Good Shepherd Barrhaven Sermon Stream



We're a Christian church located in the suburbs of Ottawa, where it can be hard to feel connected to God, to each other, and to the places we live and work in. These sermons tell the story of how Jesus helps us live out our faith in this disconnected environment: setting down roots in the community, growing in character and moral honesty, and learning to love one another in deep, lasting ways. Have a listen and learn how to set down roots in your own life.


  • Future Blessings and Present Challenges

    03/11/2019 Duration: 23min

    Saints are an important part of Christian life and practice, but controversies about them can keep us from appreciating this importance. They present us with a picture of what life fully lived for God looks like. They are ones who lived out Jesus' words in the beatitudes and in his command to love enemies. They were able to do so because they kept their eyes fixed on God's kingdom and believed that His promises of blessing would come true.Scripture Reference: Luke 6:20-36Preached on All Saints' Sunday, November 3, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsThe beauty of the words can blind us to how rich the beatitudes are with meaningBeatitudes invite us to trust in God's promise of future blessingsWe experience freedom today by trusting God's tomorrowLoving enemies has power to change themLoving enemies has power to change usFurther ReadingThe Sermon on the Mount by Dale Allison. A thorough treatment of the Sermon on the Mount, including the beatitudes. See for privacy and opt-out i

  • Don't Tickle Your Ears

    20/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    We all prefer to hear what we want to hear. Fewer people still strive to hear what they need to hear, even if it's not what they want. In this sermon, Fr. Stephen speaks about the importance of providing avenues for hearing what God wants to say, even if it isn't what you wanted. Being challenged in godliness is what makes us grow more Christlike, so stay in places where that challenge is made.Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5Preached on the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, October 20th, 2019, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsBad leaders surround themselves with Yes-menGood leaders surround themselves with truth-tellersPaul challenges Christian leaders to be open to truthful critiqueCongregations should expect and encourage hard truths from leadersAll Christians should let Scripture challenge usWe can be truth-tellers and livers in the worldOur integrity is the best witness to JesusLiving in godly way is threatening to the worldJesus will accompany us in this wayHe will carry us to finish when w

  • Freedom to Pursue the Kingdom

    13/10/2019 Duration: 22min

    Discipline can be an ugly word to some people, because it makes us think of high-pressure situations and the prospect of an ugly failure. Yet, the bible often calls on Christians to exercise discipline in pursuit of the gospel. How can disciplines be good news full of grace, when they are so demanding? Today, Josh reflects on St. Paul's imagery of soldier, athlete, and farmer to help us understand how a disciplined life for Jesus actually frees us to pursue God's kingdom with joy.Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 2:1-15Preached on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, October 13, 2019 by Josh WangSermon HighlightsWe change the world by taking on small disciplinesGod's Spirit takes our small efforts and amplifies them to God's gloryOur Christian life involves effort but not earningJesus' love is a constant comfort and a safety net when our efforts failFocus on Jesus' kingdom frees us to let go of the world's worriesSt. Paul was content and free because he knew Jesus can be trustedWe can be content even when suffering

  • Carrying the Torch

    06/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    We usually think of faith as an active, personal commitment to Christ. This is true, but it's only part of what faith is. Faith is also a treasure we inherit, so that future generations can be blessed. This sermon on 2 Timothy challenges us to see faith not only as a personal benefit to us, but also the way God gathers a community of people over time. This challenge works out in a responsibility to consider how we pass faith to our children, and how we help our church pass faith on to future generationsScripture Reference: 2 Timothy 1:1-14Preached on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, October 6th, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsThe modern church stresses individual relationship with GodSaint Paul stresses responsibility of community in passing on faithFaith is an inheritance to receiveFaith is an inheritance to nurtureWe are called to pass it to our childrenWe are called to make sacrifices to help our church pass it onFurther InterestComrade Detective A satirical look at propaganda in Eastern

