Thelma and Ezra have decided it is time to move forward with their plans to have a family, but first they need to move to a larger living space. When Thelma finds her “Home...
Unseen Terror
An invisible force is beating citizens. No one knows why. Chief Wen of Harmony Services blames the Lumenians. President Bartle directs his advisor, Raekon, to hire the legacy...
Hostile Remnants
Raekon, Sovereign of Organic Earth, is informed of a problem within the barricaded region known as Thistlebriar. He and the assembly members are distraught on hearing of the abuse...
The Imminent Threat
Corilan is happier on Organic Earth than she ever could’ve imagined. She’s bonded to Earthos and raising their family, but something is wrong in the schools. Things begin to...