Out There





  • She Rises Up

    30/05/2024 Duration: 37min

    My guest is Maureen Tusty, documentary film maker and co-owner of Sky Films.  I got an email about a week ago from a promoter asking if I was interested in interviewing one of the producers of a film called She Rises Up.  As I read about the film, I was really drawn in.  She Rises Up is the story of 3 different women in 3 different poorer countries who are trying to create businesses and create a better life.  According to Maureen, over 1/3 of the world won't let women own their own businessess, and in many countries they can't even work because there are very few jobs and those limited jobs will go to men first.  Maureen and her husband James make films that inform, inspire and uplift, I definitely agree after watching She Rises Up.  Imagine not having hope, or have the ability to make a better world for yourself.  Imagine unthinkable poverty.  Yet, through all of that, there are those who have great drive and belief to "rise up" against the odds.  These kind of films humble me, remind me to be grateful, and

  • Climate Change? Or Something Else?

    16/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    This is the warmest winter that I've ever seen here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Normally we have some very cold winters that seem to last several months.  This year is different.  Normally by November we have cold weather and snow, we didn't have snow up here for Christmas.  We've had maybe 3 storms, at least in this area with not a lot of snow.  In January all the snow was melted and it wasn't until the other day when we got snow that covered the grass.  Very unusual to see grass this time of year.  Our temperatures have been well above normal this winter.  What's going on?   I have found there are 3 main theories that most people believe.  Climate change, Earth changes and weather manipulation.  I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe, but if I bought what I was told by our experts I could might be panicking right now.  Instead I'm not.  I'm at peace and perhaps there may be other truths we are not aware of.  


    14/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    Almost 2 years ago my wife and I stayed with our friends Keith and Laurie for a week in southern Arizona.  They go out there every winter and we sometimes go there to visit and to enjoy nicer weather.  During out visit my wife and her friend Laurie witnessed a condor swoop down in the backyard just a few feet from them.  Condors are very rare in Arizona, they might be a little more common in California.  Right a way I kind of had an idea of what this could mean, condors are associated with death.  Both my wife and her friend had a parent that were getting closer to passing and we knew it.  My father in law would pass later year and now Laurie's mother, Carol, has made her transition.  At the time I didn't tell either of them what I thought the condor meant, I just told them it was a defininte sign and maybe it had another meaning as well.  This brings me full circle to my friend Mike who is getting close as well and while a mutual friend want to try to assist him in some way to stop his suffering, it reminds

  • World Events

    03/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    What is going on?  Are we heading towards a bigger conflict?  Who can we trust to tell us the truth?  There was a time I would have been wrapped up in a lot of this, and maybe only looked at one side.  I might have been quite worried.  I am not now.  I still hold to the belief that much of what we see is orchestrated, often to shift perception.  All I can do is focus on love and send it out, regardless of what is true and what is not true.

  • For All The Truth Seekers

    08/09/2023 Duration: 49min

    I would guess that most of us are seeking some kind of truth, especially early in life.  We ask so many questions, often questions that frustrate our parents.  We want to know "why."  At some point many of us lach onto something and we stop asking why.  It's like that scene in one of my favorite movies, Close Encounters, where Richard Dreyfus refused to stop until he found what he was looking for.  I feel that same way.  Why do I feel so strong about this?  I don't know.  Are you that way too?  There are so many options out there today with the internet, how do we know what's true or not?  Who can we trust?  First and foremost it should be ourselves in my opinion.  I think our intuition guides us if we allow it.  I think to find truth we have to let go of what we think it is, we need to be open.  We have to look at both and all sides.  Even then, we still may not know and just have to let it go for a day when something else will line up and it will all make sense.  So much is going on in our world right now a

  • Not What We Were Told

    10/08/2023 Duration: 55min

    My podcast has been about focusing on the positive.  Keeping our vibrations high for what may be coming.  I think I may do some shows about topics that need to be addressed.  Please use your discretion and skip this show if it doesn't feel right.  I've known one of these 3 people for some time and always have had pleasant conversations.  We often have quite a few good laughs.  My 3 guests work in a profession that allowed them to see some things during and after Covid.  We were told the shots would be effective.  We were told they keep us from getting sick.  We were told that the shots would prevent us from spreading Covid.  We were also told, they were safe.  If someone spoke out about this, or even another alternative option, they were shut down.  Doesn't that seem odd?  I've talked to many about this, and maybe it's just a coincidence.   Many have had major side effects from "the Jab" and some may have passed from it's side effects.  How do you prove any of that?  Now, I have 3 people that work in that fie

  • Coming Soon

    28/07/2023 Duration: 08min

    I've been busy this summer, haven't had much time to do a podcast.  Of course that's an excuse.  I had an interesting conversation today with 2 women, this led me to ask the "right" questions and they opened up, and they told me they'd come on my podcast.  They've both witnessed things that will certainly open some eyes.  How do we know anything is true?  Through our own experiences first and foremost.  Secondly through reliable sources.  In my case it's people who I've come to know and trust.  Can you trust what's on the internet?  Maybe.  News Media?  Hmm...  Like I've said before, each of us can bring a piece to the puzzle and if everyone shared we'd find a lot of hidden gems.  Plus I wanted to mention this week about my friend Dan and his son and honor their journey.

