The New Stack Makers



With new interviews thrice-weekly, The New Stack Makers stream of featured speakers and interviews is all about the new software stacks that change the way we development and deploy software. For The New Stack Analysts podcast, please see The New Stack @ Scale podcast, please see to TNS on YouTube at:


  • So You Want to Learn DevOps

    24/08/2023 Duration: 29min

    TechWorld with Nana is one of the most popular resources for people looking to get into or progress a DevOps career. Nana Janashia, the creator of TechWorld with Nana, is a DevOps trainer and consultant who joined us to discuss why DevOps is needed now more than ever and how this is the perfect time to begin a career in DevOps.Host Alex Williams and Nana go over the key concepts of DevOps. Then they talk about how the complexity of tools can sidetrack and complicate the learning process for those new to DevOps and why focusing on concepts rather than tools the way to go. Before wrapping up the conversation, they even talk about the best ways for people to get involved who are new to DevOps.Nana's journey into DevOps commenced during her time as an engineer in Austria, where she began exploring Kubernetes. As inquiries from colleagues poured in, she recognized her knack for demystifying complex topics, catalyzing her passion for teaching. Viewers attest to switching to DevOps careers after watching her videos.

  • Open Source AI and The Llama 2 Kerfuffle

    18/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    Explore the complex intersection of AI and open source with insights from experts in this illuminating discussion. Amanda Brock, CEO of OpenUK, reveals the challenges in labeling AI as open source amidst legal ambiguities. The dialogue, led by TNS host Alex Williams, delves into the evolution of open source licensing, its departure from traditional models, and the complications arising from applying open source principles to AI, which encompasses sensitive data governed by privacy laws.The focus turns to "Llama 2," a contentious example where Meta labeled their language model as open source, sparking confusion. Notable guests Erica Brescia, Managing Director at Redpoint Ventures, and Steven Vaughan-Nichols, founder of Open Source Watch, weigh in on this topic. Brock emphasizes that AI's complexity prevents it from aligning with the Open Source Definition, necessitating a clear distinction between open innovation and open source.Amidst these debates, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) is crafting a new definitio

  • PromptOps: How Generative AI Can Help DevOps

    11/08/2023 Duration: 12min

    Discover how large language models and generative AI are revolutionizing DevOps with PromptOps. The company, initially known as CtrlStack, introduces its unique process engine that comprehends human requests, reads knowledge bases, and generates code on the fly to accomplish tasks. Dev Nag, the CEO, explains how PromptOps saves users time and money by automating routine operations in  this podcast episode with The New Stack.Dev Nag is joined by GK Brar, PromptOps' founding engineer, and our host Joab Jackson as they delve into the concept of generative AI and its potential benefits for DevOps. Traditionally, DevOps tasks often involve repetitive troubleshooting and reporting, making automation essential. PromptOps specializes in intent matching, understanding nuanced requests and providing the right solutions.Notably, PromptOps employs generative AI offline to prepare for automating common actions and enhancing the user experience. Unlike others, PromptOps aims beyond simple enhancements. It aspires to transf

  • Where Does WebAssembly Fit in the Cloud Native World?

    03/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, Matt Butcher, CEO of Fermyon Technologies, discusses the potential impact of the component model on WebAssembly (Wasm) and its integration into the cloud-native landscape. WebAssembly is a binary instruction format enabling code to run anywhere, written in developers' preferred languages. The component model aims to provide a common way for WebAssembly libraries to express their needs and connect with other modules, reducing the barriers and maintenance of existing libraries. Butcher believes this model could be a game changer, allowing new languages to compile WebAssembly and utilize existing libraries seamlessly.WebAssembly also shows promise in delivering on the long-awaited potential of serverless computing. Unlike traditional virtual machines and containers, WebAssembly boasts a rapid startup time and addresses various developer challenges. Butcher states that developers have been eagerly waiting for a platform with these characteristics, hinting at a potential resurgence of serverless.

  • The Cloud Is Under Attack. How Do You Secure It?

    28/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    Building and deploying applications in the cloud offers significant advantages, primarily driven by the scalability it provides. Developers appreciate the speed and ease with which cloud-based infrastructure can be set up, allowing them to scale rapidly as long as they have the necessary resources. However, the very scale that makes cloud computing attractive also poses serious risks.The risk lies in the potential for developers to make mistakes in application building, which can lead to widespread consequences when deployed at scale. Cloud-focused attacks have seen a significant increase, tripling from 2021 to 2022, as reported in the Cloud Risk Report by Crowdstrike.The challenges in securing the cloud are exacerbated by its relative novelty, with organizations still learning about its intricacies. The newer generation of adversaries is adept at exploiting cloud weaknesses and finding ways to attack multiple systems simultaneously. Cultural issues within organizations, such as the tension between security p

  • Platform Engineering Not Working Out? You're Doing It Wrong.

