“North and South “(1854) is a novel by the English writer Elizabeth Gaskell. The title refers to one of the themes of the novel: the contrast of lifestyles between the...
"Cranford" is a short story written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1851. The protagonist is the young lady Mary Smith who narrates in first person the daily lives of some...
Ruth is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published in three volumes in 1853. The book is a social novel, dealing with Victorian views about sin and illegitimacy. It is a...
“Christmas storms and sunshine” is a short novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1848.The main characters of this story are Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, and Mr. and Mrs....
We are in November 1859 and Elizabeth Gaskell decides to spend a vacation of 15 days in Whitby, Yorkshire town. Here he began to do research on whaling, the forced conscription of...
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (29 September 1810 — 12 November 1865) was an English novelist and short story writer during the Victorian era. Her novels offer a detailed...
“My Lady Ludlow” is a long novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1858.La storia descrive perfettamente la vecchia aristocrazia inglese. The story describes perfectly...
“ The Well of Pen-Morfa” (1850) is a short dark novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell, the writer of the Victorian age.
“The moorland cottage” is a very moving and emotional story written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1850. Mrs Browne and her children, Edward and Maggie, lives with their...
“The Shah’s English Gardener” is a short dark novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell, the writer of the Victorian age.