Bu With Declan Edwards



Are you sick of feeling stuck in a life of surviving and getting by?Are you tired of dealing with anxiety, stress and self-doubt on a regular basis?Far too many people today are settling for lives where they aren't living up to their potential. But this does not have to be you. Join podcast host, keynote speaker, author and Coach, Declan Edwards as he brings together inspiring guest speakers, cutting-edge techniques, and a good dose of lighthearted banter in a way that will empower you to truly take charge of your life and begin thriving!Be Empowered. Be Exceptional. BU


  • EPISODE 45: My Top 3 Tips to Becoming a More Confident Public Speaker

    19/03/2019 Duration: 21min

    Up until recently the fear of public speaking was the number one most common fear in Australia. One of the most common assumptions people make about me is that I’ve always been a confident public speaker but this is definitely not the case. Like anything else public speaking is a skill and feeling confident in it comes with time and practice. However there are a few tips and strategies that make it way easier to overcome that fear of public speaking and build your confidence in its place. In this episode I share my top 3 Tips to becoming a confident public speaker and discuss exactly how you can apply them to your own life.

  • EPISODE 44: Owning Your Story with Cass Hili

    14/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    After spending most of her life struggling with health issues and morbid obesity this weeks guest made the decision to commit to making a change. Now Cass Hili is 50kgs lighter, more determined than ever and is even the founder of her own company - Millenium Communications Join you host this week as he interview Cass about: - how to grow through challenges - Why it’s so important to own your story - The need for women in leadership - And sweet potato ice cream (you’ll need to listen to the episode to get that inside joke)

  • EPISODE 43: How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

    05/03/2019 Duration: 18min

    If you’re someone who continuously finds themselves overthinking and worrying about what other people might think of them then this episode is for you! Join your host as he shares personal stories from his past about how he used to spend ages worrying about what other people think and more importantly as he shares how he overcame this. This is one not to be missed.

  • EPISODE 42: From Self Hate and Eating Disorders to Self Love and Health - with Tahnee Hancock

    28/02/2019 Duration: 38min

    Our guest this week has a story that is uplifting, empowering and a perfect example of why we do what we do at BU By making the choice to work on her own wellbeing Tahnee Hancock not only overcome long term struggles with body image, low self esteem and disordered eating - she also discovered a sense of purpose in helping other women learn to love themselves and their bodies If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and not been happy with what you see. If you’ve ever been the critic to yourself. And if you’ve ever wanted to learn to love yourself. This is an episode that you simply cannot miss.

  • EPISODE 41: Positive Thinking is Bullsh*t

    19/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    If you’re sick of seeing #positivevibesonly and #positivethinking all over your social media feed you have every right to be. Join your host Declan Edwards as he dives into why the Positive Thinking Movement doesn’t actually help your emotional wellbeing and how it can even cause more harm than good!

  • EPISODE 40: Life Lessons From Plants (with special guest Monty Sharma from Urban Botanica)

    11/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    There’s just something about being around plants and nature. Spending time in greenery has been scientifically proven time and time again to be incredibly beneficial in both our physical and our emotional wellbeing. Join your host, Declan Edwards, as he is joined this episode by special guest Monty Sharma to discuss how plants can teach us so much about life.

  • EPISODE 39: Exercise is No Longer Enough

    05/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    In a society that praises exercise and healthy eating as the be all and end all of health and happiness it’s easy to forget about the other essential components of living a truly healthy and happy life. Join your host, Declan, for this episode as he deep dives into the 3 key sub/components of health and happiness. Most importantly you’ll learn how to proactively improve your physical health, mental health, emotional health and environmental health!

  • EPISODE 38: The Habits of Health with Guest Experts Travis and Fern

    29/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    These days everyone seems to be making health so complicated. At the end of the day being healthy is a habit and it comes down to covering your fundamentals. Join your host, Declan, as he interviews the founders of MPT Transformations and gains their insight on how people can make long term, sustainable changes to their health and wellbeing. Connect more with Fern and Trav via their website below http://www.mpttransformations.com.au/

  • EPISODE 37: So You’ve Fallen Off the Bandwagon?

    22/01/2019 Duration: 16min

    It’s almost the end of January already! By now more than 50% of people have already given up on the goals that they set less than a month ago. Too many people fall into the trap of letting the rest of the year go to waste simply because January didn’t go to plan To make sure you don’t get stuck in the same cycle here are our TOP 3 TIPS for getting back on track when your goals don’t go to plan!

  • EPISODE 36: Defying the Odds With Hollie Fielder

    15/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    When Hollie was diagnosed with cancer at a young age she was told she had a very small chance of surviving. Not only did this remarkable woman survive, she went on to truly thrive! Join us on this episode as we find out more about the amazing woman that is Hollie Fielder and ask her about how working on her mindset has directly impacted her life.

  • EPISODE 35: 5 Tips to Nailing the New Year

    08/01/2019 Duration: 23min

    Can you believe it’s 2019 already?! We are already one week into the new year and by now a lot of people have already started giving up on their goals and resolutions. Join your host Declan as he gives you his top 5 tips to nailing not only the new year but also to creating long term meaningful change in your life! Don’t forget to enrol in the FREE 5 Steps to Meaningful Change online course by clicking the link below http://bu-coaching-online-courses.thinkific.com/courses/the-5-steps-to-meaningful-change

  • EPISODE 34: From Imposter Syndrome to a $1 MILLION month! How Frances Quinn Rediscovered Herself

    02/01/2019 Duration: 38min

    From starting to learn guitar to running a company that did a $1 million month from the spare room in her house Frances Quinn has done a lot in her life. But what excites me most about this episode is how down-to-earth and real Frances is! Talking to her felt like catching up with an old friend and she just oozes this sense of happiness and joy I couldn’t think of anyone better to highlight what success and fulfilment means in a practical sense.

