"The Earp Brothers" weaves the lives of the Earp brothers into one entertaining and educational narrative. It explains the origins of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the...
Aristotle's assertion that in Greek tragedy there is no loftier work than "Oedipus the King" cannot be lightly contradicted. This drama is endued fearfully with nature, as she...
Broken dreams aren't always the pits. With this collection of interconnected stories, Corrigan weaves together a narrative of love and loss as Declan Mulligan visits Ireland after...
In the not-too-distant future, the United States loses its status as a world Superpower. With the military cut to a barebones level and American leaders focused solely on the...
"CHILLINGLY THOUGHT PROVOKING..." Are you ready for one hell of a bumpy ride? A man's daily commute becomes a hellish nightmare in this harrowing account of a horrific bus crash...
Can a person born into a nomadic culture find a home? When Michael Mulligan and Maria Burke flee Ireland during the famine, she leaves her tyrannical husband, Nathaniel Burke,...
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth and of His being in the temple in Jerusalem when He was a boy of 12. But then there is no further mention of Him until about 20 years later when...
Idaho author Michael Corrigan joins together his series of short stories of doppelganger Michael Mulligan, circa 1860's to early 20th Century, into this lyrical and surreal...
With a foreword by Brooke Shields -- From the edge of Hollywood’s spotlight into the locker rooms of America, If These Lips Could Talk gives you a producer’s unfettered...
What's worse than realizing you're a werewolf? Being chased by a monster hunter with a demon eye. Dorian survived being eaten alive, but time is running out to save himself and...