Ko Sales Coach



On the K.O. Sales Coach you'll discover proven techniques and strategies to punch up your sales, develop effective selling skills and make stronger connections with your customers. Join us every week for tips to help you, knockout your goals, make more money and advance your sales career.


  • How To Become Better With Buying Signals In 10 Minutes

    11/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    Surprising as it may seem, a high percentage of sales every year are lost by salespeople who don’t know when to close. In fact, knowing when to close may be as, if not more, important than knowing how to close. On today's show discover: ... the biggest mistakes salespeople make when it comes to buying signals; ... how to increase your awareness; ... and how to react when you get a buying signal from your customer.   Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes   If you’ve ever watched an infomercial on TV and NOT called...you understand buying signals. Why didn’t you call? Well, you probably weren’t interested in buying. So flip that around and you see that one of the very first buying signals you get from your customer is that they called or came in to your store. Now, while you’re interacting with your customer she’ll start to consider buying from you. She won’t come right out and tell you, in fact, a lot of times it’s subconscious

  • You’ll Never Win, The Blame Game

    04/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    It’s a popular game to play, especially when something goes wrong. Maybe you’ve played it yourself ..it’s the Blame Game. You know pointing the finger at something when a sale goes south. They didn’t have any money They thought it was Free They just didn’t want to buy It’s easy to do and sometimes these things you blame might even be legit but the question is do you ever actually win when you play the blame game? On today’s show discover: … how to find the value in a lost sale; … why focusing on those things you can control sets you up for success; …and why you’ll never win the blame game. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The U.S.S. Missouri was underway and headed to its final destination when sailors on the bridge saw a light in the distance. The Captain was notified and he radioed ahead, “We are headed your way. Change your course 10 degrees south.” After a short period a signal came back, “You change 10 degrees nort

  • Analytical Annie, How to Adapt and Make the Sale

    28/01/2016 Duration: 04min

    The Best Way to Sell to Analytical Buyers In previous episodes of the show we’ve talked about the different types of buyers you run into in sales. We’ve defined them as Impulse, Skeptical, Control and Analytical Buyers. They all have their own set of characteristics, likes and dislikes and to be a well rounded salesperson; it’s important you’re able to identify and adjust to each of them. On today’s show discover: …how to recognize an Analytical Buyer; … ideas for adapting your style; … and the best way to sell to Analytical Buyers Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Who is the Analytical Buyer? Wouldn’t be nice if customers walked into your store with a big sign around their neck that said “Analytical Annie”, “Impulsive Irma”, “Controlling Carl” or Skeptical Skip”? It certainly would make it a lot easier to know what you’re getting into….but it doesn’t work that way so you need to do a little detective work and pay close at

  • How to Get Anything You Want

    21/01/2016 Duration: 07min

    Get Anything You Want What if there was a way to get virtually anything you wanted? Well there is! On today's show discover: ... a simple three step approach to take control of your own destiny and get what you want; ... and two things important things you have going for you that can make all the difference! Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Where Do You Want to Go? There’s a famous chinese proverb that says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...” and it means that you can plan and dream all day long but to get somewhere you want to go you have to start where you are now. So where do you want to go? Why, How, What There’s a simple three step approach that can help you develop a solid plan for getting what you want. All you have to do is answer these three questions: Why are you doing it? How will you do it? What, specifically will you do differently to make it happen? Why The first step in this proce

  • How to Make Buyers Remorse a Thing of the Past

    14/01/2016 Duration: 05min

    Buyers Remorse If you’ve ever made a purchase, got home and then started having second thoughts you know what it’s like to experience buyers remorse. On today's show discover: ... what buyers remorse is; ... why it happens; ... and what you can do to reduce it. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes What is Buyers Remorse? Buyers remorse is a feeling of regret you may experience after having made a purchase. Usually it happens after you buy something big like a car or a house but it can happen after any purchase. It’s this little voice in your head going....”should I have done that?” “ did I make the right decision?” “ I wonder if this will really work like they said?”  Why does it happen? Buyers remorse is actually a natural emotion that everyone feels as part of the buying process. Before you buy you’re excited by all of the possibilities, you're anticipating good things and experiencing the positive, fun side of shopping. It

  • The 10 Worst Rebuttals of All Time

    07/01/2016 Duration: 09min

    Worst Rebuttals Facing objections is a fact of life in sales and there are good, effective rebuttals and then those others that just don't work. So why do salespeople keep using them? Great question!  On today's show discover: ... why some of the worst rebuttals simply don’t work; ... more effective rebuttals that will help you confidently answer customer objections and close more sales. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes What we know about why people buy There are a couple of things we know about why people buy. The first is that people buy from people they like and trust. and second we know that for a sale to take place customers need to see value. As you go through this list of rebuttals pay attention to whether they support or undermine trust and value. The 10 Worst Rebuttals of All Time #10 “You like saving money don’t you?” #9 "Literature is like reading books and you don't read books. So how is that going to help y

