Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • How To Prevent Chronic Disease with Ancestral Diets w/Chris A. Knobbe, M.D.

    17/02/2020 Duration: 01h31min

    Most of us have been really close to someone with a chronic disease, like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, or even age-related macular degeneration. However, have you ever thought or believed that a Westernized diet is the driving force behind all of these seemingly disparate conditions? You may be shocked to hear that, if you reside in the United States and you survive to age 75 or beyond, you have a nearly 1 in 3 chance of developing age-related macular degeneration - also known as AMD. AMD can rob you of your central vision -- and around 10 to 15% of all those affected lose central vision in at least one eye, with varying degrees of vision loss in the opposite eye. Around 1.5% end up blind in both eyes.  Now the good news!  Dr. Chris Knobbe, ophthalmologist, shares his revolutionary hypothesis and supportive research, which supports the belief system that AMD is not just about aging or genetics, as ophthalmologists and optometrists have traditionally believed.  This disease, Knobbe contends, is a

  • Cancer and The New Biology of Water with Dr. Thomas Cowen

    10/02/2020 Duration: 57min

    Join me as I interview Thomas Cowan, M.D., who has studied and written about many subjects in medicine including nutrition, anthroposophical medicine, and herbal medicine. He is the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing and co-author (with Sally Fallon) of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Along with his latest book, Cancer and The New Biology of Water Dr. Cowan has served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation®. He also writes the “Ask the Doctor” column in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts (the Weston A. Price Foundation’s quarterly magazine) and has lectured throughout the United States and Canada.  During this interview, we will be discussing Dr. Cowan's fascinating latest discovery, the role of water in living organisms that ultimately brings us closer to answering the riddle of the etiology, therapy, and treatment for cancer!  To learn more about Dr

  • [LifeWave] Ask The Doctors: Patching Protocols for Oral Health - Part 2

    03/02/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    We had such great feedback from last month's LifeWave episode dedicated to oral health that Dr. Lobstein and I decided we would continue discussing how LifeWave can benefit oral health including gums and other aspects! Did you know that LifeWave patches may be used to help oral health, including gums and teeth? There are actual acupuncture points that harmonize Stomach, Large Intestine, and Kidney meridians around and in the mouth, while regulating bone, gum, and immune system activity.  In addition, there are energy pathways that course through the teeth that can be enhanced with acupuncture and LifeWave patches to boost the health of internal organs, endocrine, vertebrae, joints, and sense organs. Pretty cool, huh?  Join me during the next Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show on Monday, as Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize meridians and energy that affect the health of teeth.  We will illustrate the congruence of Western dental ph

  • Heal Childhood Trauma Permanently with Liz Mullinar

    27/01/2020 Duration: 58min

    For us to truly create the lives we deserve, lives where we fulfilled and empowered to share our sensitive gifts with the world without self-sacrificing or burning out, we must heal the wounds of our childhood. Despite our best intentions, unhealed trauma is often at the root of immense suffering in our daily lives, suffering that many sensitive types are particularly prone to. From addictions, to unhealthy and abusive relationships, low self esteem to self sabotage, many of the repetitive, painful issues that can make us feel so trapped and hopeless can be traced back to trauma - either in our own lives, or in the lives of our family members and ancestors.  On the podcast, Liz will: Help you understand childhood trauma, how it affected the way your brain developed, the way you think, feel and behave. Share a proven technique to immediately reduce intense feelings of anxiety, shame, fear and anger.  Liz Mullinar is a survivor of childhood trauma and a globally renowned trauma recovery expert.  20 years a

  • How to Publish a Best-Selling Book without Writing a Single Word with Keith Leon

    20/01/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Listen in as my friend, Keith Leon S. and international best-selling author shares how you can write and market your very own bestselling book. He will be sharing his best tips and tools for success during that process. He will banish the overwhelm that some people feel about being an author. Share the formula for the process of creating your book, making strategic decisions and employing marketing strategies that work.   During this episode Keith will share: How to discover your WHY and how it will shift your progressWays to find time to write, no matter how busy you areHow to select a brilliant topic that others will loveMarketing tips and tools that very few people actually know aboutHow to use your book as a launchpad to speaking and publicity If you have ever had a dream to be a best-selling author then this is an episode that you won't want to miss! To learn more or if you would like to work with Keith, please visit       “Keith Leon S. is a transformational speaker and

