Real Estate Investing Today : Real Estate Investing | Wholesaling | Flipping | Funding | Self Directed Ira | Finding Deals |



How to Quit Your Job and become a full-time real estate investor! REI.Today will provide short 9-minute shows each weekday that tell you which strategies (like flipping, wholesaling, rentals, private lending, etc.) are working RIGHT NOW... along with introduction to PEOPLE who are successfully using those strategies and connections to the TOOLS that make your life as a real estate investor easier, more fun and more profitable! This show is all about REALITY... no theory or fluff. Just actionable instruction each day. PLUS... listeners receive FREE access to the respected REI.Today Vault, a members-only resource library and community for today's individual real estate investor.


  • How to BASICALLY GUARANTEE YOURSELF GOVERNMENT FUNDING for your real estate deals | Episode 13

    04/03/2016 Duration: 07min

    Could you use some FREE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT to fund your real estate deals, your business, and your education? If the answer is yes (and let’s be honest, the answer is YES), then you literally can’t afford to miss today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 13.So let’s get started snagging some free money from the government, shall we? How does more than $50,000 to invest in real estate sound? Or more than $58,000 to purchase rental properties? Or $27,000 to fund your rehab projects? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, all REAL LIFE EXAMPLES in case you were wondering. And we’ve got more. I randomly picked a city (more about that later) and asked for this guy’s success stories and his wife actually sent me a spread sheet so I could keep them all straight. Are you getting excited? Me too. I love this stuff. Well, before I introduce you to my GOVERNMENT GRANT FUNDING EXPERT (and believe me, this guy always goes STRAIGHT to the source of the money, which is why I like him!), I want to take just 30 seconds to

  • The Street Name that Could Cost You 44-PERCENT of Your Sales Price | Episode 12

    02/03/2016 Duration: 07min

    Can you believe that a STREET NAME could cost you 44 percent? Before you laugh, more than 110 million listings say it can. That’s right: Zillow’s at it again, and this time, they’ve revealed the street name that, on AVERAGE, costs its homeowners 44 percent of value when compared to the average price of a home in the United States. I’m Carole Ellis. I have THAT little gem of a ticking time bomb and so much more today in Episode 12. It’s really, really hard to believe, but a certain street name can actually mean DEATH to your home value when compared to other homes in your area. Zillow, that online real estate listings giant that some love and some love to hate, has released a new tidbit of information that could have some, well, deadly effects on your comps if you’re not careful. Before we reveal the street name of doom, however, I want to mention something easy that you CAN do to improve your property’s value against those of local comparable competition. According to the experts at “This Old House,” one of t

  • How to DESTROY a 70-PERCENT ROI in Five Minutes | Episode 11

    01/03/2016 Duration: 08min

    Are you making a SIMPLE MISTAKE that could DESTROY a solid, scientifically supported 70-PERCENT return on investment in about FIVE MINUTES? If you watch even one real-estate-related television show a MONTH, the odds are good you’ve at least been tempted to do this…Today, I’ll expose this TEMPTING TV MISTAKE for what is really is – a disaster waiting to happen. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 11. You’d heard TV was bad for you, but did you know what watching the “Educational programming” can do to your real estate profits? In this episode, I’ll reveal exactly how following the tube-touted experts can lead you far, far astray. First, though, I want to mention something that could really help your buyers (and by extension, you) out. A new type of mortgage lending program is trending at the biggest banks in the country, and the upshot is that they’re offering really low down payments to qualified buyers who are, well, not always even aware that they could be in the market for a home. Get the details on these pr

  • The SECRET SIGN that Your Market is TOO HOT to Handle | Episode 10

    29/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    When is a HOT MARKET Too Hot to Handle? When it’s getting ready to boil over, of course. We’ve been watching certain market trends closely here at REI Today, and we’ve discovered a TROUBLING OVERSIGHT that could affect YOUR FINANCES even if you don’t think you have the FIRST PENNY invested in real estate. I’ll tell you all about the HUGE FLASHING RED LIGHT most investors are BLINDLY MISSING and exactly how to turn that RED LIGHT into a green one for your investing dollars. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 10.So let’s turn a few blazing housing markets on their heads today before you end up getting burned, shall we? I’ve got some really exciting information on what is driving the majority of today’s high profile hot markets and the details on exactly how you can leverage some INSIDER KNOWLEDGE into sound real estate investments in these markets. First, though, I want to take just 30 seconds to give a quick shout-out to Florida, where the state legislature is taking the recent wave of crimes against real estat