  • 6 Amazing Ways to Improve Empathy

    31/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    Improve Empathy Your natural ability to empathize is one of the most important assets you have when it comes to connecting with your customer and as a refined skill, it’s key to your success in sales! On today’s show discover: … that the ability to empathize is natural but the skill to do it well takes practice; … how communicating sincere empathy can positively impact your sales; … 4 ways to enhance and improve your natural ability to empathize. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Empathy in Sales Developing your natural ability to empathize has big benefits for sales people and here’s why: When you change the way you think you change the way you feel; When you change they way you feel, you change the way you act. and in sales…we know that they way you act (the things you do) influence your success. Better Understanding When you practice empathy it allows you to view the world through your customer’s eyes. It let’s you se

  • What to Think About I Need to Think About It

    17/12/2015 Duration: 05min

    I Need to Think About It “I need to think about it” ....have you ever had a customer say that to you? If you’ve been in sales for any length of time chances are pretty good you’ve heard it. It’s a normal reaction but if you’re hearing it a lot...that’s not normal and you may be giving your customer too much to think about. On today's show discover: ...one of the most common reasons customers don’t buy; ...how to avoid giving your customer too much to think about; ... and a proven method for overcoming the “I need to think about it” objection. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The Downfall of Civilization A colleague once told me he felt the downfall of civilization would someday be traced back to crayons. (an odd idea but he certainly had my attention) You see at one time there were just a few colors. Red, Green, Blue, Yellow....but now there are too many to choose from. In fact, Crayola crayons come in 120 colors including 23 reds, 20 greens, 19 blues, 8 yellows and more... It’s kind of the same with TV

  • How to Persuade your Customer to Say Yes

    10/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    Say Yes It’s the word salespeople are trying desperately to get their customer to say, “yes”. It’s so simple and yet it can be a real challenge to persuade your customer. On today’s show discover: … 6 universal principles that can influence your customer to say “yes”; … and ideas for incorporating these principles and becoming more persuasive. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Science Believe it or not researchers have been studying why we say “yes” for over 60 years! It turns out there really is some science involved in the art of persuasion. What they found are 6 universal principles that influence customers to say “yes”. 6 Universal Principles Reciprocity Reciprocity is the feeling we all have to give back what we have received from others. It seems that when you use the principle of reciprocation there are three important keys to success: 1 – be first to give 2 – make it personal and 3- whenever you can make it unexpected. Scarcity You know, we all want what we can’t have. If you’ve ever heard “Call

  • How to Reduce Risk for Skeptical Customers

    03/12/2015 Duration: 06min

    Skeptical Customers You've run into them before and they are skeptical about everything. They are very leery and it can be a challenge to convince them to give you, and your product a try. They are skeptical customers and they feel like buying is risky business but you can help them feel more at ease! On today's show discover: ... 5 simple ways to help skeptical customers feel more confident about doing business with you, your company and about trying your product. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." ...it’s what Skeptical customers live by...they’re leery of everything and like the song says.... ‘they won’t be fooled again” For them everything is a risk: Will it really do what you say it will? Why should I trust you? What if it doesn’t work, will you be here for me after the sale? 5 Ways to Help Skeptical Customers Feel More at Ease 1) Set realistic expectations When it sounds too good to be true skeptical customers become even more skeptical. Remember they’ve heard it all befor

  • How to turn a Slump into a Success

    19/11/2015 Duration: 06min

    Turn a Sales Slump into a Success There you are, minding your own business when all of a sudden nothing is going right and you just can’t seem to make a sale.... and the longer it goes on, the worse it seems to get. Have you lost your edge? Will you ever make a sale again? Yes, you will! On today's show discover: ... how top athletes approach slumps to get back in the winner's circle; ... how their approach can work for you in sales; ... and 5 ways to shake it off and turn your next Slump into a Success   Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes 5 Ways Top Athletes Handle a Slump One - Don't Panic Just like dogs can smell fear, customers can smell desperation.  If you’re in panic mode your customer can tell something is wrong. Once that happens...good luck closing them.  Panicking can quickly snowball out of control, you panic, you lose sales and that causes you to panic some more! So stay calm, and don’t dwell on it.   1"One thing about a shooting slump is that it`s better not to think about it, just try to be

  • Embrace Your Inner Baby and Sell More

    12/11/2015 Duration: 07min

    A Skill You've Had Since You Were a Baby Ever heard anyone say “she’s a born salesperson or he was born to sell”....maybe they’ve even said that about you? Well, I don’t know whether you were born to sell or not but there is a skill we all learn shortly after we’re born that top salespeople use everyday to excel in sales...... On Today's Show You'll discover... ... how something you’ve done since you were a baby can help you build stronger rapport with your customers; ... help you have a greater understanding of what your they want; ... and help you close more sales with a variety of different customer types. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes What is Mirroring Mirroring is when one person adopts the physical and verbal behaviors of another. You know, things like like facial expressions, body language, rate of speech, phrases, volume and even the rate of someone’s  breathing...these are all things that we subconsciously mirror with people who are close to us. So how does mirroring help you build rapport? I

