomy and self-discovery?"

  • Helen Morris: Life After The Dark Night Of The Soul

    04/02/2020 Duration: 55min

    Helen Morris is the Founder of Samsara Communications, a top PR agency focusing on wellness and conscious brands based in London. Around five years ago she went through a monumental quarter-life crisis (read: Saturn Return) culminating in being house-bound for a month. In truth the crisis was a long time coming from many years of burning the candle in the PR business but also feeling astray and disconnected from her body, from her work, and from life in general. Many listeners (and myself) have been through a similar experience and what makes Helen quite inspirational has been her process of personal healing whilst also building a fantastic new, conscious business. Yet still, it's a struggle. In this week's episode we had a stripped back conversation about our dark nights, rebuilding life in the aftermath, dealing with ongoing pressures, boundaries, and conditioning, and why it continues to be a step-by-step journey each day.  She shares some hard won insights and lessons that continue to be learnt today. 

  • Carolyn Cowan: How To Deal With Shame

    28/01/2020 Duration: 01h13s

    Carolyn Cowan is a London-based psychosexual and relationship therapist specialising in couples, pre & post natal, addiction, trauma recovery. She runs workshops in various subjects in the UK and abroad and is also a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer. In 2019, she was named among the top 16 yoga teachers in London. In her mid-late 20s Carolyn became addicted to alcohol and drugs. During the summer of 1991, while in Dublin to do David Bowie’s makeup for a video, Cowan said her life changed dramatically. “David Bowie took one look at me, hung-over, red-eyed and incoherent, and told me I was in trouble. Cowan said Bowie encouraged her to stay sober and attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. By 31 July 1991, she had given up smoking, drugs and alcohol and changed her line of work and focused on photography. As of this podcast, she is 28 years sober. Carolyn’s professional life is now largely focused on her work as a psychosexual and relationship therapist. She works in all manners of addictive behav

  • David Newell: Why Do We Do Self Discovery?

    21/01/2020 Duration: 53min

    This week I hopped back behind the mic for the first time since September(!) to talk about why more and more people are getting into self-discovery + how to get deeper into it. Inner Truth has thousands of listeners now (thank you all!) with some truly remarkable stories of self realization. This week I answered questions that have come up a lot from the community about certain self-discovery experiences, how to decide what's right for you, and what it is at the very core that we're all looking for :)⁠ ⁠ In this week's pod:⁠ ⁠ • How to answer your own question: should I do a vision quest/vipassana/ayahuasca/toad medicine medicine?⁠ • What's 100% a bad idea (a lesson from my 5-MEO experience)⁠ • Is there one source code, a grand plan, behind everything?⁠ • Why what you're doing is in no way as important and why you're doing it (and how to really figure out why you're doing it)⁠ • What I've got planned for this year(!), what things i've cut out, and what I'm focussing on⁠ ⁠• + BONUS: A sneak peak at some of the

  • Paul Terrell: Dealing With Your Parents

    14/01/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Paul Terrell is a British psychotherapist, teacher, and founder of Inversion Therapy a new form of Holistic Yoga Therapy. Paul offers a three session psychotherapy reprogramming called The Process of Empowerment which goes deep into childhood patterns to heal and transform them through initiation into adulthood. Describing the Process: Most of the family and cultural conditioning we receive in childhood is healthy for us. Some is not, and strongly binds us to repeating loops of dysfunctional behaviour which negatively affect our experience of relationships, career, money, manifestation and love. They also cause disease, depression and neuroses. Paul has discovered all the base line limiting programs found in three classes: contracts, weapons & traumas. He has developed a method to uncover these programs with a short enquiry, & then to override them with more powerful programs. In this episode we talk about my own experience going through the process and how it can help anyone struggling with limiting

  • Cory Muscara: How To Stay Sane in 2020

    07/01/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    This episode is one to start off your new year with! This week’s conversation is with my dear friend Cory Muscara – international speaker and mindfulness teacher – all about his new book Stop Missing Your Life. In Stop Missing Your Life, Cory takes readers on a journey from “being present” to embodying “presence,” helping peel back the layers that prevent us from being our full, honest, integrated selves in the world. Muscara explains that most of us are living on autopilot, often so guarded that we aren’t experiencing the potential richness that life has to offer. Stop Missing Your Life talks about: How we build internal walls, which Muscara refers to as a “Pain Box,” that both protect us and inhibit us from living a deeply connected and meaningful life A four-part FACE model (Focus, Allow, Curiosity, Embodiment) that helps chip away at the walls and find presence Why it’s a risk to be our true selves in the world, and why safety (which does not mean comfort) is one of the missing ingredients to finding pre

  • Stan Tatkin: What Makes Relationships Succeed?