  • What It's Like to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

    13/01/2020 Duration: 42min

    Have you ever experienced a moment when you thought, “I could use some angelic help”? My friend and colleague, Keith Leon S. has nearly died eight times. Angels saved his life more than once. Keith will share his story and inspire listeners to tap into their inner guidance system and their guardian angels.   I’ve had some amazing interactions with my angels, but I have to say, when I read about how Keith was in a car accident with his friend, died, and then experienced a reversal of time, such that the car undamaged afterward, I was astounded! And, that reversing of time didn’t happen just once! Check out his book Walking With My Angels: A True Story for more details. My mission is to help highly sensitive people harness their gifts as a superpower and Keith is a highly sensitive soul who has experienced amazing superpowers.   

  • [LifeWave] Ask the Doctors: Patching Protocols for Oral Health

    06/01/2020 Duration: 01h36min

    Did you know that LifeWave patches may be used to help oral health, including gums and teeth? There are actual acupuncture points that harmonize Stomach, Large Intestine, and Kidney meridians around and in the mouth, while regulating bone, gum, and immune system activity.  In addition, there are energy pathways that course through the teeth that can be enhanced with acupuncture and LifeWave patches to boost the health of internal organs, endocrine, vertebrae, joints, and sense organs. Pretty cool, huh?  Join me during the next Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show on Monday, as Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize meridians and energy that affect the health of teeth.  We will illustrate the congruence of Western dental physiology with the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element causes of disharmony that lead to imbalances in energy and health. We will discuss how to do LifeWave patching based on the spirit of certain ac

  • Interspecies Art: Music with Plants

    30/12/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Art is generally considered to be a uniquely human activity in which a person produces something for the aesthetic appreciation of others. If you look up definitions of art, you will find art being linked solely to humans. Masterplants Orchestra believes that we won’t find these definitions anymore in the next couple of decades because they have found that more and more people are becoming moved by interspecies art. And they believe that this emotional involvement with other species is key to an important change.  Most of us realize that humans are not the only intelligent, conscious beings on earth. There are so many examples of intelligence in animals, nature and in the subtle realms on our planet. There are elephant painters, dog musicians, and many other animal species that have been witnessed making some form of art amongst species such as apes, cetacea and reptiles. And plants - Masterplants’ current main area of exploration - are known to make music.  However, these examples generally interest us, su

  • Energy Work for Sexual Abuse, Assault and Trauma

    23/12/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Cultural victim-blaming and shaming have led many to never disclose, or heal, the devastating consequences of this kind of trauma. Sexual trauma survivors are at a higher risk for chronic anxiety, addiction, depression, chronic fatigue, and immune disorders. Just as devastating are the emotional patterns of shame, unworthiness, and disassociation that can prohibit survivors from achieving their goals and moving forward with their life. Each sexual trauma survivor’s healing journey is unique, and working with your energy body has much to offer. Since our energy body is an intersection between our mind, body, and spirit, working with our energy body addresses issues at all three levels.  Tune in to my talk with Lisa to learn: The most common ways sexual trauma impacts the chakras The unique attributes of women’s energy bodies and how sexual trauma impacts them How to work with your chakras to heal trauma How to focus on feeling the chakras as vibratory fields in your body, and how to w

  • Pull Your Shift Together: A Simple Approach to Achieve Work and Family Balance

    16/12/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    We all know how hard working away from the family can be. It is known to make us grumpy, tired, fatigued and quite frankly - NOT happy. It puts a strain on relationships and even affects quality time with the ones that we love the most. There is a proven link between shift-work, rotating schedules in the mines and suicide and depression rates. Especially when the worker is away from home. Families break down and the chances of divorce increase. If a shift-worker can spend quality time by themself and learn other simple tools like scheduling activities in advance to facilitate connection. They can even learn topics for phone calls so that the conversations aren't always just about work.  It is easier than you might think to NOT to get lost in your work-world and make sure that your energy is renewed regularly so that you live your life inspired and full of joy.  You often see companies that employ shift-workers that teach them about optimal sleep-habits and safety on the job. However, they generally forget

  • [REPLAY] How you can change your genetic code - with Dr. Bruce Lipton

    09/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    Dr. Bruce Lipton, the internationally recognized leader who bridges science and spirit as we discuss the connections between the interaction and your mind and body.   Dr. Lipton teaches us that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.   Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.   This interview will be sure to change how you think about thinking!   To learn more about Bruce Lipton and his mission check out his website and follow him on Facebook!  