  • EPISODE 33: Talk Is Cheap

    18/12/2018 Duration: 26min

    When Australians think of mental health and emotional wellbeing they tend to automatically think of movements and organisations such as R U OK Day, The Black Dog Institute and Mental Health Day. Whilst these movements are doing great things in terms of awareness building they cannot make a long term sustainable change to the state of mental and emotional health in Australia on their own Join your host, Declan Edwards, this week as he highlights: 1. How talk and awareness based strategies aren’t enough to make long term positive change to mental and emotional wellbeing. 2. Why there’s a pressing need for an actionable and practical approach to mental health and emotional wellbeing. 3. How to improve your own mental health and emotional wellbeing with a holistic three pronged approach.

  • EPISODE 32: Self Love vs Self Care (with special guest Coby Stokman)

    11/12/2018 Duration: 49min

    It’s all well and good to say that people should love themselves more, that they should take care of themselves more and that that should reconnect with themselves. But how the hell do people actually DO that? Join your host, Declan Edwards, as he sits down with the Founder of the Real Mum Life - Coby Stokman, to discuss all things self-love. By investing in yourself and listening to this podcast episode you will: - Discovery the key difference between self-love and self-care - Learn how to begin reconnecting with your authentic self - Gain access to a special giveaway from Coby

  • EPISODE 31: How to Survive the Silly Season

    04/12/2018 Duration: 26min

    It’s December and Christmas is almost upon us. Which means eggnog, family dinner, Christmas lights and Michael Buble all served with a massive side of emotional burnout and exhaustion. Did you know that up to 69% of people feel stressed during the Christmas holidays? Or that 45% of people feel so overwhelmed that they’d just prefer to skip December altogether? Luckily this doesn’t have to be you this Christmas. In this episode Declan unwraps why Christmas can be so emotionally exhausting and gives you his top three strategies for avoiding festive burnout.

  • EPISODE 30: Achieving Your Dream Career with Career Coach: Amy Smith

    27/11/2018 Duration: 36min

    Here’s the fact of the matter. On average you will spend 40% of your waking hours doing something for work. That’s a lot of time for your career to really positively contribute to your sense of purpose, fulfilment and wellbeing - or to detract from these. Unfortunately most people go through life just doing a job for the money - they never tap into that fulfilment and purpose that comes from not only being in the right career path for themselves but also excelling within it. Amy Smith, the founder of Aligned Tribe, is someone who helps people do just that and today she has kindly agreed to come onto our podcast to share her insider tips and tricks for thriving in your career.

  • EPISODE 29: The Emotional Wellbeing Industry is Broken!

    20/11/2018 Duration: 35min

    Join your host, Declan Edwards, for his most controversial, most eye opening and most valuable episode yet. Throughout this episode you’ll discover why the emotional wellbeing industry in Australia is broken and deep dive into the pros and cons of both the traditional psychology approach to wellbeing and the coaching approach to wellbeing. You’ll also find out why psychiatry is causing more harm than good and why we are fighting the wrong war on drugs. But don’t worry - the episode ends on in uplifting and hopeful note as Declan described his vision for the future of the emotional wellbeing industry in Australia and highlights how you can be empowered to make the right choice when it comes to your own emotional wellbeing.

  • EPISODE 28: Success, Purpose and Bad Habits - Interview with Brandon Willington (aka Willco)

    12/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    What happens when what you thought were your wildest dreams start coming true? How do you step back and evaluate whether you’re happy when your life starts moving at 1 million miles an hour and there’s non stop external pressure to keep going on the roller coaster? This is where Brandon, aka Willco Music, found himself in 2017 when one of his tracks went viral. Suddenly he was touring Australia and the US, talking with producers about follow up tracks... and he was hating every minute of it. In one of our most interesting guest interviews yet Brandon pulls back the curtain on what success means and how he managed to reconnect with a sense of purpose and meaning in his life over the past year.

  • EPISODE 27: The 3 Clear Steps to “Finding Your Purpose”

    06/11/2018 Duration: 21min

    Let me ask you a blunt question. Are you living a life of Purpose? Or are you stuck in the rut? Just turning the wheels but not really moving anywhere? When it comes to developing an overall sense of wellbeing and thriving it’s been proven time and time again that having a sense of purpose makes a huge difference But even when this is so well known there are so few people actually living a life of Purpose I believe that this lack of purpose driven people doesn’t come from a lack of desire, rather it comes from a lack of clear and actionable strategies that empower people to live with purpose That all changes now! Tune in to this week’s episode to gain access to my proven three step process for developing a sense of purpose in your life and escape the rut today!

  • EPISODE 26: From Suicidal to Hydrating the World with Happiness

    30/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Wow! That’s all I can say about this week’s podcast episode with the incredible founder of Frequency H2O, and passionate advocate for emotional and mental wellbeing, Sturt Hinton Join us this week as your host, Declan Edwards, interviews Sturt about how he overcome his struggles with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts to begin pursuing a life of authenticity, love, purpose and contribution. If you, or any of your loved ones, are struggling with suicidal thoughts please reach out to Lifeline on 13 11 14 It’s not weak to speak.

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