  • Better Angels of Our Nature

    29/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    Angels, demons and the supernatural are often the subject of mockery in western civilization today. Often, even Christians feel embarrassed when these topics come up in the bible or in sermons. Yet, they come up very often. Not just in bible, but in the belief systems of many cultures today. This sermon challenges us to acknowledge that there may be more to the world than what our modern scientific worldview allows. Why should we consider the possibility that angels and the supernatural exist, and how can we embrace this possibility in a way which doesn't lead us into silly or dark places? Listen as Fr. Stephen attempts to answer these important questions.Scripture references: Genesis 28:10-17; John 1:47-51Preached on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, Sept. 29, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsWesterners often have a hard time believing in the supernaturalThe bible and the traditions of other cultures believe in them very muchThis fact challenges us to consider we may be wrong to disbe

  • When Love Breaks Your Heart

    22/09/2019 Duration: 24min

    Jesus tells us to love, but how do you love someone who breaks your heart? How do you love someone who continually frustrates you? Today's sermon tackles how to love people and institutions which disappoint and hurt us. Using insights from the prophet Jeremiah, Fr. Stephen reassures us that disappointment and sorrow are normal parts of human life. We must love people who cause us grief because every love causes grief. Yet, Jesus' grace is enough to help us bear this grief with the hope that God can lead us through.Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1Preached on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost - September 22, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJeremiah's lament reminds us that godly life isn't always joyfulJeremiah is grief-stricken about Israel's sufferingsHe is also frustrated by Israel's terrible behaviourHe grieves because he & God love IsraelWe grieve and get angry at the church for the same reasonsWe grieve and get angry at ourselves for the same reasonsJesus' answer to grief over Is

  • When Harshness Is a Blessing

    15/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    The Bible is full of challenging passages, but the Old Testament prophets seem the most difficult. They often talk of destruction, disaster and judgment. We tend not to like hearing these themes. So what value do we find in the prophets' harsh words, and what good things does it tell us about God? This sermon addresses why harsh words are important for us to hear, and why God's judgment always leaves room for a solid hope.Scripture Passage: Jeremiah 4:11-28Preached on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, the 15th of September, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus always remains our Good Shepherd, intent on saving usOT prophets are hard to listen to because they are harsh and talk about destructionWe find it hard to hear good news in this because we are too comfortableOther communities have held on to these passages because they are oppressedOppressed communities know they can't be free without the intervention of a powerful SaviourThese passages reveal God's power is sufficient to crush oppressionJe

  • Shaped for Purpose

    08/09/2019 Duration: 28min

    Judgment is one of the least popular themes in the bible, but it comes up a lot. How do we respond to passages about judgment and why is it important to listen to them? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen looks at an important passage from Jeremiah which helps us understand the purposes of God's judgment on Israel, the church and us.Scripture passage: Jeremiah 18:1-11Preached on the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, September 8, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsBackground on JeremiahPotter imagery shows Israel not fit for its purposeGod reshapes Israel because He wants it to fulfill its purposeJeremiah challenges us to accept God has authority to shape our livesJeremiah challenges us to accept God changes are good for usJeremiah challenges us to soften our hearts to be more flexible to God's shaping See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Gratitude

    01/09/2019 Duration: 22min

    We all grumble sometimes. Yet, how often do we remember the blessings we receive? Today's sermon addresses the challenge of gratitude during teams of disappointment and struggle. We can go through times where gratitude is hard to feel, but trusting in God will bring us to a place where we can feel it once again.Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 2:4-13Preached on the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, September 1, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJeremiah offers a timely challenge to today's churchHe challenges us to consider ways God has blessed usHe challenges us to be diligent in thanking God for what is goodHowever, gratitude is not always easyIn times of disappointment, God challenges us to remain loyalTrusting God in hard times brings us to a place where we can eventually be gratefulJeremiah warns Israel to be careful what you worshipWe come to resemble what we worshipIf we portray God as harsh, we become harshIf we portray God as soft and fuzzy, we become soft and fuzzyJesus gives boundaries, but

  • Give Me A Break

    25/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    Modern people have more labour-saving devices than we know what to do with. We have more leisure time than almost anyone in history. Yet, we always seem busy and over-worked. How can people with so much free time feel so burdened? This sermon helps address the problem of over-work by reflecting on the gift of Sabbath. Jesus reveals to us that we need rest in order to flourish as human beings. We also have a responsibility to help others flourish by giving them rest. Learn about the importance of weekly rest, and why making it a priority brings real blessings.Preached on the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 25, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneScripture Reference: Luke 13:10-17; Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15Sermon HighlightsSabbath confrontations are a regular part of Jesus' ministrySabbath is a big dealSabbath is a necessary part of human flourishingWe have a responsibility to carve out time for genuine restSabbath is an act of service for othersSabbath brings opportunity to help others find restJesu