  • Do you crave into cravings during the holidays or stressful situations?

    02/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    Do you cave into cravings during the holidays or stressful situations? Did you know that Acupuncture Patches can help you curb cravings, reduce overeating and unwanted pounds this holiday? If you struggle with cravings and overeating during the holidays you are not alone!  So many festive events revolve around tempting holiday foods many find it difficult not to overindulge. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard people tell me how much they crave crave certain foods (especially sugars and chocolate) when they feel stressed around family!  End result? Before you know those added holiday pounds have snuck up on you! Luckily there is a MUCH easier way to deal with those pesky cravings without depriving yourself.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm a HUGE fan of LifeWave patches, and guess what? YES they can be used for reducing cravings and even losing weight! Join us in this re-airing episode as I interview Dr. Dennis Lobstein on this week's Episode of "Live with the LifeWave Doctors" as we explore ho

  • [REPLAY] How to Heal Relationships with Family & Friends (without confrontation)

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h31min

    The holiday season can be a super stressful time of the year especially if you have strained relationships with any of your loved ones. Some of us harbor unprocessed emotions toward family members and we must face these same family members during the holidays. Oftentimes, we have to act as if nothing ever happened. Needless to say, this can make for an uncomfortable holiday season. Some of you may remember this episode with Amy Jo Ellis about the Full Court of Atonement, and WOW this stuff really works!  And the best part is... You don't have to “confront” anyone! It's a simple process to energetically heal the relationship by “hashing out” your differences on the ASTRAL plane. I resonated so much with Amy Jo’s mission that I decided to re-air this interview! If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, then this will be a perfect opportunity to check it out and learn another self-help tool. To learn more about her mission, you can visit her website and find her on Facebook.

  • Transforming Daily Irritation and Stress Into Peace

    18/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    From simple daily irritations to serious traumatic experiences, we have long been trained to respond to chaos by landing inside of it, fully engaging and responding back with our own personal expression of suffering. This one habitual pattern is responsible for much of the pain that we create and amplify as we walk within our local and universal world. Awareness of our pain, and acknowledging it is a healthy step. However, it’s what we do with the pain after we recognize it, that is the key to living a peaceful and abundant life or living one that is mired in misery. We have the capacity within us to utilize any difficulty as a transformational tool, to increase our consciousness and to be at peace. This is a revolutionary concept and the key to living an exceptional life and Selina will discuss this completely new lifestyle, of using difficulty as a transformational tool to go to peace. You can find Selina on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN or visit her website to learn more!  Selina has gifted the listene

  • How to Structure your Water using the Flaska Water Bottle

    11/11/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Bryan Mours of Flaska US has brought the technology from Europe here to the USA. Flaska has a 3-step process to energize and infuse its glass water bottles with Love and Gratitude so that after 5 minutes, the water in the flask is structured! Cool or cool? I could instantly tell the difference the very first time I used the flask! Now I bring it everywhere, even when travelling. I’m happy to share that Bryan has agreed to be on the Light Warrior Radio Show Monday to share with us the science behind Flaska. Here’s your opportunity to learn more about this one simple “healthy” thing you can do every day: drink structured water.   We’ll be covering topics like: Why it is healthier to drink structured water rather than just “filtered” water. What the science behind Flaska is and how “energies” are stored and radiated from the glass bottles. What proof exists that the Flaska bottles actually structures water. How to use Flaska to structure your water for daily use. ...and more! Use coupon code drkaren for

