"The Canterville Ghost" is a short story by Oscar Wilde.The story is about a family who moves to a castle haunted by the ghost of a dead nobleman, who killed his wife...
"Antony and Cleopatra" is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play was performed first circa 1607 at the Blackfriars Theatre or the Globe Theatre by the King's...
Graham, an 1890s radical pamphleteer who is eagerly awaiting the twentieth century and all the advances it will bring, is stricken with insomnia. Finally resorting to medication,...
The Knights of the Cross is an epic of medieval times and national destiny, ranking as one of the highest achievements from the pen of Henryk Sienkiewicz, the Nobel Prize winner...
When Emma Rouault marries dull, provincial doctor Charles Bovary, her dreams of an elegant and passionate life crumble. She escapes into sentimental novels but finds her fantasies...
From the author of the bestselling Jalna series, a story of one small thing that creates a lot of beauty.Bill and Coo were two pigeons who built their nest in the shelter of the...
A story of the French aristocracy, the book concerns Madame de Pompadour’s influence over the King and France.In US published under the title Petticoat Rule.
There are dreadful—perhaps scurrilous—rumors about the Borgias of renaissance Italy, and here Dumas, in his Celebrated Crimes series, dishes up the dirt in all its...
A pioneer, a fur bringer, falls in love whith a girl that he never met.Will she want him? And his father?Accused by liars, then prisoner of the Indians. Why and how will he escape...
The Scarlet Letter: A Romance, an 1850 novel, is a work of historical fiction written by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is considered his "masterwork". Set in...