    10/12/2019 Duration: 44min

    How do you keep love alive? It’s not what you think! This week, we’re diving deep into love, romance, danger, conflict, fact, fantasy and truth with Dr. Stan Tatkin, a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of a Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT). Tatkin’s practice is based in Calabasas, California, where for the last 20 years he has specialized in working with couples, and also individuals who want to be in a relationship. Tatkin is the author of numerous books, including Wired for LOVE: How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship.

  • Darren Gold: Master Your Own Code

    03/12/2019 Duration: 51min

    Darren Gold is a Managing Partner at The Trium Group, where he advises and coaches CEOs and leadership teams at many of the world’s most innovative companies, including Roche, Dropbox, Lululemon, Sephora, Cisco, eBay, Activision, and Warner Bros. He is the author of the new book Master Your Code: The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life.  As human beings, we’re born with roughly 20,000 genes that fill every cell in our body. This genetic code makes us who we are and guides our behavior. From the moment we take our very first breath, we’re genetically hardwired to react, avoid risks, and stay safe. Or so we think. What if this is a myth? What if we’re not genetically determined? What if we can erase and replace our internal programming—and master our own code? For more than 50 years, scientists operated under the largely untested assumption that our genes govern our behavior. But the emerging field of epigenetics has revealed a new truth: our genes don’t have full control of our lives. We

  • Daniele Bolelli: Not Afraid

    19/11/2019 Duration: 49min

    Daniele Bolelli is a writer, martial artist, and university professor. He is the author of several books on philosophy, and martial arts, including On the Warrior's Path. Known for his writing since the 1990s in Italy and the early 2000s in the United States, Bolelli rose to greater public prominence in the 2010s, beginning with his appearances on popular podcasts such as The Joe Rogan Experience. He went on to create his own podcasts, and has hosted The Drunken Taoist since 2012 and History on Fire since 2015. Bolelli has trained in several styles of martial arts including kung fu san soo, taijiquan, baguazhang, xingyiquan, submission wrestling, Brazilian jiujitsu, boxing, and judo. He holds a fifth degree black belt in kung fu san soo-a style that he has taught for several years at UCLA's John Wooden Center. Bolelli also coached and fought professionally in mixed martial arts (MMA). His fourth book - Not Afraid: On Fear, Heartbreak, Raising a Baby Girl, and Cage Fighting published in 2015 - is an autobiogra

  • Jemma Foster: Joining The Dots Between Plants, Planets & People

    12/11/2019 Duration: 56min

    Jemma Foster is a forager, chef, mixologist, practitioner of plant and vibrational medicine, and founder of MAMA XANADU, a multi-disciplinary botanical studio based in London.  At the centre of her work is a core desire to restore our vital connection to nature which holds the key not only to maintaining sanity and balance in an increasingly chaotic world but to our survival on the planet.  She distills her knowledge into playful and magical experiences through a Wild Alchemy Bar, creative workshops, supper clubs and consultancy.  

  • Susan Piver: The 4 Truths Of Love & Relationships

    05/11/2019 Duration: 55min

    Susan Piver is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including the award-winning "How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life", "The Wisdom of a Broken Heart", and "Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation". Her new book is "The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships" (June 2018). Piver has been a practicing Buddhist since 1995 and graduated from a Buddhist seminary in 2004. She is an internationally acclaimed meditation teacher, known for her ability to translate ancient practices into modern life. Her work has been featured on the Oprah show, TODAY, CNN, and in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MONEY, and others. In 2011, she launched the Open Heart Project, the largest virtual mindfulness community in the world. 

  • Amanda Yates Garcia: Re-Enchanting Life (The Oracle of LA)

    22/10/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Amanda Yates Garcia is a writer, artist, professional witch, and the Oracle of Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in the LA Times, Time Out, LA Weekly, GOOP, Glamour, The London Times, CNN, Salon, as well as a viral appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight. She has led classes and workshops on magic and witchcraft at UCLA, UC Irvine, MOCA Los Angeles, The Hammer Museum, LACMA, The Getty and many other venues. Co-host of the popular Strange Magic podcast, her first book, “Initiated: Memoir of a Witch“, comes out October 22, 2019 via Grand Central/Hachette.

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