Table Of ContentsStory 1: Fair and FoulStory 1: Behind Closed DoorsStory 1: Paying the PiperStory 1: The Damned Hands MurderStory 1: The Wrong Side Of Albert
In prison, you hear a lot of stories. Whether they are from criminals trying to make themselves more intimidating or men sharing fragments of their pasts in an attempt to piece it...
Story 1: City of the DjinnStory 2: The Wendigo DollStory 3: Snow Over LacksmouthStory 4: Blood and InkStory 5: Room 206
What would you say if someone told you they had come face to face with God? That God, in physical form had told them the mysteries of the universe, the details of his divine plan....
Room 206 is a room with secrets. As always secrets bring questions. Why is the owner of the hotel meeting with known criminals? Why are the walls around that room four times as...
For most police officers, dealing with ‘crackpots’ is simply part of the job. The people who call up confessing to murders they couldn’t have committed or which might never...
I’ve always believed the old maxim that truth is stranger than fiction. If you ever doubt the fact, then I urge you to spend more time around people, particularly the elderly...
Honestly, until the thing with Stephen Mellor I'd never understood how people managed to be scared of ghosts.Monsters I could understand, serial killers even more so. Monsters...
Tyler Street looked as though it hadn’t changed a bit since the last time Byron had been there. Same sidewalk cafe. Same trendy woman’s clothing store across the street. Same...
Some people are scared of clowns. It’s a real phobia. I read once that it’s something about their smiles, the painted grins are just a little too wide and whatever it is in...