Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 173:35:23
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Every week on the Mom Inspired Show, Amber Sandberg and her guest delve into relevant topics for women including: pursuing passions, overcoming battles, and trouble shooting issues that women face. Amber loves to connect with women especially moms and encourages them in their authenticity because they are already good enough. Be uplifted and inspired. Join the village that seems to be missing in todays age at the Mom Inspired Show. Find out more at


  • Simplifying Series-Daily Systems : Stephanie Sikora : 179

    17/03/2020 Duration: 29min

    Do you feel like it's so easy to have things fall through cracks on a daily basis? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show for part 3 of our simplifying series! Today we will be talking about daily systems and how it can make your life easier.  Stephanie shares with us her tricks that help her on a daily basis to stay on top of things and not forget what is important.  She talks about if we have too much stuff, our systems can be inundated and so that is why its key to simplify our homes.  I even ask her if she has a junk drawer and how to best manage it? One topic that I wanted to pick her brain on is keeping the fridge organized! Who here shops at Costco or Sams and you get home and your fridge now looks like a game of Jenga trying to get stuff in and out?  One tip that Stephanie shared is how she remembers to give her kids their vitamins.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Did you miss the last 2 weeks of our Simplifying Series, where Stephanie and I talk about managing

  • Simplifying Series-Kids Stuff: Stephanie Sikora: 178

    10/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    Do you feel overwhelmed with all the kid stuff? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show for part 2 of our simplifying series! Today we will be chatting all about kids stuff and how we can start minimizing the clutter. Some of the topics that I wanted to talk to Stephanie about were school photos, family photos and portraits that might be large and what in the world are we doing with them when we don't want them on the walls anymore.  Stephanie walks us through how she handles this issue with her clients and challenges us to really think about our purchases.  People are getting these huge photos and then storing them in their basesment where no one can see them. So let's be more intentional with what we bring into our space and how to manage it.  What do we do when Christmas and birthdays come around and we are bringing in a lot of stuff, do we get rid of stuff before they get more stuff.  What to do with our kids clothes, do we donate, sell, or giveaway?  One interesting topic is selling clothes and

  • Simplifying Series-Papers : Stephanie Sikora : 177

    03/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    Do you wish your life was more simple? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show to do a 4 part series! I thought it would be great to have her back on the show in time for Spring cleaning.  I truly believe that the more simple we can live our lives the less stressed we will feel.  Many times it can be very overwhelming or feel chaotic because there is just so much stuff in the house and that alone can feel so stressful! This week we are going to talk about paper and how can we limit what we keep vs. what we get rid of.  One topic that I really loved is when Stephanie shared with us what she does with papers that need to go back to school. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   Similar to getting your house in order, you may be struggling to get your health in order. If you want to check out my series on losing weight and needing some inspiration, make sure to check out my recent series I did on how I lost 50lbs in 10 months.  I also share products that I used and still use to

  • Why dreaming big feels so scary! Beth Troy: 176

    25/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    Have you stopped dreaming big because it just feels way too scary? Today we have author and professor Beth Troy on the show and we are talking all about dreaming big even when it feels super scary! Beth shares with us how she had to learn how to live with both her dreams and life in both hands. All too often I think it's so easy to think that dreams and real life are to be kept separate and we really need to live with both of them together!  We can get so caught up in our kids lives and making sure that they are going after their dreams that we forget about dreaming for ourselves. When is the last time you thought, this is a dream I want to go after. I think it is so easy to not even think about dreaming too big because we are afraid it won't happen.  Beth shares with us her journey of making her dreams come true writing her first book and what she learned in that process.  One topic that stood out to me is when I asked Beth what her advice was on helping her kids dream big.  Hear what we have to say on this

  • Why gut health is more important than you think! Tina Anderson: 175

    18/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    Do you have food allergies, skin issues, or other concerns that could be tied to your gut health? Today we have Tina Anderson on the show and we are talking all about our gut health and what that exactly looks like! Did you know that if you have food sensitivities you could possibly have gut issues. Tina shares with us her background as a trial lawyer and then became in-house counsel for a family pharmaceutical company.  What she didn't realize was working in pharmaceuticals it opened her eyes and she then turned toward the field of natural health and truly found her calling helping people heal their guts by creating a probiotic that she couldn't find on the market.  One topic that really concerned me is a product that is used all the time on our foods and plants and how it destroys the good bacteria in our bodies.  Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. If you are on a health kick and want some inspiration, make sure to check out my recent series I did on how I lost 50lbs in 10 mont

