Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 251:25:58
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Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • MenuPause: Feel Incredible at Any Stage of Life with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    20/01/2022 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Anna talks about her upcoming book MenuPause and how you can use the six-day menu plans to overhaul your hormonal balance and allow your body to detoxify and heal. Learn about the different phases of detoxification, the #1 most beneficial thing for your body no matter how old you are, and why your health always comes down to two specific factors. [0:30] Dr. Anna talks about her past book releases, and what her latest book is about. MenuPause is a collection of six-day menu plans that pause out something from your diet because something as simple as a six-day pause can make a huge change in your life. [4:35] You can reclaim the health of your life through food. Menopause can be one of the most challenging stages of your life and what you eat has a direct impact on your ability to handle and manage that time. [6:20] Detoxification symptoms can sneak in when you are pausing out certain foods. As we detox, emotions are released as well. Many different religions from around the world say similar things about

  • 2022: Inviting More Miracles Into Your Life This Year with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Marci Schimoff

    13/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    We can’t create miracles, but we can create the conditions to invite them into our lives this year. The biggest thing that each of us can do to create a better world is for each of us to live a better, happier life. Marci Schimoff talks about her Year of Miracles program and how you can learn to become open to receiving more miracles in your life, how to focus your energy and attention on love and gratitude, and why the path to peace is finding happiness that doesn’t depend on your circumstances. [0:30] 2021 was a year of challenge and growth for many people, Marci included. Pivoting into her opportunities has been a real blessing. [2:20] The past year has also introduced a lot of additional stress into people’s lives. Having a supportive community around you can be crucial to growth and wellbeing, and can help you avoid becoming depressed and isolated. [5:10] We can’t do everything alone. We are social creatures and we get energy from connection with other people. Marci helps organize groups of women to con

  • Boosting Your Metabolic Health at Age 50 and Beyond with Dr. Anna Cabeca and JJ Virgin

    06/01/2022 Duration: 49min

    JJ Virgin shares the key lifestyle changes that you need to make to boost your metabolism and live your best life at age 50 and beyond. Learn about the seven foods you should drop immediately from your diet, how to cross train your diet in the same way you would cross train your exercise, and the key health parameters you should be paying attention to every week to know if you’re moving in the right direction.  [1:45] One of the things you have to prioritize as you age is self-care and putting yourself first. Sacrificing your sleep may no longer be a worthy option. You can be in your best shape at 50, but you need to focus on what you need to be healthy. [3:30] A healthy body burns fat and holds onto muscle. If you’re carrying around extra weight, it may be an indicator that you have a metabolic condition. Weight loss is a side benefit of your metabolism working well. [4:20] You need to step on the scale everyday if you want to understand how your body is functioning. The key is to position yourself as the o

  • Uric Acid Exposed: The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca and David Perlmutter MD

    30/12/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    David Perlmutter MD reveals the exciting and challenging science behind a major health risk that almost no one is talking about. Find out how uric acid is contributing to some of the biggest health risks in modern life, how the standard American diet is the perfect formula for creating dangerous levels of uric acid in your body, and how you can make changes to your diet that will help you lose weight, control your blood sugar, and live a healthier life.  [1:40] As of 2022, David will be 67 years young and he’s planning on traveling from Vancouver to Alaska with his wife. The world has a lot of variability and uncertainty right now so it’s hard to make detailed plans for the following year, but in some ways, that’s good because it forces you to focus on the present. [5:00] David’s new book is called Drop Acid. It specifically deals with uric acid and how we discovered it to be a central player in regulating metabolic health. It’s not only that uric acid just becomes elevated, it actually plays a causal role i

  • The Estrogen = Cancer Myth with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dr. Shawn Tassone

    23/12/2021 Duration: 51min

    Menopause and perimenopause shouldn’t be something you just power through, yet that’s the way that many women deal with their hormone or energy issues. There’s a better way, and it doesn’t involve being afraid of estrogen and hormone therapy. Dr. Shawn Tassone answers your questions on cancer, estrogen, hormones, and health, and talks about why the narrative matters in getting to the root cause of a patient’s problems. [3:05] Being a man in the arena of women's health gives him a different perspective. As the author of The Hormone Balance Bible, Shawn helps women transform their body and life during perimenopause and menopause. [4:10] Shawn found that if he could share stories of hormonal archetypes with his patients, it connects much better than just raw data. It gives women a starting point to get the information they are looking for and points them in the right direction to learn more. [5:50] Hormone issues can feel very isolating, like you’re not being acknowledged. Hearing the stories of other people an

