Real Estate Investing Today : Real Estate Investing | Wholesaling | Flipping | Funding | Self Directed Ira | Finding Deals |



How to Quit Your Job and become a full-time real estate investor! REI.Today will provide short 9-minute shows each weekday that tell you which strategies (like flipping, wholesaling, rentals, private lending, etc.) are working RIGHT NOW... along with introduction to PEOPLE who are successfully using those strategies and connections to the TOOLS that make your life as a real estate investor easier, more fun and more profitable! This show is all about REALITY... no theory or fluff. Just actionable instruction each day. PLUS... listeners receive FREE access to the respected REI.Today Vault, a members-only resource library and community for today's individual real estate investor.


  • the SHARK TANK LIE about real estate investing | Episode 73

    02/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    Would you believe that one of the most popular shows on television is HORRIBLY MISLEADING real estate investors and entrepreneurs every time it airs? Don’t get caught by the lie. Get all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 73. --- So can you believe that one of the most popular shows on television – probably one of the most aspirational shows for a lot of investors and small business owners – is actually misleading real estate investors and small business owners in nearly every episode? I’ll tell you where they’re leading you wrong (and give you a great, easy solution to the problem) today, but first I want to take a quick 30 seconds to mention something that YOU MISSED. That’s right: you missed it. Last night, REI Today Listeners engaged LIVE with the pros at Credit Card Builders, the premier experts on building BUSINESS CREDIT for real estate investors and entrepreneurs. Some very interesting questions were asked and answered (for example, how exactly do you get $200,000 for a

  • Why Most INVESTORS CAN’T GET FUNDING (It’s Your Fault) | Episode 72

    02/06/2016 Duration: 08min

    Wouldn’t you like to know a way to get as much as $250,000 in UNSECURED FUNDING for your real estate deals even if you have bankruptcies, foreclosures, or late payments on your personal credit? If you could use that kind of funding to build your real estate business, then listen up. I’ve got all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 73. How would you like to know how to get a HUGE LINE OF CREDIT with which to fund your real estate investing business even if you have foreclosures, bankruptcies, or late payments and a poor personal credit score? If that sounds like something you could use starting TODAY, then you’re going to love today’s episode. I interviewed two of the premier experts in a certain type of credit (this is not credit repair, folks, this is a real, live line of credit) and they told me (and, by extension, YOU, you lucky REI Today listeners) how to make this happen so that you can STOP looking for funding and START doing deals, pronto. I’ll tell you all about it in ju

  • FBI HIDES MICS to catch auction riggers | Episode 71

    01/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    Sooooo…If you thought you could get away with rigging an auction by holding your nefarious planning meetings in a park or at a bus stop, think again. The FBI just uncovered an auction bid rigging scheme out in California by hiding microphones in trees, plants, light fixtures, and bus stops – and that’s just the beginning. Find out all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 71. So you’ve probably heard about bid rigging before, and it’s actually something that a lot of investors simply accept as part of the process of buying properties at auction because even when other, more experienced investors aren’t necessarily working together to keep other investors out, there are plenty of scenarios in which a more established buyer will actually pay more than they normally would to snag a property and hopefully scare off the competition. Overpaying on a property is perfectly legal, but rigging the auction, as you might imagine, is not, and you won’t believe the lengths that the FBI recently

  • Add $2,723 to your listing with LAUNDRY | Episode 70

    25/05/2016 Duration: 05min

    How would you like to make a simple change to a small existing room in the house that could add about $2,723 to your list price when you put your home up for sale? I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 70. --- So how does an extra $2,723 on your home value sound? If you like the way that change is rattling around, then you’re going to love the weird, completely overlooked remodel option that happens in what is probably one of the smallest rooms in your house for a really great bang for your buck. I’ll tell you all about it in just a minute, but first, I have got to mention some new research that has just come out that is very relevant for every one of you listening. This new study has pinpointed the cities across the country that are, by the numbers, the best cities for real estate investors. You can get all the details in our News and Networking Section at, and I encourage you to check it out immediately. I couldn’t wait to see where MY city was ranke

  • how to compete in the DEMENTIA MARKET | Episode 69

    25/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    Wouldn’t you like to know how to develop a LOCAL MONOPOLY in a market that demands top dollar, desperately needs service, and that most people just can’t bear to get into? If this sounds like an opportunity a-wastin’, you’re right! I’ve got all the details (including the uncomfortable ones) in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 69. -- Let’s get it out there in the open, shall we? We don’t like to think about dementia. For those of us with Alzheimer’s and senile dementia in our family history, it’s a topic we probably don’t even touch in our silent thoughts most of the time because it’s just too painful. But if you’re working through the experience yourself OR if you’re dealing with the painful transition of a loved one as they undergo the changes that come with various forms of what is usually age-related dementia, then you know that there is a serious DEARTH of assistance out there for people living with this issue. In fact, if you have the early stages of dementia or if you have a loved one