  • What to do when life feels hard! Suzanne Banker: 174

    11/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    Does life feel hard especially at the beginning of a new year? Today we have Suzanne Banker back on the show and were talking about how the new year can sometimes feel super hard because we have such high expectations!  We talk about how easy it is to get super excited before the new year to have all of our goals and dreams written out but have it look so different when life gets in the way! Have you ever noticed that some people look like they have everything easy, and it seems like they are able to stay on top of things while being successful?  Suzanne shares with us how it's easy to just see the good things in people's lives and not really know what is truly going on behind closed doors.  She opens up about how it has been a hard start for her this year but yet people wouldn't really know that if they were to just look at her Instagram feed.  It's so easy with social media to feel like everyone has it together, but what you don't see is the hard work people are putting in day in and day out, and picking th

  • Are you tired of being an angry mom? : Natalie Hixson: 173

    04/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    Do you feel like you struggle with anger especially with your kids? Today we Natalie Hixson on the show and she is a certified life coach that helps discouraged moms overcome destructive anger and burnout.  She shares with us her journey of being an angry mom and what she did to process anger in a healthy way.  Natalie felt a calling to help other moms avoid those dark years of motherhood by helping them identify triggers, which resulted in controlling their reaction to those triggering solutions. One topic that stood out to me is when Natalie shared with us on how to find abundance and joy in motherhood for those days that just seem challenging.  Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to listen to the episode I did with Noelle Cordeaux on feeling lonely: Why do we feel so lonely?   Resources mentioned in the show Let me help you plan your next vacation (fore FREE) Are you trying to figure out your next vacation destination if it be with the fam

  • Parenting tips from a mom a few steps ahead of us: Laura Smith: 172

    28/01/2020 Duration: 41min

    Do you ever wish that you had a friend that was just a few steps ahead of you in life to share what she learned with raising kids? Today we have Laura Smith on the show and we are talking about what she learned raising her kids. As a mom of 4, we talk about what she is glad that she did with her kids and what she wished she hadn't of done. We talk about each kid being different and how to honor their personalities without trying to make them change. She shares with us how she truly enjoys having teens and adult kids and that to truly enjoy each age. One topic that stood out to me was helping our kids grow their faith and what she feels is the most important when it comes to this.  Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Did you hear my recent series on how I lost 50lbs in 10 months? Even if you don't have to lose weight but want to get healthy, this is a perfect series to listen too. I go over what I did, how I had to change my mindset, my journey of "just showing up" and doing it

  • Is your business making money? LuAnn Nigara: 171

    21/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    Have you started a business and struggling to make it successful? Today we have LuAnn Nigara on the show and she is talking about her experience as a business owner as a mom.  LuAnn shares with us her thoughts on why our business might not be making money and the 5 things we might have missed. She also talks about how we might be missing the mark when it comes to serving our clients and are we really providing a good client experience?  She also shares with us how it's important to have core values in our business and how do we go about figuring that out.  One topic that stood out to me is that we need to be leaders in our business even if we are a team of one. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Did you hear my recent series on how I lost 50lbs in 10 months? Even if you don't have to lose weight but want to get healthy, this is a perfect series to listen too. I go over what I did, how I had to change my mindset, my journey of "just showing up" and doing it even when it wasn't

  • Why family time can create resilient kids: Cynthia Klein: 170

    14/01/2020 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever wondered what key skills kids need to learn to develop resiliency in life? Today we have parenting expert Cynthia Klein on the show and we are talking about family time and how its more important than we might even realize.  Cynthia shares with us how that kids really learn skills like problem solving, managing and expressing emotions by interacting with their parents and siblings.  Also, how having family time can help kids have a higher self-esteem.  One topic that stood out to me is when she shared that during family time kids can learn various leadership roles, appreciate each other, have disagreements and figure out possible solutions. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. If you missed the episode I did on the products I used during my weight loss journey, you can check it out here.  Make sure to go to the show notes to find the links to the products, but if you are mainly looking for the oils and supplements I am referring too you can click the Doterra Starter

