Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen



If youre frustrated because you struggle to get the word out about your product or service, the Building a StoryBrand podcast will help. Fans of the podcast are ecstatic about the fun and entertaining way Donald Miller brings you practical advice about clarifying your message so customers will listen. Don and the StoryBrand team are the world's leading experts in harnessing the 2,000 year-old proven power of story formulas to get people talking about your brand. Get your message out, grow your company, stand out in the marketplace, and have a blast doing it!Past guests: Seth Godin, Patrick Lencioni, Charles Duhigg, Dave Ramsey, Auntie Anne, Daniel Pink, Blake Mycoskie (TOMS), Ken Blanchard, Scott Hamilton, Nancy Duarte, Chris Anderson (TED), and so many others.


  • #103: The Best Way to Increase Revenue in the New Year

    19/12/2022 Duration: 20min

    If your business didn’t make as much money as you thought it would in 2022, it’s time to perform a profitability audit. Instead of dumping more money into sales and marketing and hoping for better results, you need to take some time to evaluate the foundation of your business: the profitability of your products or services.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller coaches you one-on-one how to perform a product profitability audit. When you understand where your money is truly coming from, you’ll know which products to prioritize and which ones to eliminate. Listen in to learn how to improve your product profitability so your business can make more money in 2023.   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    HIRE A STORYBRAND CERTIFIED MARKETING GUIDE TO HELP CREATE YOUR MARKETING AND MESSAGING:   GET YOUR CUSTOMIZED FLIGHT PLAN FOR GROWING YOUR

  • #102: How to Give an Inspiring Presentation

    12/12/2022 Duration: 17min

    No one wants to listen to a boring presentation – and no one wants to be a boring presenter! Yet so many presentations are either uninspiring or completely self-centered. If you fall into either of those ditches, your audience will tune you out and your message won’t get heard.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller coaches you one-on-one through the 7 parts you need to give a great presentation. If you have a big presentation coming up or want to become a better speaker, this episode is for you. Listen in to learn the 7 parts your next presentation needs to immediately win over your audience and make your message more inspiring and impactful.   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    HIRE A STORYBRAND CERTIFIED MARKETING GUIDE TO HELP CREATE YOUR MARKETING AND MESSAGING:   GET YOUR CUSTOMIZED FLIGHT PLAN FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS: SmallBus

  • #101: 5 Tips for Expanding if Your Business is at Max Capacity

    05/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    It’s exciting when your business reaches max capacity, but scaling your operation can be challenging. You have to continue to produce at high volume while figuring out how to build infrastructure to produce more. It can feel like a catch-22 for a busy entrepreneur. To make matters worse, you know you’re missing out on a ton of revenue because you can’t meet demand. In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Laura Higgins, founder of, where Laura and her team create websites for their clients in just 3 days. Laura’s services are in high demand and she's stuck figuring out the best way to expand production in order to keep up. Listen in as Don shares 5 tips on how to scale operations without missing a beat on current business!   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    HIRE A STORYBRAND CERTIFIED MARKETING GUIDE TO HELP CREATE YOUR MARKETING AN

  • #100: Do You Have a Service People Need, Yet Your Business Isn’t Growing?

    28/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    Are you frustrated with slow growth even though you have a service you know will help your customers? It’s frustrating when your business doesn’t take off, but it’s even more frustrating when you don’t know what you’re doing wrong! If you don’t figure out what’s holding your business back, your business won’t survive long enough to become profitable.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks to Aimee Bennett and Lauren Paradis, founders of Empower Postpartum Physical Therapy. Aimee and Lauren are struggling to grow their business even though they have a service that millions of women need. Listen in as Don helps them reposition their business with a new name idea, a more specific offer for their customers, and fixed pricing for their products. If you’re in a service-based industry, this episode will help you position your services as tangible products, making your customers more likely to buy so you can help more people and your business can grow!   Find out more about Empower Postpartum PT at EmpowerPostpart

  • #99: The Quickest Way to Grow Your Business

    21/11/2022 Duration: 22min

    If you’re looking to grow your business FAST, you might be surprised to learn that email marketing is one of the best ways to do that. But there’s a big problem: Most small business owners think they don’t have the time or expertise it takes to write marketing emails. In today’s episode, we’re busting that myth and helping you learn an email framework that’s doable and effective.   In today’s episode, you’ll learn from the email marketing master himself, Donald Miller. Join Don for this concentrated one-on-one masterclass where he shares the 6 emails you can send to generate sales and revenue. Not only will you learn how to write 6 money-making emails, you’ll also get 5 lead generator ideas that will help you capture your ideal customers’ email addresses. If you’re looking to grow your business and want a strategy proven to work quickly, this episode is for you!   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST: Busi

  • #98: Should You Bring on Investors for Your Small Business?

