Kol Dodi

Weekly messages from Kol Dodi Messianic Congregation

2 Doods Podcast


Cranky Old Doods

Weekly discussion on the foilbles and vagaries of cranky old men

What Doesn't Kill Her

One secret, one nightmare, one lie. You guess which is which.1. I have the scar of a gunshot on my forehead.2. I have willfully misrepresented my identity to the US military.3....

Wrong Alibi

Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Karin Slaughter and Sandra Brown, New York Times bestselling author Christina Dodd delivers a heartstopping thriller, featuring a bold and...

Some Enchanted Evening

Once upon a time . . . in a kingdom high in the Pyrenees, three young princesses were forced to flee the chaos in their land—vanishing without a trace and lost to their...

Paleo Crockpot Recipes: The Easiest Crockpot Recipes Ever

Crockpot recipes are hard to find. This wonderful and detailed paleo crockpot recipe book will ensure your dinners are never bland again.Going on a paleo diet does not mean you...

Leaving Moscow

Misha overcomes her fears as she takes her first-ever trip away from home.

Dod News Daily

From around the U.S. Department of Defense, this is the DoD News Daily brief. Updated six days a week. Saturdays feature a weekly recap.

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