Michael, Taylor, Ostin, and the rest of the Electroclan go on their most dangerous mission yet as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fifth installment of the New...
Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times...
Nick is getting ready for Halloween, and Mittens wants to help. But the only thing he seems to be good at is making a mess—until Mittens finds his own way to contribute to...
Mittens is searching for Max. He wants to play! But Max isn’t in any of the places where Mittens looks for him. Where can he be?The happy surprise that awaits Mittens in...
Big Nate is on a roll!Nate’s a big deal in his scout troop . . . until Artur—aka Mr. Perfect—joins up. Now Nate’s stuck in second place. And Artur means...
Big Nate will surpass all others!But it won't be easy. He's stuck with Gina, his all time enemy, who just might ruin everything!Will Nate win or lose? Pass or fail? Or end up in...
FBI agent Jessica Blackwood believes she's left her complicated life as a gifted magician behind her . . . until a killer with seemingly supernatural powers puts her talents to...
An ordinary Utah college student named Reggie Shaw fatally strikes two rocket scientists while texting and driving. Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Matt Richtel...
With unspeakable phobias, a need to sleep with three night-lights, and a horrible allergy to peanut butter, Joe Sherlock is not your typical neighborhood hero. But fear not, Joe...
Top dog Duke and his crew of construction-worker dogs are hard at work building a new park. They need lots of cool equipment to help them dig, haul, push, and plow—like a...