    14/11/2022 Duration: 25min

    More often than not, small businesses need more money than their businesses are bringing in order to grow and scale. There are options like private equity, venture capital and loans that can help you take the next step. But how do you decide if bringing on an investor is best for your business?   In this episode, Donald Miller talks with Ryan Filsinger, CEO of Iron Fox Games, and walks him through the pros and cons of different investment options and helps him determine the right path for his business. If you are considering bringing on an investor, or if you're considering investing in a company yourself, this episode is for you!   Find out more about Iron Fox Games at   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    GET YOUR CUSTOMIZED FLIGHT PLAN FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS:   FIND AND FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM:

  • #97: How to Make More Money Without Creating New Products

    07/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    Do you have customers and a great product but aren’t seeing an increase in cash flow? You might be tempted to create a new product – which might be a good move. But before you do that, you should consider how you can make more money with what you already have! Sometimes, all you need to do is think more creatively about what you’re currently offering your customers.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Elisha Reverby, CEO and Founder of Elique Organics, a luxury plant-based skincare line. Elisha has a loyal customer base and  products people love, but needs to make more cash to keep her business going. Instead of creating a new product, Don suggests adding a subscription service and creating a bundled package to sell. Listen in to learn how these strategies could help your own business make more cash without having to create a brand new product!   Find out more about Elique Organics at   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS: GrowYourSmallBusin

  • #96: There’s Been A Murder! How Did This Small Business Die? (Special Halloween Episode with Don & J.J.)

    31/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    Tune in for this special Halloween “whodunnit” murder mystery episode! Like so many small businesses, Penelope Featherbottom’s business has died. The doors have closed and all that’s left is the carnage of what used to be a thriving soap business. When Business Detective Dr. J.J. Peterson (host of the Marketing Made Simple Podcast) arrives on the scene, he helps Don piece together clues to solve this dreadful mystery so that it never happens to anyone else.   Was the cause of death a mission statement that nobody cared about? Or was it pushy sales tactics and a confusing marketing message? J.J. investigates the tragedy using Business Made Simple’s 6-step framework, finally uncovering the culprit that killed Penelope’s business. Listen in to discover the cause of this horror so that it never happens to you!   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS AND GET A PROVEN 6-STEP PLAN FOR GROWTH THAN CAN HELP SAVE YOUR BUSINESS FROM AN EARLY DEMISE:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHAN

  • #95: Why a Culture of Hospitality Matters for Every Business

    24/10/2022 Duration: 25min

    If you’ve ever thought that hospitality is only for… well, the hospitality industry… think again! Your customers are craving human connection more than ever – whether they’re staying in a hotel or buying a pair of socks. And genuine acts of hospitality don’t have to be extravagant or break the bank to have an impact. In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with Will Guidara, James Beard Award winning restaurateur and author of the new book, Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect. James shares how implementing unreasonable hospitality was key in leading to Eleven Madison being voted the best restaurant in the world. He also breaks down how you can start practicing unreasonable hospitality to grow your business and enrich the lives of those around you!   Order Will Guidara's new book, Unreasonable Hospitality, at or wherever you buy books.    --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS AND GET A PROVEN 6-STEP PLAN FOR GRO

  • #94: The Secret to Optimizing and Pricing Your Products for Explosive Growth

    17/10/2022 Duration: 28min

    If you have a great line of products but don’t optimize, price and package them strategically, you are leaving money on the table. The truth is, 10% of your customers are willing to pay you 10 times more money if you had the right product or package for them. Every company should think through having an entry-level product, a mid-level product, and an elite-level product for customers with different needs (and pocketbooks!).    In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Dr. Tarun "T-Bone" Agarwal, Owner of 3D Dentists, an educational service helping dentists run a successful dental practice by simplifying both the business and clinical sides of dentistry. Don helps T-Bone think through different tiers of products that could triple his revenue and help him reach his goal of having a wait list for his programs. Listen in to learn how optimizing as well as strategically pricing and packaging your products can help you skyrocket your own revenue!   Find Dr. Tarun "T-Bone" Agarwal at