  • First Things First

    04/08/2019 Duration: 21min

    Money has an important part in our lives. It's a great tool to help us achieve our goals. Yet, it has a nasty tendency to tell us that it is itself the goal we should work for. In today's sermon, Fr. Stephen reflects on Jesus' challenge about money and material things. Jesus doesn't tell everybody to go without work and savings. But he does tell us not to let them rule our lives. When we do, we are diminished as human beings and don't live up to God's hopes for us.Scripture Reference: Luke 12:13-21Preached on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, August 4, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsWe all tend to prioritize the wrong thingsJesus urges us to put God and neighbour firstMake time for Jesus to give you a reality checkAcknowledge our dependence on GodAcknowledge our responsibility to provide for neighbours See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Praying Right

    28/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    For many Christians, prayer is one of the hardest parts of faith. Yet, Jesus repeatedly tells us how important it is. How do we keep up a good prayer life, when it presents obstacles? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen reflects on what attitudes can make our prayer more meaningful and effective, as well as some practical tips on how to pray.Scripture reference: Luke 11:1-11Preached on the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, July 28, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsPrayer can often be difficult for ChristiansWe seem not to get what we pray forWe should be bold in our prayerThrough Jesus we are made God's childrenChildren have the right to expect their needs are met by parentsWe have right to expect God will listen to our needsWe should be humble and trusting in prayerLord's Prayer starts with acknowledgment that God's will is bestWe pray with humility that God can say no when request is wrongWe pray with trust that His answer is what is bestFurther InterestPray As You Go. A handy app and website with short

  • Slacking for Jesus

    21/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    We live in a distracted age. There is always something more to do. For many of us, life can seem like an endless set of tasks. Sometimes, we get disappointed with Jesus because we don't think he's giving us enough help in getting the tasks done. Yet, the bible makes it clear that this isn't what Jesus came to do. Jesus invites us to follow his priorities, rather than inviting his help to fulfill our priorities. In today's sermon, Fr. Stephen reflects on the story of Mary & Martha from the Gospel of Luke. These two sisters are examples of the right way to set priorities and the wrong way to set them. They provide a good challenge for us to look to Jesus to put our priorities right.Scripture Reference: Luke 10:38-42Preached on the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 21, 2019 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsThis story is the second half of Jesus' answer to the question asked last weekGood Samaritan showed us what loving neighbour looks likeThis story shows us what love of God looks likeNot a stor

  • Won't You Be My Neighbour?

    07/07/2019 Duration: 21min

    We are all scared of evangelism. Few people seem to enjoy sharing their faith, even though Jesus tells us it's a priority for his disciples to do so. So how can we overcome our fear? What does it look like to share our faith? How can we avoid the cliches and manipulation that the word sometimes brings with it? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen shares how faith-sharing really boils down to being a good neighbour and loving as Jesus does. The specifics of our faith can start shining through only when we have shown genuine love for those we live with and next to.Scripture reference: Luke 10:1-20Preached by Rev. Stephen Silverthorne on the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, July 7, 2019Sermon HighlightsSharing faith scares usJesus expects us to do itWe share faith effectively when we live out our faithWe show who Jesus is by loving our neighboursThis practical love is the only thing which will break through people's cynicismGod does the real work in preparing the harvestWe are not responsible for bringing people to JesusWe ar

  • A Transforming Fire

    30/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    We all long for vengeance sometimes. The desire to crush our enemies, and make them suffer for what they have done for us, is hard to overcome. Here, Jesus' disciples indulge in this desire to crush their enemies, but Jesus shows them a better way. The fire of the Holy Spirit comes to transform our enemies, not to crush them. This sermon encourages us to look for the redemption of those caught up in evil, and challenges us to be instruments of that transformation.Scripture references: 2 Kings 1:1-18; Luke 9:51-62Preached on the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, June 30th, by the Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsVengeance is a natural desireVengeance rarely solves anythingJesus is rejected by SamaritansDisciples want to follow Elijah's example and burn up enemiesJesus rebukes themJesus instead points them to work for Samaria's redemptionFire of Pentecost doesn't destroy but transformsWe are called to work for transformation of enemiesThis is difficult work which costs us a lotIt is worth doing because Jesus