    27/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    In this episode of The New Stack Makers, Purnima Padmanabhan, a senior vice president at VMware, discusses three common mistakes organizations make when trying to move faster in meeting customer needs. The first mistake is equating application modernization with solely moving to the cloud, often resulting in a mere lift and shift of applications, without reaping the full benefits. The second mistake is a lack of automation, particularly in operations, which hinders the development process's speed. The third mistake involves adding unnecessary complexity by adopting new technologies or procedures, which slows down developers.As a solution, Padmanabhan introduces the concept of platform engineering, which not only accelerates development but also reduces toil for operations engineers and architects. However, many organizations struggle with implementing it effectively, as they often approach platform engineering in fragmented ways, investing in separate components without fully connecting them.To succeed in ado

  • What Developers Need to Know About Business Logic Attacks

    26/07/2023 Duration: 20min

    In this episode of The New Stack Makers, Peter Klimek, director of technology in the Office of the CTO at Imperva, discusses the vulnerability of business logic in a distributed, cloud-native environment. Business logic refers to the rules and processes that govern how applications function and how users interact with them and other systems. Klimek highlights the increasing attacks on APIs that exploit business logic vulnerabilities, with 17% of attacks on APIs in 2022 coming from malicious bots abusing business logic.The attacks on business logic take various forms, including credential stuffing attacks, carding (testing stolen credit cards), and newer forms like influence fraud, where algorithms are manipulated to deceive platforms and users. Klimek emphasizes that protecting business logic requires a cross-functional approach involving developers, operations engineers, security, and fraud teams.To enhance business logic security, Klimek recommends conducting a threat modeling exercise within the organizati

  • Why Developers Need Vector Search

    18/07/2023 Duration: 27min

    In this episode of The New Stack Makers podcast, the focus is on the challenges of handling unstructured data in today's data-rich world and the potential solutions offered by vector databases and vector searches. The use of relational databases is limited when dealing with text, images, and voice data, which makes it difficult to uncover meaningful relationships between different data points.Vector databases, which facilitate vector searches, have become increasingly popular for addressing this issue. They allow organizations to store, search, and index data that would be challenging to manage in traditional databases. Semantic search and Large Language Models have sparked interest in vector databases, providing developers with new possibilities.Beyond standard applications like information search and recommendation bots, vector searches have also proven useful in combating copyright infringement. Social media companies like Facebook have pioneered this approach by using vectors to check copyrighted media up

  • How Byteboard’s CEO Decided to Fix the Broken Tech Interview

    13/07/2023 Duration: 37min

    Sargun Kaur, co-founder of Byteboard, aims to revolutionize the tech interview process, which she believes is flawed and ineffective. In an interview with The New Stack for our Tech Founder Odyssey podcast series, Kaur compared assessing technical skills during interviews to evaluating the abilities of basketball star Steph Curry by asking him to draw plays on a whiteboard instead of watching him perform on the court. Kaur, a former employee of Symantec and Google, became motivated to change the interview process after a talented engineer she had coached failed a Google interview due to its impractical format.Kaur believes that traditional tech interviews overly emphasize theoretical questions that do not reflect real-world software engineering tasks. This not only limits the talent pool but also leads to mis-hires, where approximately one in four new employees is unsuitable for their roles or teams. To address these issues, Kaur co-founded Byteboard in 2018 with Nicole Hardson-Hurley, another former Google e

  • A Lifelong ‘Maker’ Tackles a Developer Onboarding Problem

    07/07/2023 Duration: 29min

    Shanea Leven, co-founder and CEO of CodeSee, shared her journey as a tech founder in an episode of the Tech Founder Odyssey podcast series. Despite coming to programming later than many of her peers, Leven always had a creative spark and a passion for making things. She initially pursued fashion design but taught herself programming in college and co-founded a company building custom websites for book authors. This experience eventually led her to a job at Google, where she worked in product development.While at Google, Leven realized the challenge of deciphering legacy code and onboarding developers to it. Inspired by a presentation by Bret Victor, she came up with the idea for CodeSee—a developer platform that helps teams understand and review code bases more effectively. She started working on CodeSee in 2019 as a side project, but it soon received venture capital funding, allowing her to quit her job and focus on the startup full-time.Leven candidly discussed the challenges of juggling a day job and a sta

