In a quiet suburb off the outskirts of Portland, resides a place known as the Mansion Estates. Filled with young and old couples alike, but there's something missing, a touch of...
The return of trolls and goblins place the Elven castle of Erun on high alert. Aewyn, a high priestess, and her sister Leila, an archer are at odds with one another. However,...
Torrie is an ambitious sports agent, working as the breadmaker in her marriage. Her husband, Jake, is a sports writer, who's recently seemed to grow distant from Torrie, due to...
In the old wild, wild west, a bounty hunter by the name of Cassie enters a small town. She's hired to protect some cattle for a farmer who thinks bandits are in town but once...
Valentine's Day is here, love is in the air, and for Amy's husband, another Hallmark Holiday has arrived. Amy tries to hide it, but she's still reeling in disappointment from the...
Mary and her newly wed husband, Tom, head out to fly to California. Unfortunately for Mary, Tom's racist comments land them in the confinement room. Three black security agents...
Sharon continues to please Marcus to ensure that her husband doesn't find out about the car wreck. However, when her husband unexpectedly comes home early, the two have a...
Erin is a disatisfied housewife, tired of growing distant from her busy husband, Ian. When she confronts him about the lack of affection and love in their marriage, he let's her...
Debbie is looking to have a quiet bachelorette party but her friends, Laura, Jen, Joan and Shelly have something else in mind. Her four friends decide to take her out on a crazy...
Jake has had a rough time trying to find pleasure in a relationship. He's tried meeting people through work, through friends, at bars, and most recently through a mobile...