  • The Holiday Gift Guide with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    16/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    The holiday season can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Dr. Anna talks about the importance of reflecting on the joys in our lives and honoring our experiences without getting frustrated or depressed. She also has the ultimate holiday health gift guide for you, filled to the brim with great ideas for giving the gift of good health this holiday season. [0:45] The holiday blues are a real thing and it’s not just the stress of the season. [1:50] There are four pillars of health in the Girlfriend Doctor community: Embrace, Nourish, Shine, and Awaken, and there are gifts in each area that we give this season. [2:20] Celebrate the simple joys in your life. Reflect on the joys you experience because the more you focus on something, the more it expands and is magnetized toward you. Being able to sit and embrace that feeling is a skill that will change your physiology. [4:00] Dr. Anna is giving to the House of Hope, a place that she helped to start that helps young girls who have been trafficked. T

  • Does Adrenal Fatigue Really Exist? with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Ari Whitten

    09/12/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    Red light therapy is the energy hack we need to support our mitochondria and re-energize our bodies. Ari Whitten goes into the science of the Energy Blueprint system and breaks down the myths around adrenal fatigue. Learn how we can repair our cells, increase our energy, and reduce inflammation with light therapy and by working with our body’s natural hormonal and circadian rhythms. [0:50] Ari Whitten has done his PhD work on energy, is the host of the Energy Blueprint Podcast, and the author of the Energy Blueprint System. He’s on the cutting edge of science when it comes to energy. [2:40] Health science has been Ari’s passion since the age of 12 when he was into fitness and exercise, but he differed from traditional bodybuilders in their pursuit of muscle mass at any cost. [6:15] Ari was always fit and healthy until his early 20’s when he was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus and was floored for over a year with chronic fatigue. That experience became the seed of his fascination with the body’s energy syst

  • Optimal Health Begins in the Mouth with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Trina Felber

    02/12/2021 Duration: 58min

    Your oral health is the gateway to your immune system. Trina Felber talks about how your oral health is directly related to the strength of your immune system, and how poor oral health can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, dementia, erectile dysfunction, and kidney disease. Learn exactly what you can do to have a healthier mouth right now and why you should be avoiding the off-the-shelf oral care products most people use today. [1:55] Good health starts inside your mouth. If you don’t have the right bacteria inside your mouth it causes a number of other issues with your overall health, and your immune system is one of those things. [3:20] People who fail to brush their teeth twice a day may be putting themselves at risk of heart disease and advanced gum disease. Both of which can raise your risk of a fatal heart attack ten fold. Other increases in risk from poor oral health include bad breath, dementia, pneumonia, erectile dysfunction, and kidney disease. [5:10] Your mouth and vaginal health are direct

  • Creating Mindful and Resilient Children with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dr. Madiha Saeed

    26/11/2021 Duration: 47min

    Madiha Saeed is on a mission as the Holistic Mom to help children live healthier, happier, more mindful lives. Learn about the inflammation epidemic that is afflicting children today and what we as parents can do to help our children make more rational, healthy decisions by choosing nutrient-rich foods, focusing on gratitude and optimism, and creating a home environment where they can thrive. [0:40] What can we do as parents to raise mindful and resilient children with a combination of functional medicine and parenting? That’s the question that Madiha’s new book tries to answer. [1:25] Because of widespread chronic inflammation, children are unable to make rational decisions today which are resulting in a number of societal issues. [3:10] Madiha’s mission began after seeing her newborn child struggle to simply breathe. She started her journey of self-healing and put those lessons into practice to help her children as well. [5:35] Chronic disease has quadrupled amongst children since the 1960s. Now 1 out of 2

  • Sexual Health Beyond Reproductive Hormones with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    18/11/2021 Duration: 55min

    Understanding the seven key areas of health and sexual health are key to knowing what your next right step is and to unburden you from some of the guilt, grief, and self-sabotage in your life. Learn about the pillars of sexual health and what solutions women can access that will go beyond just dealing with their reproductive hormones to allow them to regain their sex life and enjoy sex again. [1:00] Dr. Anna has been practicing in the field of women’s sexual health for years and today’s episode deals with hot topics around sexual health, sexual function and dysfunction, and what you need to know to have a healthy and happy sex life. [3:25] The vagina is essential for life and it’s vital to take care of your vagina as you age because our physiology drives our behaviour. [3:45] Testosterone affects our behaviour in various ways and its use has risen and fallen in favor as a therapy over time. Dr. Anna tells the story of a patient that was undergoing testosterone therapy and how high testosterone could have res