  • 5 Steps to Deploy Efficient Cloud Native Foundation AI Models

    29/06/2023 Duration: 16min

    In deploying cloud-native sustainable foundation AI models, there are five key steps outlined by Huamin Chen, an R&D professional at Red Hat's Office of the CTO. The first two steps involve using containers and Kubernetes to manage workloads and deploy them across a distributed infrastructure. Chen suggests employing PyTorch for programming and Jupyter Notebooks for debugging and evaluation, with Docker community files proving effective for containerizing workloads.The third step focuses on measurement and highlights the use of Prometheus, an open-source tool for event monitoring and alerting. Prometheus enables developers to gather metrics and analyze the correlation between foundation models and runtime environments.Analytics, the fourth step, involves leveraging existing analytics while establishing guidelines and benchmarks to assess energy usage and performance metrics. Chen emphasizes the need to challenge assumptions regarding energy consumption and model performance.Finally, the fifth step entails

  • A Good SBOM is Hard to Find

    22/06/2023 Duration: 25min

    The concept of a software bill of materials (SBOM) aims to provide consumers with information about the components inside a software, enabling better assessment of potential security issues. Justin Hutchings, Senior Director of Product Management at GitHub, emphasizes the importance of SBOMs and their potential to facilitate patching without relying solely on the vendor. He spoke with Alex Williams in this episode of The New Stack Makers.Creating a comprehensive SBOM poses challenges. Each software package is unique, such as an Android application that combines the developer's code with numerous open-source dependencies obtained through Maven packages. The SBOM should ideally serve as a machine-readable inventory of all these dependencies, enabling developers to evaluate their security.Hutchings notes that many SBOMs fall short in being fully machine-readable, and the vulnerability landscape is even more problematic. To achieve the standards Hutchings envisions, several actions are necessary. For instance, ce

  • The Developer's Career Path: Discover's Approach

    21/06/2023 Duration: 14min

    Angel Diaz, Vice President of Technology, Capabilities, and Innovation at Discover Financial Services, spoke with TNS Host Alex Williams at the Open Source Summit in Vancouver, BC. Diaz emphasizes the importance of learning and collaboration among software engineers. He leads The Discover Technology Academy, a community of 15,000 engineers, which he describes as a place where craftsmen come together rather than an ivory tower institution.Developers and engineers at Discover define and develop processes for software development. They start their journey by contributing atomic elements of knowledge, such as articles, blogs, videos, and tutorials, and then democratize that knowledge. Open source principles, communities, guilds, and established practices play a vital role in their work and discovery process.Discover's developer experience revolves around the concept of the golden path, which goes beyond consuming content and includes aspects like code, automation, and setting up development environments. Pair pro

  • The Risks of Decomposing Software Components

    14/06/2023 Duration: 19min

    The Linux Foundation's Open Source Security Foundation (OSSF) is addressing the challenge of timely software component updates to prevent security vulnerabilities like Log4J. In an interview with Alex Williams of The New Stack at the Open Source Summit in Vancouver, Omkhar Arasaratnam, the new general manager of OSSF, and Brian Behlendorf, CTO of OSSF, discuss the importance of making software secure from the start and the need for rapid response when vulnerabilities occur. In this conversation, they highlight the significance of Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs), which provide a complete list of software components and supply chain relationships. SBOMs offer data that can aid decision-making and enable reputation tracking of repositories. The interview also touches on the issues with package managers and the quantification of software vulnerability risks. Overall, the goal is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software component updates and leverage data to enhance security in enterprise and pro

  • How Apache Airflow Better Manages ML Pipelines

    08/06/2023 Duration: 17min

    Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for building machine learning pipelines. It allows users to author, schedule, and monitor workflows, making it well-suited for tasks such as data management, model training, and deployment. In a discussion on The New Stack Makers, three technologists from Amazon Web Services (AWS) highlighted the improvements and ease of use in Apache Airflow.Dennis Ferruzzi, a software developer at AWS, is working on updating Airflow's logging and metrics backend to the OpenTelemetry standard. This update will provide more granular metrics and better visibility into Airflow environments. Niko Oliveria, a senior software development engineer at AWS, focuses on reviewing and merging pull requests as a committer/maintainer for Apache Airflow. He has worked on making Airflow a more pluggable architecture through the implementation of AIP-51.Raphaël Vandon, also a senior software engineer at AWS, is contributing to performance improvements and leveraging async capabilities in AWS Operator

  • Generative AI: What's Ahead for Enterprises?

