In this thrilling New York Times bestselling video game series, travel to the Halo universe alongside the iconic protagonist—Master Chief—as he and the rest of the...
Halo: Renegades
An original full-length novel set in the Halo universe and based on the New York Times bestselling video game series!Find. Claim. Profit. In a post-Covenant War galaxy littered...
Carniepunk: Hell's Menagerie: A Charlie Madigan Short Story
A Charlie Madigan short story—from the series praised for “intricate world-building and richly complex characters” (Publishers Weekly)—as it first appeared...
Halo: Point Of Light
In this thrilling New York Times bestselling video game series, travel to the Halo universe alongside the iconic protagonist—Master Chief—as he and the rest of the...
Halo: Smoke And Shadow
The thrilling novella from author Kelly Gay in the expansive universe of the New York Times bestselling sci-fi/action video game series!Find. Claim. Profit. In a post-war galaxy...