  • The Magic Phrase Salespeople Want to Know

    05/11/2015 Duration: 06min

    What Are They Saying? In every sales organization there are those salespeople...you know the ones, they’re always on top of the leaderboard. They’re almost legendary and then there are the stories.... “how did she close that sale? That was an impossible situation and somehow he turned it around....I need to know what he’s saying.” On today's show discover: ... the magic phrase I learned after analyzing the sales presentations of a top salesman; ... the secret to turning those impossible situations around; ... and how you can close more sales and benefit from what I learned. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes How I Discovered the Magic Phrase As the head of a call center training department I listened to recording from our top salesperson to find out what he was saying to turn around impossible sales situations. I found his magic phrase and this is what he said: "It's like Milk, you don't know if it works, until you try it." Where's the Magic? The magic was in what he did not what he said. Customers buy fro

  • How to Make Control Buyers Your Favorite Type of Customer

    29/10/2015 Duration: 06min

    Control Buyers For many salespeople, control buyers are the most challenging....but they don’t need to be.   On today's show discover: ... where control buyers are coming from so you have a better understanding and appreciation for their approach; ...how to tell if you’re interacting with a control buyer so you can respond appropriately; ...some ideas for successfully selling to control buyers!   Subscribe and Review in iTunes Where do Control buyers come from? Many control buyers are aggressive and their take charge attitude has a lot do with a fear of being disrespected, bullied or taken advantage of. It really has nothing to do with you they’ve just learned that the best way to deal with salespeople is to come out swinging. What's the best way to handle a Control buyer? The worst thing you can do is react forcefully...it’s only going to confirm their fears and cause them to get more aggressive. A better approach is to show them you’re different. Show them: You’re respectful You aren’t going to bully the

  • The Power of You

    22/10/2015 Duration: 05min

    Implying Ownership in Sales If the goal of your sales presentation is for your customer to own it, it would be really helpful if you could get them to start thinking about it as theirs from the beginning right? Well YOU have the power to do just that and... on today's show you'll discover... ... how rephrasing your communication can help your customer feel more connected to your product; ...how implying ownership throughout the sale can increase your close rate;   ...and how even small changes in the way you communicate can have a big impact on your sales success! Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Keys to Implying Ownership 1 ) Keep your customer involved. When you’re customer is talking they are engaged and excited and they feel like they are part of the process. 2) Use words like "You" and "Your" Imply ownership by using you and your throughout your presentation to help your customer imagine owning the product. If the goal of the sale is for the customer to own the product: imply ownership throughout t

  • How to Make Way More Money Cross Selling

    15/10/2015 Duration: 09min

    Today’s show is brought to you by the letters A, B , C and X because we’re talking about cross selling today and the fundamentals that make it a big money maker for you.   On today’s show discover: …how cross selling benefits everyone, especially you; …how to cross sell without making your customer cross; …and a simple proven method for cross selling more and making more commission today! Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes   What is Cross Selling? Cross selling is offering your customer another product that either enhances the product they are buying or addresses another need you uncover during your conversation.  Who benefits from cross selling? Cross selling is an important part of the sales process because it provides a positive customer experience and maximizes your opportunity at the same time. It’s a win for the customer, you and your company! The ABCs of X-selling A = X-sell After You Close  B = Be Brief and Assumptive  C = Close the X-sell Two proven methods to cross sell more! Offer every time 

  • How to Stand Out with the Best Customer Experience

    08/10/2015 Duration: 06min

    Best Customer Experience Competition is great for customers but what about you? How do you stand-out and convince your customer that buying from you is the best option? Well, on today’s show you'll discover... ...why price isn’t the only thing customers consider when deciding where to buy; ...how to standout above the competition;   ...and ideas for improving your customer’s experience. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes For Full Show Notes: KOSalesCoach.net/experience

  • Silence, One of the Best Sales Techniques Ever

    01/10/2015 Duration: 07min

    Best Sales Technique Silence is an often overlooked communication tool that top salespeople use to keep their customers engaged and moving toward the close.   On today’s show you’ll discover… …when to use silence to convert shoppers into buyers; …how to avoid common mistakes and …why silence is One of the Best Sales Techniques Ever; Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes For Full Show Notes visit KOSalesCoach.net/silence

  • How to Make More Sales with a Llama

    24/09/2015 Duration: 05min

    Maintain Sales Control Have you ever had one of those customers that just seems to run you ragged with questions? What’s in it? Where does it come from? How long have you been selling this?  If this has happened to you before, you know what it’s like to lose control of the sale. On today's show discover: ...how to determine who is really in control; ...a proven technique for answering customer questions while maintaining rapport; ...and how to regain & maintain sales control at any point in the process; Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes For Full Show Notes: KOSalesCoach.net/llama

  • Help, My Customer Isn’t Talking

    17/09/2015 Duration: 06min

    My Customer Isn’t Talking She just wouldn’t tell me anything. That customer just didn’t want to talk. How am I supposed to build value when they won’t have a conversation with me?  If you’ve ever heard a colleague say things like this or even said these things yourself you may be a victim of a conversation killer. But there is good news… On today’s show discover: … three different conversation killers that may be impacting your sales; … what to do if your customer isn’t talking; … the very best way to improve customer communication. Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Full Show notes: KOSalesCoach.net/talk

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