    07/06/2023 Duration: 19min

    In this episode featuring Nima Negahban, CEO of Kinetica, the potential impact of generative AI tools like ChatGPT on businesses and organizations is discussed. Negahban highlights the transformative potential of generative AI when combined with data analytics. One use case he mentions is an "Alexa for all your data," where real-time queries can be made about store performance or product underperformance in specific weather conditions. This could provide organizations with a new level of visibility into their operations.Negahban identifies two major challenges in the generative AI space. The first is security, especially when using internal data to train AI models. The second challenge is ensuring accuracy in AI outputs to avoid misleading information. However, he emphasizes that generative AI tools, such as GitHub Copilot, can bring a new expectation of efficiency and innovation for developers.The future of generative AI in the enterprise involves discovering how to orchestrate these models effectively and l

  • Don't Force Containers and Disrupt Workflows

    25/05/2023 Duration: 12min

    In this episode of The New Stack Makers from KubeCon EU 2023, Rob Barnes, a senior developer advocate at HashiCorp, discusses how their networking service, Consul, allows users to incorporate containers or virtual machines into their workflows without imposing container usage. Consul, an early implementation of service mesh technology, offers a full-featured control plane with service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionalities. It supports various environments, including traditional applications, VMs, containers, and orchestration engines like Nomad and Kubernetes.Barnes explains that Consul can dictate which services can communicate with each other based on rules. By leveraging these capabilities, HashiCorp aims to make users' lives easier and software more secure.Barnes emphasizes that there are misconceptions about service mesh, with some assuming it is exclusively tied to container usage. He clarifies that service mesh adoption should be flexible and meet users wherever they are in their t

  • AI Talk at KubeCon

    24/05/2023 Duration: 16min

    What did software engineers at KubeCon say about how AI is coming up in their work? That's a question we posed Taylor Dolezal, head of ecosystem for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation at KubeCon in Amsterdam. Dolezal said AI did come up in conversation."I think that when it's come to this, typically with KubeCons, and other CNCF and LF events, there's always been one or two topics that have bubbled to the top," Dolezal said.At its core, AI surfaces a data issue for users that correlates to data sharing issues, said Dolezal in this latest episode of The New Stack Makers.Read more about AI and Kubernetes on The New Stack:3 Important AI/ML Tools You Can Deploy on KubernetesFlyte: An Open Source Orchestrator for ML/AI WorkflowsOvercoming the Kubernetes Skills Gap with ChatGPT Assistance

  • A Boring Kubernetes Release

    22/05/2023 Duration: 15min

    Kubernetes release 1.27 is boring, says Xander Grzywinski, a senior product manager at Microsoft.It's a stable release, Grzywinski said on this episode of The New Stack Makers from KubeCon Europe in Amsterdam."It's reached a level of stability at this point," said Grzywinski. "The core feature set has become more fleshed out and fully realized.The release has 60 total features, Grzywinski said. The features in 1.27 are solid refinements of features that have been around for a while. It's helping Kubernetes be as stable as it can be.Examples?It has a better developer experience, Grzywinski said. Storage primitives and APIs are more stable.

  • How Teleport’s Leader Transitioned from Engineer to CEO

    04/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    The mystery and miracle of flight sparked Ev Kontsevoy’s interest in engineering as a child growing up in the Soviet Union.“When I was a kid, when I saw like airplane flying over, I was having a really hard time not stopping and staring at it until it's gone,” said Kontsevoy, co-founder and CEO of Teleport, said in this episode of the Tech Founders Odyssey podcast series. “I really wanted to figure out how to make it fly.”Inevitably, he said, the engineering path led him to computers, where he was thrilled by the power he could wield through programming. “You're a teenager, no one really listens to you yet, but you tell a computer to go print number 10 ... and then you say, do it a million times. And the stupid computer just prints 10 million. You feel like a magician that just bends like machines to your will.”In this episode of the series, part of The New Stack Makers podcast, Kontsevoy discussed his journey to co-founding Teleport, an infrastructure access platform, with TNS co-hosts Colleen Coll and Heath

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