The feeling of equality and respect for differences is a natural conclusion to love. Cutie, the loving hen, shows a mother's despair at seeing her son in danger; the joy of having...
Caramel, the wild puma shows that prudence is an important virtue for everyone. To know how to weigh risks and to seek for solutions of our needs is a constant task: we must learn...
Carcara, the wise eye is a story of self-reliance and determination. We all are singular individuals, independent and unique, but, contradictorily, dependent and inserted in a...
Blume, the loyal puppy - approaches the issue of loyalty and responsibility for life, of any nature. Sadness arises from decisions described in the book, which makes the mediator...
In Muriqui, the happy monkey, living in society is approached. The greatest primate in Brazil teaches us the importance of studying, of having emotional balance, of looking for...
Narré par Voix SynthétiqueBoueux, le petit cochon souligne l'importance de la sincérité, de l'acceptation et de l'humilité. Se connaître et se reconnaître est important...
Carcara y sus ojos de águilla, el soberano es una historia de autosuficiencia y determinación. Todos somos uno, independientes y únicos, pero, contradictoriamente, dependientes...
Muriqui, el mono feliz, aborda la vida social. El primate más grande de Brasil nos enseña la importancia de estudiar, de tener equilibrio emocional, de buscar lo que te és...
Dulce, la onza parda salvaje muestra que la prudencia es una virtud importante para todos. Saber reflexionar los riesgos y buscar la solución de sus necesidades es una tarea...
Narré par Voix SynthétiqueA Muriqui, le singe heureux, la vie sociale est abordée. Le plus grand primate du Brésil nous enseigne l'importance d'étudier, d'avoir un équilibre...