  • Love, Oxytocin, and Contribution with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    11/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    Dr. Anna shares the story of her experience struggling with PTSD and the fear of losing everything she had worked so hard to build up over the years, and how, through those struggles, she discovered the power of being willing to receive as well as contribute and give back. Learn why oxytocin is the most powerful hormone of all and how living a life of contribution is the best life you can have. [0:55] Community is healing. Being in a community increases oxytocin in the body which is the most powerful hormone responsible for the feeling of love and connection. [2:15] Our energy, thoughts, and emotions are held in certain parts of the body. We usually associate oxytocin with the heart, which is why heartbreak is a common and easily understood emotion. It’s a physical as well as an emotional experience. [3:45] Dr. Anna was in California last weekend where she spent some relaxing time at a spa. While she was there she met a chiropractor who helped Dr. Anna release some tension in her back and during the treatmen

  • How to Be Wild and Well with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dani Williamson

    04/11/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    If you’ve experienced trauma in your past, know that you’re not broken, you’re a survivor. Our past experiences can lead to chronic debilitating conditions but they don’t have to be a life sentence. Dani Williamson suffered from a number of chronic lifestyle diseases related to her adverse childhood experiences, and now she’s on a mission to help people understand how your diet can either heal you or kill you, and how you can overcome what you’re suffering from with six steps to living wild and well. [1:05] Adverse experiences and the physical issues that come up from them are contributing to an explosion of depression, disorders, and suicide. Phone calls to suicide crisis headlines have gone up 800% since the beginning of the pandemic. Age 10 to 24 is the fastest growing demographic for suicide. [2:45] Dani grew up in a storm of chaos. Her grandfather died by suicide and her mother attempted to kill herself many times. Dani suffered from chronic diarrhea for years from the stress and 15 years later she was

  • Breaking Up with a Toxic Ex-Boyfriend (aka Sugar) with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    28/10/2021 Duration: 24min

    Halloween is essentially the beginning of an avalanche of sugar until the end of the year for most people, but if you’re not careful, you may be risking more than just rotting your teeth. Find out why sugar and stress is a deadly combination that you should definitely avoid, why the “diet” in diet soda is a cruel joke, and how you can ditch the toxic boyfriend known as sugar and start living the Keto Green lifestyle right now. [0:10] This is the season of sugar consumption and stress, and that combination leads to a lot of acidity in your system. It’s time to break up with the toxic boyfriend that keeps on coming back, sugar. [1:35] Halloween is known for sugar, sugar, sugar. And right after Halloween the holiday season starts up and with it comes the temptation to eat even more sugary treats. Unfortunately, stress and glucose together can be a deadly combination that creates acidity and inflammation throughout your body. [3:25] Getting into the Keto green lifestyle is the secret to breaking up with sugar fo

  • Core Connections with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Erica Ziel

    21/10/2021 Duration: 56min

    Erica Ziel, deep core exercise specialist, talks about the deep connections throughout the body and how your fascia and muscles impact everything from your toes to the top of your head. Learn about how Erica helps her students heal and release their fascia from inherited patterns of movement that cause dysfunction, and how to properly train your core to support your body and move without pain. [0:30] As a child, Erica had daily knee pains that only got worse as the years went on. After finally seeing a specialist about the pain, she was told the solution was to simply strengthen her legs. This put her on the path to learn about exercise science and the body. She began developing her own methodologies through her experience, especially when it comes to pre and post-natal women. [2:30] The pelvic floor and the fascia is a very important area of the body but people don’t talk about it or how to address pelvic floor pain. The quality of your life depends a lot on the health of your pelvic floor. [4:00] So many w

  • Food Alchemy and Energy Work with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Serena Poon

    14/10/2021 Duration: 47min

    Food is medicine and food is energy. The energy you bring to your food matters almost as much as the physical ingredients you combine in the recipe. Chef Serena Poon talks about how to bring love and positivity to your culinary creations and a simple technique to shift your energy state, practice gratitude, and show up as the most empowered version of yourself.  [1:00] Serena’s journey started with her parents, who both contracted cancer when they were in their 40’s. Her father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and after he died, her mother was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer. The passion that drives Serena is rooted in that experience and what led to her learning about holistic nutrition. [3:30] The kitchen is the heart of the house. Serena went on to school to study food as medicine and to help people understand its power in their life. [4:45] Because her mother’s cancer was so aggressive and she had lost so much weight during the ordeal with her father, they discovered the tumor during