  • TOP 3 reasons OWNERS SELL | Episode 68

    25/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    Wouldn’t you like to know the MAIN HOT BUTTONS that cause homeowners to become motivated sellers? I’ve got that information (and how to use it) in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 68. So, wouldn’t you like to know what types of things to look for that are most likely to turn a happy homeowner into a motivated seller, fast? Well, fortunately for you, there is a handy dandy survey going around wherein homeowners flat out tell you exactly what motivates them to move! researchers conducted the survey, and you may be surprised at the top reasons that people finally start to want to sell. I’ll tell you all about it in just a moment, but first I have to give you an interesting update on the sale of a marquis Trump property that just might be nearer in the future than most of us imagined. This past weekend, Donald Trump suggested on Fox and Friends Weekend that he would RATHER sell a building than jump in bed with the Republican “elite” donor class. “They want to have control over me,”

  • 3 ways to add AT LEAST $2,500 to your home value for less than $1K in the kitchen | Episode 67

    24/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    Would you like to know three MINOR CHANGES to your kitchen that could add at least $2,500 to your home value (in some cases) and in some cases, far more, that you can make for less than $1,000? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ve got all the details on these cheap and easy changes that can mean faster sales for higher profits today, in episode 67. So wouldn’t you like to do a quick few hours of work and pull in an extra few THOUSAND DOLLARS on your home sales price? Of course you would! And I’ve got the details on exactly where you should be putting that very minimal sweat equity of yours in today’s episode. However, before we get to that, I want to talk about another kind of equity, the kind made out of cold, hard dollars and cents. In certain cities around the country, home values are spiraling upward so fast that some analysts are starting to whisper that nasty word (bubble) when they talk about them. However, in particular locales, there are factors that make a bubble highly unlikely but that make appreciation (and e

  • ZOMBIE FORECLOSURES head to extinction | Episode 66

    24/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    I’ve got an important announcement: the ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE may be over. At least, the foreclosure zombie apocalypse, that is. And unfortunately, it’s not necessarily good news for real estate investors. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ve got all the details on the official end of the foreclosure zombie apocalypse today, in episode 66. -- So what sounds like the best post-housing-crash news EVER that could end up being bad news for your real estate business: this formal announcement from RealtyTrac. According to the real estate data giant, vacant “zombie” foreclosures – properties that have no real owner and have been allowed to stagnate vacant on the market by lenders that started the foreclosure process but never completed it – are fading fast. In fact, the number of properties in “zombie foreclosure” has fallen by 30.1 percent over this time last year, making fewer than one in every 20 foreclosed houses an actual zombie. Why is this potentially bad news for real estate investors, and how should you start adjusting your

  • The DOWN-AND-DIRTY TRUTH about the GETTING PAID TWICE Training | Episode 65

    20/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    Wouldn’t you like to know how to GET PAID TWICE on certain real estate transactions and, if you preferred, how to invest in real estate without ever actually owning any property or even getting close to a closing table? As you might imagine, the truth of this matter is a LITTLE DIFFERENT than the hype. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll give you the down-and-dirty truth about the getting paid twice training today, in Episode 65. So we’d all like to get paid twice on every real estate deal, right? Of course! It’s like killing two birds with one big real estate deal stone. And it’s not really that complicated, either, as you’ll see in a minute. Today, we’re going to closely examine the TRUE STORY about a guy who IS getting paid twice on basically every deal he does and we’re also going to expose what it did to his business in the process. I’ll be honest here: this episode is not going to be what you expected, so buckle up. Before we get into any down-and-dirty exposure, though (hey, clean it up, we’re talking reporting he

  • CRAIGSLIST LEADS in about 90 minutes? | Episode 64

    20/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    How would you like to know the 23-word combination that is yielding SERIOUS LEADS from Craigslist for real estate investors? If you are not effectively leveraging the GOLD MINE of deal and funding leads that is available on Craigslist, then you’ve got to get them. I’ll tell you the combination and how to use it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 64. --- So wouldn’t you like it if you could copy and paste a certain combination of words into your local craigslist posts and immediately start hearing from motivated buyers, sellers, and investors who all were hoping to work with you? If you had money to fund deals and good deals coming out your ears, don’t you think you could work with that? I know you could and more importantly, you know you could! We’ll get to that 23-word combo in just a minute, as well as a little tidbit about just how FAST this sucker works sometimes, but first, I want to mention something in the news that is really important for real estate investors today. You know that