  • Get grounded and feel better fast w/Clinton Ober

    31/10/2019 Duration: 01h43min

    Almost everyone now suffers from an inflammation-related health disorder. There are several common inflammation related health disorders ranging from fibromyalgia to diabetes to MS to Alzheimers just to name a few.  Chronic inflammation is a causative factor of pain and aggravating factor for virtually all chronic and aging-related diseases. The primary Earthing hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth will quickly enable free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread throughout the body, where they exert powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory/analgesic effects. For those who ground themselves to the earth; the results are self-evident, the pain subsides, and within minutes the internal electrical stability of the body is restored, calmed, and the immune system begins to repair the damage and maintain health. Join me as I speak with Clint Ober, author of “Earthing, The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” who has promoted over twenty peer-reviewed and published (Find the on PubMed) research

  • How to Resolve Life Drama and Become More Powerful Using Personal Theater

    28/10/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    Did you know that we attract drama into our lives as a means of increasing our personal power?   What if we could make the most of this by experiencing all the drama on purpose, and emerge in a state of completion?   Joshua offers a powerful live experience called The Quantum Theater which offers exactly that - audience participation in a spontaneously created play, designed to help us bring an end to the incessant life drama! Cool or cool?!   As this strange new wellness protocol gains traction, it will be powering highly accessible automated immersive experiences worldwide.   During this call we will be discussing:   How to heal autoimmune issues  How to heal personality disorders How psychic abilities assist the DaoPlay process What exactly IS DaoPlay... ...and much more!   To learn more about Joshua and his mission, please visit his website here. You can also find him on Facebook and Instagram! He even has a new Immersive album which can be found h

  • How to harmonize family relationships with Dr. Bradley Nelson

    21/10/2019 Duration: 01h30min

    Family relationships can be tricky. My overwhelmed stressed-out mom used to put me into a tailspin whenever we connected, and another family member tried to commit suicide. And the list goes on… It was very scary. But I have to say that learning good self-healing tools has magically “changed” the quality of these relationships, and now I look forward to (rather than feeling dread) whenever we have a family reunion.    We don’t always get “permission” to heal a family member, but what if by healing ourselves, our family members can “change”? I’ve seen it time and time again in my own life and in other people’s lives.    In this enlightening interview, Dr. Brad is going to give us some strategies on how we can do just that!     We’ll be covering:   How does self-healing support relationship harmony? How do we support a family member who is “self-destructing”? How do entities play a role in interfering with relationships? How do we use tools like The Emotion Code and The Body Code to support happier,

  • Why are so many healing practitioners poor, sick and burnt out?

    14/10/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    In this enlightening interview with Wellness Leadership Expert,Marcus Bird, we discover what REAL reasons so many healing professionals are struggling to make money in the business of wellness.  Wellness professionals are desperately needed on this planet and to make a bigger difference, they need to learn to be in full alignment with the true essence of who they are.    In this interview we cover:   How to know if you’re in alignment with who you truly are (and why that’s crucial). Why the law of attraction won’t work if you’re not in alignment with who you truly are. How to find out what your “magic” is, so you can share that with the world. The real reason that clients who pay more, get better results. How to give to those in financial need without sacrificing yourself and your health. How to release negative beliefs that block your abundance. Practical strategies on how to know “how much to charge”. How practitioners can get time, money and location freedom. …and more! If you wish to connect

  • [LifeWave] Mood fluctuations and change of season symptoms with Dr. Dennis!

    07/10/2019 Duration: 01h39min

    For those of you that know me, know that I am totally passionate about my light technology patches. It’s my thing and it’s my thing because I know that they work. Not only do they work, they are chemical, stimulant and drug free! They’re completely natural. This is one of the many reasons why I consider myself to be a Light Medicine Doctor.  With that said, this LifeWave episode is dedicated to symptoms of mood fluctuations and how to alleviate symptoms associated with change of season - from summer to fall (and vice versa). Are you up? Then down? And then back up again? Teetering between irritability and sadness to experiencing being anxious and sluggish? (or some other combination of emotions)? A lot of this has to do with ascension and the change of energies our beloved Mother Earth (and solar system) is currently experiencing.  Not only do we have an influx of our sun’s energies descending upon earth, which is assisting us with ascension, we also have a change of season occurring and this brings variat

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