  • #93: Why Your Products Aren’t Selling and How to Fix It

    10/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    Do you have a great product that people need, but for some reason people aren’t buying it? This is a common problem when you’re just starting out or launching a new product. When customers are confused about the problem your product solves or it sounds too complicated to buy or use, they won’t be motivated to pull out their wallets and buy.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Tyler Robertson, Founder and CEO of Diesel Laptops, a company providing much-needed resources for repairing complex semi-truck engines. With nationwide supply chain issues and the need to get trucks back on the road quickly, why aren’t Tyler’s newest products selling like crazy? Listen in to see what Tyler needs to do differently so you can apply these strategies in your business!   Find out more about Diesel Laptops at   --   GET A 6-STEP PLAN TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    GET YOUR C

  • #92: 5 Key Talking Points You Need to Close Deals

    03/10/2022 Duration: 27min

    Are you tired of losing sales because you’re fumbling over your words? Your customers deserve to know about your product and services – but unless you know how to communicate the value you offer, people won’t buy from you. Instead of losing sales and feeling tongue-tied, you can learn 6 strategic talking points that will help you approach sales conversations with confidence.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller continues to unpack the new The Customer if the Hero sales framework with this week's guest Jessie Daavettila, CEO & Founder of Raskana, a maternity and baby apparel brand. Jessie faces a common problem when it comes to sales: needing a cohesive, focused message about the problem her product solves. Listen in to learn 5 key talking points that will help you close your next deal, write your next email, or draft your next proposal!   Go to to access and create a SalesScript you can use to invite customers into a story. As a podcast listener, you'll also get

  • #91: Hate Selling? Here’s the Sales Framework You Need

    26/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    If you’re like most people, you hate being sold to – and you don’t enjoy selling to others, either! But as a small business owner, you have to sell to survive. Selling your products or services shouldn’t feel slimy or nerve-wracking. When you learn our storytelling framework for sales, you can stop pushing products and start inviting customers into a story instead.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller introduces you to the The Customer is the Hero sales framework. When trying to sell, many people make the mistake of positioning themselves as the hero. But what your customers are looking for is a guide who can help! Listen in to learn a 5-step framework that will give you talking points for every sales conversation and help you make your customer the hero while you become the trusted guide who can help them.   Go to to access and create a SalesScript you can use to invite customers into a story. As a podcast listener, you'll also get out the bonus video series of Don teaching you h

  • #90: Stop Getting Talked Over & Start Being Seen as a Leader

    19/09/2022 Duration: 27min

    Are you struggling to find confidence and step out of your comfort zone at work when it comes to growing as a leader and asking for what you want? Today's guest will show you how! In this episode, Donald Miller talks with Karen Laos, author of the book Trust Your Own Voice and host of the podcast, Ignite your Confidence with Karen Laos. Karen shares practical tips on how aspiring leaders can confidently speak up and become a valuable player everyone else wants to hear from.   First, Karen encourages you not to be afraid to be the first to speak. This gets any nerves out of the way and positions you as a confident leader, even if you’re just making an observation. Second, Karen recommends using the phrase “here’s my vote” as an unapologetic, straightforward way to share an idea or recommendation. Lastly, Karen shares how being thoughtfully concise will make you stand out as a communicator. Listen now and use these strategies in your next business meeting and you'll be well on your way to becoming a leader peop

  • #89: 5 Ways to Protect Your Time (and Increase Revenue)

    12/09/2022 Duration: 15min

    Are you a leader or executive in your company? If so, you’re one of the biggest expenses in your business. You’re also one of the most sought-after people in your company. This creates a problem: you need to use your time extremely wisely, but you’re constantly being pulled in multiple directions. If you don’t learn practical strategies to protect your time, your work (and life!) will suffer from constant overwhelm and frustration.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller coaches you one-on-one from his own personal productivity and decision-making playbook so you will always know what to prioritize and what to say no to. Listen in to learn 5 strategies you can immediately use to improve your personal productivity and efficiency: 1) Let plates fall 2) Limit people’s access to you 3) Keep correspondences short 4) Get a personal assistant 5) Use a project manager. When you learn to protect your time and stop feeling guilty about it, you’ll actually get more done, escape overwhelm, and get back to growing a business