  • Pentecost

    13/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Pentecost is one of the most important festivals in the church year. Yet, the meaning of this important festival is sometimes lost on us. In this sermon, Fr. Stephen shows how Pentecost reveals that God's promises are trustworthy even when their fulfillment takes longer than we hope. It also shows us that God empowers us to do tasks we couldn't do on our own.Scripture reference: Acts 2:1-21Preached by the Rev. Stephen Silverthorne on June 9, 2019, Pentecost SundaySermon HighlightsPentecost shows us we are wrapped up in God's bigger plansThe Spirit's coming is the fulfillment of a promise from God made centuries beforeGod's promise was fulfilled in God's time-frame, not oursThis encourages us to trust in God's promisesThis challenges us to accept God's timing is different than oursPentecost shows us God can empower people to do what they can't normally doWe have been given difficult tasks by GodWe can do them if we open ourselves to God's Spirit See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • A Happy Absence

    02/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    Ascension is a principal feast in the Anglican Church, celebrating Jesus' ascension into heaven. However, this can seem like an odd thing to celebrate. Why be happy at Jesus' absence? This sermon explores why Jesus' ascension is important, even if it causes real challenges for us.Scripture reference: Acts 1:1-11; Luke 24:44-53Preached by Rev. Stephen Silverthorne on the Sunday after Ascension, June 2, 2019Sermon HighlightsJesus' ascension is ascension into God's glorySymbolism of cloud, angels points to God's presenceJesus' absence makes our doubts understandableJesus' absence puts responsibility on us as witnessesJesus gives the church to help shape us into good witnessesJesus gives the Spirit to empower us to put witness into action See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Flawless

    26/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    Pictures of heaven can sometimes seem boring and cliche. Yet, we get many pictures in the Bible, especially in the Book of Revelation. So why are they important, and how do they speak to us today? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen addresses the picture of the New Jerusalem which appears in the last chapters of Revelation. This picture of a perfect city is a sign of hope for the imperfect people who follow Jesus because it shows God can make very flawed people and things right.Scripture Reference: Revelation 21:9-22:5Preached on the 6th Sunday of Easter, May 26 by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsRevelation written after the destruction of JerusalemThis failed city appeared dead and brokenGod shows a vision of it renewed and perfectedWe see our flaws and grow discouragedGod can perfect us like He will perfect JerusalemGod challenges us with a vision of peaceHow can we allow God to use us as instruments of peace?Further ReadingSome information on the destruction of Jerusalem See for privacy

  • Love the One You're With

    22/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    Sometimes, it can be hard to care much about the world we live in. Disasters, wars, crime, and environmental degradation can make us feel like giving up and simply living for ourselves. Yet, God loves this world and calls us to love it too. So how can we love it without being discouraged by its problems? This sermon argues that the world is destined for renewal, when the things we cannot change will be changed by God. This gives us hope to do our part, even when it may seem small.Scripture reference: Revelation 21:1-6Preached on the 5th Sunday of Easter, May 19, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsThe book of Revelation reveals how the world's story finishesGod doesn't destroy the world but renews itLike God, we should learn to love the world as it isWe can undertake small local efforts because we know God is taking care of the big things See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Leaning In

    14/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Belief comes difficult to most of us, at least some of the time. Yet, Jesus often seems to demand we follow him out of our comfort zones even in the midst of our doubts. How do we follow, even when we doubt? In this sermon, Fr. Stephen suggests that we grow out of our doubts only when we lean in and follow. It's through following through on what Jesus asks us to do, that we find him to be a trustworthy shepherd. It's a leap of faith which leads us out of our faithlessness.Scripture Reference: John 10:22-30Preached on the 4th Sunday of Easter, May 12th, by Rev. Stephen SilverthorneSermon HighlightsJesus says we can't believe unless we're one of his sheepThis seems like a paradoxYet, shows a truth: you can't know if someone is trustworthy until you take the risk of trusting themJesus points to his actions as an example of his trustworthinessWe know this when we obey his callJesus' call is personal, and tailored to our needsJesus' call is communal, making us part of a flock See for privacy and

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