  • How to LEND MONEY BETTER THAN TRUMP | Episode 63

    18/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    How would you like to be WAYYYY better than Donald Trump at lending money in the real estate sector? If beating a billionaire at his own game sounds good to you, then you’re going to love today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 63. --- So how would you like to learn how to lend money in real estate for way better returns than Donald Trump is getting in HIS most recent lending foray, and without having to be a billionaire first to get started? I’ll tell you all the details in just a minute, but while we’re on the topic of everyone’s favorite (or favorite to hate) republican presidential candidate, I’ve got some other interesting news to share. The Donald is starting to see some fallout from his outspoken ways that never really bothered anyone before he took on the 2016 presidential race, and a certain high-profile owner of a certain condo in TRUMP PALACE has announced he’s dumping his property and taking a loss just so he can stop (and I quote) “spitting” every time he “hears, sees or says” the nam

  • get 100-200% ROI for THIS OUTDOOR UPGRADE | Episode 62

    13/05/2016 Duration: 05min

    How would you like to know an OUTDOOR UPGRADE that one of America’s BIGGEST LENDERS says can net you 100-200 percent ROI upon completion? I’ve got all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 62. --- So would you be more likely to install a certain popular upgrade if you knew that an actual lender – one the biggest in the country, no less – had specified that this upgrade was likely to garner you 100-200 percent ROI upon completion? I know I would! I’d break out the mortar, or the paint brushes, or whatever it was I needed for sure. And since I suspect you feel the same, we’ll get right into that in just one minute. Before we do, however, I’ve got to mention a little something about higher education. Turns out, people with bachelor’s degrees are way, way, wayyy more likely to own their own homes than those with high school diplomas and G.E.D.s. You can check out the hard numbers behind this in our News & Networking section, by the way. But more importantly, this touches on someth

  • should you GET SEXUAL with your listing videos? | Episode 61

    13/05/2016 Duration: 09min

    Sexy, steamy listing videos are TAKING OVER in certain markets. Should you give in to your property’s SEXY SIDE (and, let’s face it, yours or a stunt double playing you)? We’ll get into all the details of the HOTTEST LISTING STRATEGY out there in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 61. --- So is the key to mass exposure in your local housing market to GET SEXY in your video listing? Okay folks, full disclosure here, I’m not going to say anything crass in today’s episode, but we are going to talk a little bit about some pretty unorthodox methods of garnering attention for your listing, including describing in a bit of detail one listing that has gone SO VIRAL for so many reasons. And not all those reasons are universally considered to be PG, though as with all REI Today episodes, we’ll keep it clean. So I just want to make you aware before we…well…DIVE IN, shall we say. Now that you’re completely curious, I’m going to make you wait just a minute for all the steamy details because I want to take

  • how any ANY HOA can KILL YOUR CREDIT | Episode 60

    12/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    Would you believe that the LATEST THREAT to your credit score might be a NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION in an area where you don’t even live? I’ll tell you all about this HOA HORROR STORY and how to protect yourself in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 60. So we’ve all got our share of HOA horror stories, and it probably won’t surprise you to learn that your local HOA could be gunning for your credit score. What may surprise you is that it doesn’t have to be YOUR HOA who tanks that FICO rating! I’ll tell you all the details in just a minute, but I want to mention first something else that can hurt your credit score in a big way: HACKING. And to get specific, Russian hacking, since the Russians are, according to most cyber-security experts, rivaled only by the Chinese when it comes to dedication on the part of that nation’s hacking community to getting into your email and into your business. We’ve got a special article on the website today that will tell you all about how Russian hackers are presen

  • AGENT ATTACKED! what you need to know | Episode 59

    10/05/2016 Duration: 05min

    A real estate agent was attacked during a routine showing of a two-bedroom apartment! This is NOT an isolated incident, and you need to know what danger signals to watch for. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 59. --- So just last week, a male real estate professional was attacked in a two-bedroom apartment with LOTS of other people close by, and he almost didn’t live to tell the tale. It’s a dangerous world out there for real estate professionals – and investors in particular – folks, and you have got to be alert. REI Today’s Scam Alert List is a great way to stay informed about the latest scams, cons, and attack tactics that the worst of the worst who are targeting OUR PROFESSION are using to hurt you physically and financially. Sign up now at (one word) and you’ll immediately get access not only to our 2016 Red Flag Report that identifies the most common “tells” that a contractor or other real estate professional is out to get you, but you’ll also receive our Real Estate Investor Sa