  • How do mom’s go about taking care of themselves financially? Christina Lynn: 169

    07/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    Do you ever feel like it's so easy to put financial planning on any level on the back burner once you become a mom? Today we have financial planner Christina Lynn on the show and we are talking all about how finances can change for women after having kids. She shares with us that as busy moms it's easy to not pay attention to what is going on with our finances and how that can really put us in a bad position. Christina also talks about what mothers should not sacrifice financially as well as how we can take care of ourselves financially. She shares with us how to create a financial plan and goes over what an estate plan is and how to go about finding the right attorney in your state to help you draft a plan.  One topic that stood out to me is when she shared her story and how she wasn't really involved their family finances and how that caused problems later on. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Speaking of not putting yourself on the back burner, did you hear my recent

  • My weight loss secrets, 3 steps that got me started: Amber Sandberg: 168

    31/12/2019 Duration: 19min

    Do you feel like you just need a nudge to get the ball rolling with your weight loss? Can you believe we are almost in 2020, not only are we entering a new year but we are entering a NEW DECADE!  So I thought this episode would be perfect to start off the new year on the right food. This episode is going to be short and to the point, I wanted to offer you guys up 3 steps that really helped me with my weight loss journey. So if you are wanting to go into this new decade losing weight and getting healthier this will help you get on the right path. I have had women come up to me wanting to talk about my weight loss. I can tell they feel at a loss and I can totally relate.  So, in January I have decided to help coach 10 women, its been on my heart to walk this journey with other moms and help them get to their goals. If this is something you might be interested in, feel free to email me at  Even if this is past Jan. 2020 and you still need help, please email me.   If you missed the

  • My weight loss secrets, what program kicked off my weight loss journey :Amanda Nighbert:167

    24/12/2019 Duration: 27min

    Have you wondered what program I started off with to lose my 50lbs? Well, it started with LEAN and in this episode we talk about intermittent fasting and can it really help you lose weight? I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert last year and this is the program that started me on my path to lose 50lbs in 10 months.  On this first episode of the series you’ll  find out: What intermittent fasting is and how it works How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and keep it off Nutritional myths that could be keeping you from losing weight How bulletproof coffee helps you burn fat (see recipe at the very bottom) …And more!   Click on the link below to get Amanda’s program and get ready to kick that slow metabolism into HIGH gear! (with a $10 discount, make sure to use code MOM  )* Get Started!   If you want to check out the other episodes I did with her last year click the links below: what-is-carb-cycling-and-macro-management-and-how-ca

  • My weight loss secrets, my go-to products for health: Amber Sandberg, Kristen Pardue:166

    17/12/2019 Duration: 50min

    Have you wondered if you are providing your body with the right supplements and food to achieve your goals, esp. when it comes to weight loss? Today is part 2 of my weight loss series.  Kristen Pardue is back on the show with me to help share the products that I took during my journey to getting healthier and losing weight. Not only is she a dietitian but she cured herself of an auto immune disease with products that we are going to be talking about. She has so much knowledge and does such an amazing job at breaking things down and explaining why we need certain things in our diet to be healthier.  Some products I didn't take the whole time, some I just started not that long ago but wanted to include everything. So I put the oils and supplements at the top of the show notes and if you want to scroll to other things esp. items you can find on Amazon, make sure to scroll to the bottom of the show notes. One topic that really stood out to me is that we have so much inflammation in our bodies and people don't ev

  • My weight loss secrets, how I lost 50lbs in 10 months: Amber Sandberg: 165

    10/12/2019 Duration: 27min

    Do you just feel stuck with wanting to get healthier or losing weight? Today is part 1 of my weight loss series.  I am going to be sharing my journey from the past 10 months where I lost 50lbs.  I had many people ask me what I had done to lose the weight and so I thought it would help for me to share my story here on the podcast.  I talk about why I wanted to lose weight, why it wasn't just about a food plan for me, what I did for my workouts and where I am at today in my journey. If you are one of those people that love to hear about all the products that someone took while transforming themselves then you don't want to miss next week.  At the end of the month I am going to give you 3 key things that helped me to get going that could help you as well so make sure to subscribe to the show so that you don't miss any of these episodes! I have had women come up to me wanting to talk about my weight loss. I can tell they feel at a loss and I can totally relate.  So, in January I have decided to help coach 10