  • #88: Jason Feifer—How to Embrace Change and Be Adaptable

    05/09/2022 Duration: 31min

    Are you struggling to adapt to a recent change in your life or business? No matter what your personality type, research shows that people move through 4 stages when a massive disruption occurs: 1) Panic 2) Adaptation 3) New Normal 4) An “I wouldn’t go back” moment where you no longer wish for the old normal. Your adaptability depends on how efficiently you can move through those four phases and how much belief you have that your “I wouldn’t go back” moment is coming.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with Jason Feifer, Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, a startup advisor, podcast host, and author of the new book Build for Tomorrow. Listen in to learn how you can move through unexpected changes with poise and use them as opportunities to grow and innovate.   Order Build for Tomorrow now at, Amazon or wherever you buy books.    --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS WITH OUR ON-DEMAND COURSES:   SUBMIT FOR A CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODC

  • #87: Should You Hire Someone Else to Run Your Company?

    29/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    If you started a company, you probably have the personality of an entrepreneur. Which means you don’t like running day-to-day operations! Visionaries are at their best when they can dream up ideas and launch new initiatives – not when they are bogged down in the details of running an operation. It makes sense for entrepreneurs to run things for a while, but it can end up hurting your business and frustrating your team if you stay in that seat too long.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks to Toby Walters, Owner and founder of ChurchGear, a company that certifies and resells used AV equipment to churches. Toby knows he isn't the best operator for his business and is struggling to find someone he can trust (and pay!) to take over. Listen in as Don talks through exactly how to craft a clear job description for the role, what kind of person to look for, and how to set the relationship up for success.   Learn more about Toby Walters and his company at   --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT

  • #86: Scale Your Startup With 90 Minute Workdays

    22/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    Are you looking to scale your startup? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have two major obstacles to growth: limited time and how to best differentiate your product in the marketplace. In today’s episode, Donald Miller coaches Anna Belle and Lila Mae Skidmore, owners and founders of Granola’d, a company selling gluten-free granola, through how they can scale their startup.    At only 17 and 20 years old, Lila Mae and Anna Belle are already growing their company but still need help with strategy, time management, and product positioning. Listen in to learn how being ruthlessly efficient, hiring a virtual assistant, and getting your messaging right can turn your startup into a million-dollar company – all without working 80 hours a week!   Order gluten free granola that actually tastes great at   --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS WITH OUR ON-DEMAND COURSES:   SUBMIT FOR A CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    FIND OUT W

  • #85: Leveraging the Power of Story to Grow Your Business (Donald Miller at Baylor University)

    15/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    Did you know that your brain spends 30% of its time daydreaming? But not when your mind is engaged in a story. When you’re emotionally connected to the plot points of a story, your brain focuses fully on that story. In today’s special episode, Donald Miller presents the power of story to business students at Baylor University and teaches them how to use the art of story in the marketplace.   If you want to grow your ability to influence those around you, engage your customers, build trust, and grow your business, this episode will show you how. And be sure to share this special episode with your favorite college student!   --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS WITH OUR ON-DEMAND COURSES:   SUBMIT FOR A CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    FIND OUT WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR BUSINESS AND GET A CUSTOMIZED PLAN TO FIX IT:   FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM:

  • #84: How to Know if Your New Idea Might Actually Kill Your Business

    08/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    Entrepreneurs are wired to constantly come up with new ideas. But sometimes creative juices can cause your business to get pulled in multiple directions, making you a jack of all trades and a master of none. Even worse, it kills your company’s potential to hone in on the products and services that actually boost revenue.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with board-certified art therapist, Jocelyn Fitzgerald, about how a controlling idea can help her take advantage of the opportunities right in front of her. Don and Jocelyn discover that there’s a product she’s already selling that could massively impact her bottom line when she applies the concept of a controlling idea. Listen in to discover how a controlling idea can help you stay focused and not overlook the business opportunities right under your nose.   Learn more about Jocelyn Fitzgerald at   --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS WITH OUR ON-DEMAND COURSES:   SUBMIT FOR A CHANCE TO GET C

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