  • Is a TRUMP REAL ESTATE SELL-OFF in the works? | Episode 58

    10/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    Is Donald Trump’s presidential bid about to force a HUGE REAL ESTATE SELL-OFF in the Big Apple? He’s going to have to come up with some MAJOR MONEY SOMEWHERE. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll tell you where the Donald’s BIGGEST FUNDRAISING CHECK might come from today, in episode 58. --- So does Donald Trump’s presuumptive nomination to the republican party’s presidential real estate ticket mean that a HUGE real estate sell-off could be coming in New York City? Let’s just say the money’s gotta come from somewhere, and the GOP isn’t coughing up yet… Before we get into why Trump might be forced into selling HIS MEGA-MANSIONS and ultra-high-end apartment and condo developments, however, let’s talk a little bit about how you could start investing, TRUMP-STYLE, as it were, for a much, much smaller original outlay than the Trump Towers require. It turns out that investing in multifamily real estate (specifically, in HUGE apartment buildings) isn’t as complicated as most people think it is. In fact, with a little guidance, it

  • how to get a 23% DISCOUNT on your next deal | Episode 57

    06/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    How would you like to get a 23 PERCENT DISCOUNT on your next deal? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll tell you how today, in Episode  . How does a 23 percent DISCOUNT on your next deal sound to you? Think you could manage to make a little extra profit with that kind of wiggle room? Some exciting new data from RealtyTrac shows clearly how to do it, and we’ll talk all about it in today’s episode. First, however, I want to mention another great way to get deals (and, by the way, a great deal for you) if you live in the Birmingham, Alabama or Miami, Florida areas. On May 10 in Birmingham and on May 16 in Miami, is hosting a LIVE SEMINAR on how to use their website and other investor-specific concierge services to get fantastic deals on properties. The May 16 event is particularly exciting, I think, because Rick Sharga, a former senior VP at RealtyTrac and current executive vice president at (which, by the way, is now calling itself Ten-X) will be the featured speaker at the event. If you are going to

  • The MAGIC WORDS to make the government COUGH UP THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in “STOLEN” MONEY in about 76 days | Episode 56

    05/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    Imagine if there was a certain combination of words that you could say to a complete stranger that would frequently result in you AND THAT STRANGER receiving thousands of real estate dollars that had been MISAPPROPRIATED by the government in about 76 days. I’m betting you’d crack out that pencil and paper to write them down. I’ll tell you that combination of words today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 56. So how about it? Are you ready for some “magic” words? And how does that word, “misappropriated” come in? Who’s the government “stealing” from now? I’ve got the answers in today’s podcast, and I’m warning you, it’s going to make you squirm a little when you find out what your local government has been up to under your very nose. It’s not pretty, but the good news is that you can right this wrong (Oh, and you can build a nice little business out of doing so while you’re at it). So let’s get down to business. Here’s what’s going on. Every time a local government has a FORECLOSURE AUCTION to sell off homes

  • Why a $1,000 Piece of Land BEATS $100K IN REAL ESTATE “Every” Time | Episode 55

    05/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    If I offered you your choice of two properties: a $1,000 vacant parcel of land and a $100,000 house, which would you choose? If you’re like most people, you’d snap up the house. And you’d be making a BIG MISTAKE. I’ll tell you why in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 55. --- If someone told you that you’d be crazy not to take a $1000 parcel of vacant land over a $100,000 house, you’d probably turn right around and tell them they’re nuts. However, my guest today has spent the last 20 years doing just that, and let’s just say his business, his investment success, and frankly his LIFESTYLE indicate that he’s not crazy at all. I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode, but first I want to take just a minute to talk about something that IS crazy: making BAD DECISIONS when you know they’re bad just because your EMOTIONS say you want them to be good. Did you know that’s how more than 90 percent of all real estate scams happen? The victims KNOW they’re doing something inadvisable, but they DO IT

  • how to GET YOUR SHARE of the $6.2 BILLION being THROWN AWAY in real estate | Episode 53

    05/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    Can you believe it? Americans are throwing away $6.2 billionWEEKLY in real estate by skipping over this simple, massiveprofit-generating action. I’ll tell you what it is in today’sepisode. I’m Carole Ellis, and this is Episode 53.----So wouldn’t you like a share of the $6.2 billion that isapparently getting WASTED weekly by Americans making a “bad” realestate decision? I know I’m pretty interested. We’re going to getinto the details on this exciting topic in just a second, butbefore we do, I want to mention another “billion-dollar industry”that most Americans think is completely out of their reach butthat, in reality, is extremely straightforward and WILDLYprofitable when done correctly. I’m talking about something big,literally – owning and/or FLIPPING apartment complexes. You canlearn all about this important and highly underutilized (that meansless competition, guys) investing strategy by going right now a free training that will give you ALL the details you need.Don’t miss it!

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