From the author of ‘Little Women’, this Christmas story follows the young Maurice Treherne, who has recently become crippled after saving his friend Jasper’s life. Falsely...
B.J. Harrison narrates "An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving" by author Louisa May Alcott. Thanksgiving is here, but the mother and father of seven children are called away to the...
Alice is pregnant with her husband Sir Richard Trevlyn’s child. One day, she listens to a conversation between her husband and a visitor through a keyhole. What she hears is...
Three years on from Little Women, the March girls and their friend Laurie are young adults with their futures ahead of them. Although they all face painful trials along the way...
Little Women is the story of the four March girls and their approach towards womanhood.Little Women is the heartwarming story of the March family that has thrilled generations of...
Rose Campbell is having a hard time adjusting to her new life. Recently orphaned, she has been swept away from a strict girls‘ boarding school and placed in the care of her six...
Jo's Boys is the final book in the unofficial Little Women series. In it, Jo's boys, now grown, are caught up in real world troubles. Sections of Jo's Boys follow the travels of...
Partly autobiographical, the sketches describe Alcott's experience as a nurse during the Civil War. After substantial hardship in trying to obtain a spot, she travels through New...
Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the...
The story begins when Rose returns home from a long trip to Europe. Everyone has changed. As a joke, Rose lines up her seven cousins to take a long look at them, just as they did...