Young, impoverished and ambitious, science student Mr. Lewisham is locked in a struggle to further himself through academic achievement. But when his former sweetheart, Ethel...
During one return home, Sir Percy tells the story of André Vallon, a young Jacobin, to the Prince of Wales. André, wishing to revenge himself on a despotic seigneur,...
At sixteen, Anne is grown up… almost. Her gray eyes shine like evening stars, but her red hair is still as peppery as her temper. In the years since she arrived at Green...
A panoramic novel of eighteenth-century London, Cecilia, subtitled Memoirs of an Heiress, is a novel, about the trials and tribulations of a young upper class woman who must...
A rare opportunity to hear two seasoned cats share their experiences of life. One spent entire life hopping from one house to another seeking better conditions for herself. The...
Three successful but bored friends in their mid-forties decide to turn to poaching. They are Sir Edward Leithen, lawyer, Tory Member of Parliament (MP), and ex-Attorney General;...
Woolf began work on The Voyage Out in 1910 and had finished an early draft by 1912. The novel had a long and difficult gestation and was not published until 1915. It was written...
In this novel of adventure, intrigue and romance, The Road, snaking its way across the Indian frontier toward Afghanistan, will take on a life of its own, drawing three...
A young man is taking a sea captaincy which brings with it a succession of crises: his sea is becalmed, the crew laid low by fever, and his deranged first mate is convinced that...