  • Light FromThe Cauldron

    15/06/2023 Duration: 54min

    Joy Melchezidek joins me to talk about her new book, "The Light From The Cauldron."  Joy explains how she channeled Morgan LeFay who wrote the book.  Who is Morgan LeFay?  Was she the evil being portrayed in the King Aurthur stories?  Or was there a different story behind this?  Was Camelot real?  I think there could have been some truth in this as in all of our fables.  I've read Joy's book and I know the words do not come from her, as she readily admits.

  • Joy Melchezidek- Channeling

    27/04/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    A friend of mine wrote a book and sent it to me and he claimed he was working with his spirit guides.  I read it and it didn't quite feel right with some of the things he was saying.  Joy and I had scheduled an interview a while back, we didn't have a topic but I asked if she would speak about channeling on this show.  She agreed and we spoke of some other things as well.     www.joyofunion.podbean.com


    14/03/2023 Duration: 57min

    My buddy David Twichell wanted to interview me for his show, We Are Not Alone.  I asked if I could run the audio of the interview on my podcast as well, David agreed.  Dave wanted to talk to me about the plane incident I saw in the sky back in May of 2022.  After doing this interview I'm almost certain I was suspended for a moment in time in order to see that whole plane so clearly.  I drive by everyday and even if I slow down to about 45 mph, I still don't think I could have seen the whole plane as clearly as I did.  David brought up a good point about me not hearing the jet engines which should have been loud considering how close the plane was.  I estimate maybe less than a quarter mile from me and less than 200 feet in the sky, maybe even 150 feet.  Hard to judge altitude.  I just know when I first saw it over the trees I thought it was going to clip them.  It took me roughly 13 seconds to get to the opening where I saw it clearly.  I did the math.  If I was driving west at 60 mph, I'm traveling about a q


    03/02/2023 Duration: 22min

    This is in part a follow up to the last show I did.  I left it hanging and we ran out of time for the interview.  I have my own observations regarding all of this since I've dealt with many who've witnessed UFO's and been abducted.  I've had my own experiences seeing unknown craft and even a Gray, but I wasn't abducted.  I don't want people to be afraid, fear doesn't help any of us.  Instead, I just will share some things I've looked into and throw a few theories around as to what is really happening.  Hopefully soon I'll do a show with my buddy Frank Feshino who had a pretty bad health scare but is on the mend.  Down the road I will be on David Twitchell's show, We Are Not Alone.  He wanted to interview me about the plane I saw.  In this show I talk about it a little and now feel something more was going on.  Peace and joy!  


    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    William Konkolesky is the director of Michigan MUFON, Mutual UFO Network.  Bill has been on with me before and while he helps others who've had interaction with UFO's, he has his own story regarding abductions at an early age.  Often I find people who are interested in this topic have had expereiences that motivated them to get involved.  Bill's a regular guy, has a family, holds down a steady job, and occasionally speaks with and interacts with aliens.  Pretty normal, right?  Maybe more normal than we realize.  I don't wish to frighten anyone, so listen if this feels right for you.  For the most part Bill feels these have been positive experiences.  Not everyone feels that way, some have had more negative experiences.  If any of this is true, why is this going on?  There may be many answers, but from my perspective, it always starts with a soul agreement.


    06/01/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    I'm a little behind the 8 ball on this, we did this show a couple weeks ago and I haven't had a chance to upload this show.  Joy Melchezidek joins me to talk about Solstice and we might even have a guest arrive.    


    27/10/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    My soul sister Joy joins me again, this is a joint effort for Out There and Joy Of Union.  This week we chose the fun topic of death.  Doesn't that sound fun?  Very few probably want to talk about it, I don't blame you.  I've changed my view on it many years ago that allows me to see it in a very positive light.  This also is a topic that hit me pretty hard last week, my father in law passed.  We were like brothers, at least in my mind.  Now I should have figured out why Joy wanted to do this topic, it wasn't just about giving people a chance to see things in a different light.  This was meant for me too.  Thank you Joy!  I get a special guest, my father in law Bob and while I don't want the focus to be on me, I am grateful for what happened.  There was a time when I wouldn't  have allowed my true feelings to flow, but I don't care anymore, I just want to be my authentic self.  I was given a great gift with this interview.  There are many other things we talk about, where do you go when you pass?  Are there d


    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Joy Melchezidek joins me this week to channel the Mother Mary.  Joy felt she hasn't channeled her before.  You may not wish to listen, I'm not here to challenge your faith, listen at your own discretion and follow your own guidance.  So what became of Mother Mary?  What does she wish to share with us today?