  • Balance your brain for a more balanced life :Kristen Race : 164

    03/12/2019 Duration: 28min

    Have you ever wondered why you feel over stimulated but yet under performing? Today we have Dr. Kristen Race on the show where we talk about balancing our brains to have a more balanced life.  She talks about how you can't live a balance life without first balancing your brain chemistry.  Kristen also shares how we can be under-performing yet overstimulated and by overstimulating our brains it impairs our attention, problem-solving and decision-making skills. One topic that really stood out to me was her tips on how to slow down, reduce stress and improve brain function.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the interview I did with Ann Kaplan about trying to do everything on our own: Are you exhausted trying to do it all on your own? Resources mentioned in the show: Get $10 off for Lean 7 week online weight loss program: I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert. On this first

  • The importance of hospitality part 2 : Melissa Sharpe: 163

    26/11/2019 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever wondered what does hospitality really look like? Today we have Melissa Sharpe back on the show for part 2 of our interview and we talk about why hospitality is so important. Melissa shares her personal experience on what it looks like in her daily life and she gives us tips on being a good host.  We talk about how it's so easy to think hospitality is about the house looking perfect with pinterest made recipes.  Melissa talks to us about how Jesus defines hospitality and uses the woman at the well as an example.  One topic that really stood out to me is the topic of FOMO (fear of missing out) and how feelings of comparison and jealously esp. when looking at other people's lives on social media can steal joy and our ability to be hospitable.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you missed last week's episode make sure to check out part 1 of this interview: Resources mentione

  • The importance of hospitality part 1 : Melissa Sharpe: 162

    19/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    Have you ever wondered what does hospitality really look like? Today we have Melissa Sharpe back on the show and we talk about why hospitality is so important. Melissa shares her personal experience on what it looks like in her daily life and she gives us tips on being a good host.  We talk about how it's so easy to think hospitality is about the house looking perfect with pinterest made recipes.  Melissa talks to us about how Jesus defines hospitality and uses the woman at the well as an example.  One topic that really stood out to me is the topic of FOMO (fear of missing out) and how feelings of comparison and jealously esp. when looking at other people's lives on social media can steal joy and our ability to be hospitable.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode, check out the interview I did last week with Jenny Stemmerman about not being stressed for the holidays!

  • Taking the stress out of the holidays : Jenny Stemmerman: 161

    12/11/2019 Duration: 50min

    Do you find that you get stressed out for the holidays vs. being excited for them? Today, Jenny Stemmerman from Your Life Rocks and I talk about how it can be so easy to get stressed out as moms when it comes to the holidays.   This episode is more of a conversation between friends that we wanted to include you in on and just share our experiences and most likely you will be able to relate to one of us if not both.  We discuss how we try to keep things simple but special and how we have similarities but also different approaches when it comes to the holidays and what that looks like.  One topic that stood out to me is how do we prioritize other family members and what they want for their holidays.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Click here to get access to my gift guide for husbands - Stocking stuffer ideas for your guy!   If you liked this episode, check out the interview I did with Alexandra Kuykendall about not feeling stressed for Christmas:  Don't feel stresse

  • Finding Joy in Challenging Times: Wendi Lou Lee: 160

    05/11/2019 Duration: 35min

    Do you find that when challenges come up in your life that you forget to remember the good things too? Today we have Wendi Lou Lee on the show, some of you might know her as "Baby Grace" from Little House on the Prairie.   Wendi shares with us her journey of being on the show for 4 seasons all before starting Kindergarten.  She also shares here story about having brain surgery to remove a tumor and how God worked through the worst circumstances to reveal His great love for her.  We also talk about comparison and how it's very easy to fall into that trap especially as women. Wendi opens up with us on how she handled fear and anxiety during that challenging time in her life.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.     If you liked this episode, check out the interview I did with Nichole Nordeman on embracing motherhood:   Resources mentioned in the show: Guest Info: Wendi Lou LeeWendi's book: A Prairie Dev

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