Turning Around a Troubled School is the story of a very public leadership challenge in reversing the fortunes of a failing government school in the affluent eastern suburbs of...
VOLUME 2/3 A catastrophe of biblical proportions is about to befall our planet. But this time the terrestrials are not alone. Some of the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru are...
The tragic story of Robert Johnson, great Blues musician of the American 30's, the mysterious solution to his tragic end, the background and his complete discography.An emotional...
VOLUME 3/3 And if, we too, were nothing other than the mere characters of a great novel entitled ”Man”? In this third episode of the series ”The adventures of Azakis and...
Child brides sold as objects, with a rite of marriage or a simple exchange of money, to people of adult age, suffer real abuse, an act which aids paedophilia. The parties...
“We were on our way back. Only one of our solar years had passed since we had been forced to leave the planet in haste, but for them, in Earth years, there had been 3,600. What...