A horror story based on the creepypasta Slender Man, a tall, thin man dressed in black, who appears mysteriously in photos watching little children playing on the playground.
You wake up in the middle of the night. Even though it is dark, you notice that someone is sitting on the edge of your bed. Watch out, it could be The Rake and his very sharp...
A short story based on creepypasta Jeff the killer, a terrible serial killer who comes into your room in the middle of the night and watches you sleep - and then kills you...
A short horror story inspired by the creepypasta Free Wifi, where a guy starts using wifi for free without knowing that the price of using this internet would be the most...
Emma Fischer is a different teacher. She enjoys teaching life lessons through urban legends. Miss Fischer's students are between 8 and 9 years old, so it is easy to teach students...