  • The SIMPLE DECISION that can save your investing business and YOUR LIFE | Episode 9

    27/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    It’s all over the news, nearly every day. Real estate broker murdered…real estate investor, missing, feared dead…Agent stabbed in parking lot…Real estate investors, both men and women, are in far more danger than most of us realize every day, and a single, simple decision could make or break our safety and extend – or end – our lives. The decision is not what you think it is. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll tell you the key to saving your business – and your life, today in Episode 9.----You might be shocked to hear it, but a simple change in your business philosophy could literally save your life. Perhaps you remember Beverly Carter, the Arkansas real estate broker who was murdered over a year ago and whose (now convicted) killer said at the time he targeted her because “she was a rich broker and a woman.” Or perhaps you’ve been watching more recent media coverage of disturbing events such as the unexplained disappearance of Arizona agent and investor Sid Cranston, who left to show some properties, alone, last June an

  • Government Puts NO-KILL PRESSURE on Non-Pet-Friendly Landlords | Episode 8

    26/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    What if I told you that right now, your local government might be working with animal activists to FORCE YOU TO ACCEPT PETS in your rental properties? Probably depends, right? Some of you actually jumped up from your seat and did a dance (admit it) while others are cringing in horror at the thought of the damage to that new carpet you just installed in your rental. Either way, when the government gets involved in your investing, you NEED INFORMATION and you NEED ANSWERS. I’ve got both. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 8.----So here’s the deal: Big Brother wants you to rent to pets. That’s right, Orwell fans, your local city government could be working RIGHT NOW against your brand new paint and carpet and, more importantly, the bottom line on your rental homes. Here’s what’s going on:The latest city (that’s right, I said “latest” and we’ll get back to that in a minute) to make a consolidated effort to force landlords to accept pets in their properties is Los Angeles, and the city council has made big headline

  • GREEN BERETS SECRETS to INFILTRATING hot markets fast | Episode 7

    24/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    How would you like to INFILTRATE the country’s HOTTEST REAL ESTATE MARKETS and immediately get started leveraging those thriving economies without wasting days, weeks, months, or YEARS “putting in your time” first? If you can’t resist the boiling-over markets like Denver, Colorado or just about anything on the West Coast, then this episode is one you can’t afford to miss. I’ve got the proven secrets (delivered straight from a real, live Green Beret who’s been working in these markets for more than a decade) today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 7.So before I introduce you to my friend who likes his markets hot, I’ve got to mention something else that appears to be “boiling over” – and not in a good way – that you need to be aware of if you install “smart” appliances in your investment homes or if you’ve got any of those cool-but-creepy devices in your own personal castle. Rumor has it that one of the most popular (and most potentially profitable) smart-home startups out there (purchased by Google a few yea

  • The SINGLE WORD that could be worth 9K on Your low-end listing | Episode 6

    23/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    What if you knew a single, simple, MAGICAL WORD that could add more than 8 percent to the sales price of the most low-down, nasty, bargain-basement house? I’ll tell you right now, there IS such a word (and I’ve got one of the internet’s biggest housing databases assuring me it works), but you’ll never guess what it is. Find out right now. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 6.INTROSo, before we start selling what we’ll kindly refer to for now as “bottom tier” properties at top dollar, I want to take just 30 seconds to tell you about something else a little, well, “magical” in real estate today. If you’re in the market for a home with a conventional 30-year-fixed-rate mortgage at this time, then you could actually land the lowest interest rates in HISTORY according to a certain Fed analyst…IF you know the signs to watch for and are ready to move fast. Want to know what’s going on behind the scenes with our lending industry? We’ve got all the details in our News and Networking section at REI.Today.Now, let’s get