  • The Secrets of the Thermogenic State with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dr. Stu Schaefer

    07/10/2021 Duration: 42min

    Feel like you’re hitting a plateau with your weight loss? Dr. Stu Schaeffer has been in the fitness industry for years and he’s on a mission to help people lose weight easier and faster than they thought possible by unlocking the power of the body and the thermogenic state. Find out about the food quadrant that gets your body burning fat like a furnace and the three biggest mistakes that people make that sabotage their fat loss efforts. [1:25] Dr. Stu discovered the thermogenic state in 2009 after working with a woman who came to him to lose weight. He was still a relatively new trainer so he thought the solution was simply to have her reduce calories but after five weeks she hadn’t lost a single pound. [3:00] Dr. Stu decided to offer his services for free until he figured out what was happening and dove into a two-week research process. He learned about repressed metabolic syndrome, where if you diet too long or exercise too often the body will basically prevent fat loss completely. He put his client on the

  • Dealing With and Healing Unresolved Stress with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dr. Nicole Huffman

    30/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    Have you felt more tired recently? Maybe more pain, brain fog, memory loss, trouble sleeping, or maybe all of the above? These are all symptoms of stress, whether that’s the everyday variety or unresolved stress hidden deep within your body. Dealing with your stress can unlock a new way to live your life. Dr. Nicole Huffman is on the podcast to talk about the emotional arm of your health and how you can release the stress from your body that’s preventing you from living your life to its fullest. [0:50] Dr. Nicole has lived in many different places, but after falling in love with horseback riding a couple of years ago, they were looking for a new home and found a place that came with a horse and two donkeys. It became the obvious choice. [3:00] Horses teach you about the energy that you bring into a room. If there is something going on with you, the horse is going to feel it. This plays into the idea that our physical health has an energetic component. Other people may put up with your energy but a horse will

  • Bipolar or Hormonal? with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    23/09/2021 Duration: 49min

    Are you feeling crazy? It may just be your hormones talking. Dr. Anna explains how your hormones have a direct impact on your emotions and moods, and when things fall out of balance, you can feel like you’ve been swept up in a storm of anxiety, depression, rage, and everything in between. Learn how to rebalance your hormones with the Keto Green diet and supplements, and by doing the things that make you smile. [2:10] There are two days of the year where Dr. Anna allows herself some space, her son’s birthday and angel day. The day her son passed away is an important day for celebrating his life. [3:20] The loss of her son in 2006 took her on a journey, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It was a journey that took her around the world looking for answers in trying to understand how to live after such grief. [5:00] Dr. Anna was a researcher before she went to medical school, but all the schooling she had didn’t prepare her for living the experience. Our hormones can play havoc with our moods an

  • A Long, Healthy Life with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    16/09/2021 Duration: 49min

    Nourish your body from the inside out to live a long, happy, and healthy life. Dr. Anna breaks down the science behind longevity and explores the key supplements to promote health and reduce inflammation, how to reduce and avoid the toxins and endocrine disruptors we face everyday in our lives, and why love is the best medicine of all. [0:15] Longevity begins in the womb. What we do for our health matters for generations. In the past episode Dr. Anna talked about a number of different treatments that were meant to help maintain a pregnancy, but instead resulted in a plethora of negative effects generations down the line. [1:05] There are age reversal techniques that everyone can do that can have tremendous genetic and generational positive benefits. [1:40] The healthier we are as a community and with our relationships the longer we live with a high quality of life. Love, laugh, and give is a great mindset to start your day and end your life with. [3:50] Treatments can have generational effects. Endocrine dis

  • First - Do No Harm! with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    09/09/2021 Duration: 24min

    It’s important to be empowered regarding your health and any intervention you are considering, especially if you are pregnant. Dr. Anna discusses two cases from recent history of medical interventions that were once approved for use with pregnant women, but turned out to have serious side effects, and explains why it’s important to make your own decisions regarding your health.  [0:05] Do no harm is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take which essentially means that doctors are students of harm, and deeply understand the risks and benefits of medicines and procedures. [0:45] There have been a couple of interventions done in the past that were approved until we better understood the long-term consequences, but the initial push back on an intervention is often met with ridicule. [2:00] Dr. Anna recently published a Facebook post saying that pharmaceutical companies should be held liable for vaccine injuries which was met with not one, but two people shaming her for her viewpoint. [3:30] DES was initiat

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