This book is: a fantasy, a fairy tale and a book primarily for young adults aged 12-15. The book revolves around a man called Daniel ( Dan) Martin who gets sucked into a whirlwind...
Rachel likes to think of herself as a nice Jewish girl, dedicated to doing what’s honorable, just as her parents raised her to do. But when her husband, David, survives a plane...
How to create a fulfilling, loving, long lasting relationship. Imagine having effective tools, plus a lifetime of wisdom to help you build a relationship filled with happiness and...
How to heal the internal wounds that keep you from the life you desire Imagine having someone to guide you through the necessary steps on your road to healing... What if you could...
Cuando comencé a escribir este libro, solo pretendía contar la historia de una muchacha que nació en medio de adversidades y llegó a ser la primera mujer presidenta de un...
In this crime mystery, when Police Officer Danny Garcia and his partner get a call for a disturbance of the peace, they have no idea of the surprise in store for them. Danny has...
How did the ancient Egyptians travel in this quaint old land thousands of years ago? What sort of transportation did they use?For how long did they go?What destinations did they...
Ex-Navy SEAL Adam Weldon tracks down kidnappers who have the San Francisco Bay Area teetering on the brink of societal collapse. In this wild, irresistible, white-knuckled...
Prince and His Mother's Crown: Tales Within My Mother's Hair, is a whimsical fairytale about a little boy named Prince who is fascinated with his mother's magical crown of hair.It...
How to bring your environment into alignment with your desires for your life so it is inviting what you want to manifest! What if your home and/or office environment could help...