  • MIND CONTROL For Higher Profits On Your Real Estate! | Episode 5

    18/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    Want to learn a simple mind-control trick that can add 10 percent to your real estate sales prices? I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to know to leverage this SPOOKY but highly effective real estate strategy in episode 5 of REI Today.-----Let’s go ahead and tack an extra ten percent onto that your next real estate profit, shall we? I’ve got good news. This strategy won’t cost you a penny, and it’s as easy as, well, rearranging your furniture. I’ll explain. First though, speaking of furniture, can you imagine a scenario in which it would make GOOD INVESTING SENSE to put $6,000 into a beer pong table? No? I couldn’t either, but in some cases, turns out I was wrong. Get the scoop on the situations in which it makes sense to sink CRAZY CASH into WEIRD HOME AMENITIES in our News and Networking Section at REI.Today. I’ll tell you not just about the craziness, but the actual, real-life payoff story as well. Now back to mind control…First let’s set the scene: You’re selling a property, and it’


    18/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    Could a simple picture launch dozens and dozens of profitable and productive wholesale deals? It can, and it did. In fact, this picture is currently playing a HUGE role in turning around one of the toughest and but most potential-filled markets in the country. I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll tell you exactly what that picture shows and how you can get access to it in today’s episode 4 of REI Today.------Today, we’re going to reveal one highly proliferate investors’ CRAZY SIMPLE SECRET to getting great deals, and then, while we’re at it, I’m going to expose this guy’s “sweet spots” in his local market: the areas where the deals are nearly guaranteed to sell fast and high. Obviously, no one is making any promises because we can’t, after all, but this guy has been working in one of the country’s toughest markets, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, since 2013, and he’s been blowing his competition out of the water in large part thanks to a simple decision he made in his marketing.And speaking of Michigan, that state is featured on a

  • WARNING -- this is the BLACK HOLE of Real Estate Profits | Episode 3

    18/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    It’s going to sound like science fiction, but it’s real-life real estate Horror!  You’re about to learn the tiny oversight that can make the profit on your latest real estate deal – and the property itself – literally vanish into oblivion without a trace.  I’m Carole Ellis.  I’ll tell you exactly where this is happening RIGHT NOW in Episode 3.-------Imagine how you would feel if a real estate EXPERT gave you information that directly led to the loss of thousands or even TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of your hard-earned investment money. You’d be crushed, just like a certain Florida buyer who was DELIBERATELY MISLED by the couple who sold her a “bargain home” and accidentally misled by a certain professional who plays a role in just about every single real estate transaction. Today, I’ll tell you all about this homeowner’s horror story and then we’ll discuss exactly how YOU as an investor can protect yourself from similar disasters.Before we get to the real DIRT, though, I have to take 30 seconds to mention a D

  • how to "SMOKE OUT" High-Profit Deals... And Nobody Looks Here! | Episode 2

    18/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    Would you like to get CRAZY-PROFITABLE DEALS that NO OTHER INVESTOR is even aware of? Here’s a great and ridiculously easy way to eliminate basically all of your competition in your local market and start raking in money doing easy, EASY real estate deals. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 2.------Let’s go ahead and eliminate 80 percent of your competition for awesome, high-profit deals right off the bat, shall we? But before we do that, I want to take 30 seconds to mention something that most investors consider TOTALLY IRRELEVANT that will be scaring off a large portion of your buyers if you don’t adjust your marketing in 2016. According to a new Berkshire Hathaway HomeService survey (that’s Warren Buffet’s company, so we listen when it releases data!), nearly two-thirds of young homebuyers say that rising interest rates are likely to scare them right back off buying, something the housing market – and we as investors – simply can’t afford to let happen. Want to know how to deal with this issue? We’ve got al

  • FAST FLIP Profits Without Cash or Credit - Using One SIMPLE Tool! | Episode 1

    18/02/2016 Duration: 09min

    Want a great way to make money in real estate FAST?  Here’s how to put thousands in your pocket quickly, regardless of your experience… and a tip for avoiding one HUGE error that will entirely destroy your deal.  I’m Carole Ellis.  This is Episode 1.-----Let’s make a quick $10,000 or more from real estate, shall we?However, before we do that, I need to take just 30 seconds tell you about a really interesting thing that a certain developer is doing ALL OVER THE COUNTRY that you just might want to consider before you buy your next investment property. Mega-developer DR Horton started doing this back in 2014 and now they’re way ahead of the curve and selling homes no other developer can even offer at this time. If you’ve got these types of properties, you’re ahead of the curve too and just about EVERY ANALYST OUT THERE says you’re going to be in big demand in 2016 and beyond. Want to know more about what DR Horton is doing and what it has to do with you and your quick $10,000? We’ve got all the details – and, mo

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