    08/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    Do you ever feel helpless by what's going on in the world?  Have you lost a little hope?  This show is about hope, hope for a brighter future and hope for all.  For years chanellers  have been speaking about a Galactic Federation and how they are here to assist us now as we go through these great changes.  How can you even know any of that's true?  I happened to catch a show called UFO Witness and some of the witnesses on the show talked about the Galactic Federation and how they were here at this time to help us.  These witnesses claimed to have been in direct contact with certain star races.  The TV show chose to put a negative spin on this, saying they may be misleading us and wanting to invade.  I would think they could easily invade if they wanted to.  So if this contact is real then perhaps it supports what some channels/psychics have been saying for a while now.  And perhaps, like some feel, there is an invisible war going on over the consciousness of the planet and the souls who reside here.  This inv


    29/08/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    Let's see, there's Edith and Archie, Gloria and Meathead, who else?  Okay, not that family.  This week we have an interesting take on the family of Jesus and Mary Magdelene.  You may have heard from sources that they had a child, Sarah.  Were there more?  Roslyn McGrath joins Joy Melchedzidek and myself to channel the 3rd Mary and her family.  Who's the 3rd Mary?  She is the mother of Mary Magdelene who Roslyn has been channeling for some time now.  Roslyn has written two books relating to this: "Post Resurrection, the Family Of Mary Magdelene", and "The Third Mary: 55 Messages For Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace From the Mother of Mary Magdelene."     This may not be for everybody, use your own discernment if you choose to listen.  My goal is to never stir the pot or change your way of thinking.   You can check out Roslyn's website at: www.empoweringlightworks.com/              


    06/08/2022 Duration: 01h12min

    Joy Melchezidek joins me and she channels John Lennon, Anne Frank and the Peace Pilgrim.  How did this come about?  Someone suggested to Joy we speak with John and Anne and the Peace Pilgrim showed up as well.  So did my mother.  You can "Imagine" what John has to say, I found his comments about Pete Best interesting.  I threw out the conspiracy theory that Paul McCartney died in a car crash and was replaced by another singer back in the 1960s.  Those of you who might think that Paul died, well John got a chuckle out of that.  My connection to Anne Frank also reminds me of my mother.  There were both the same age at the time of Anne's death.  Both from Germany although Anne and her family left the country and tried to hide because the dissention towards Jewish people.  Anne left her imfamous diary and now she's helping other children who've crossed over.  The Peace Pilgrim showed up and this is probably a message echoed by all three, four if you count my mother.  What did mom say?  Well the typical, "Wash be


    16/06/2022 Duration: 55min

    When Peter Frank was 14 he was injured in an accident and had to spend quite a bit of time in the hospital to recover.  His parents stayed in a facility that is called the Beacon House, located in Marquette Michigan.  Having recovered from his injuries, last year Peter rode a unicycle from Appleton Wisconsin to Phoenix Arizona to raise money for the Beacon House.  You might think that was a well planned trip but that is not the case at all, instead much of what happened to Peter on his journey was from the generousity of others, or some of it almost be considered divine timing.  Peters approachable positive attitude certainly helped.  From my perspective there was something more, Peter was living freely and he was manifesting as he traveled.  How many of us would be worried about all the details?  I think of how I thought when I was that age and perhaps we all could learn, or even just remember, what it was like to be free and go with the wind.  This year Peter is traveling by canoe down the Mississippi rive


    30/05/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    When I saw the plane a few weeks ago I reached out to Michigan Mufon (Mutual UFO Network) and on their website I saw Bill's number and left him a message and he was kind enough to email me back right away and even suggest doing another interview.  It's been 9 years since we last talked, honestly I've kind of lost interest in the subject.  I know they exist, I've seen things, family and friends have seen things, so I dont' need to be convinced.  I'm always curious why people do what they do, in Bill's case he saw a UFO when he was a teenager and the fact that he has been abducted several times.  I know there are many who don't believe we get taken, all I can say is talk to someone who has and you will see the trauma it has created in thier lives.  So this week we talk about some of my sightings and sighting that Bill has covered, but also his own personal experience.  This may not be for everyone so skip this episode.  I've talked to quite a few abductees and discovered there are 2 camps, one seems like a won