Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner



Join entrepreneur Kami Guildner as she brings the voices of these extraordinary women from around the world to share their personal stories of life, success, loss, transition, following dreams and stepping into their courage.


  • Petra Kolber: Best Selling Author of The Perfection Detox – 088

    01/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    This week's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Petra Kolber, the best selling author of The Perfection Detox. How often do you have that inner critic voice show up - you’re not enough… smart enough… thin enough… strategic enough… whatever enough…? Petra is on a mission to help us all remove the idea of our not enough-ness - because we are enough! One of the pillars of the work I do with my clients is to help them master their mindset. To recognize what’s stories are showing up ... what fears are stopping us … how are we playing small. Petra’s work on detoxing from perfectionism is brilliant. When we’re stretching into a bigger presence in our brand and visibility, we want to show up at our best – and perhaps what we perceive as our perfect best. But as Petra so eloquently shares with us in this interview, is that people are attracted to our imperfections, not our perfection. Our imperfections make us real. It makes us relatable. “You can’t grow from a safe space. It’s just impossible.” - Petra Ko

  • Jessica Sidener – Founder of Night Out with ‘the Girls’ educating women on early breast cancer detection – 087

    25/01/2019 Duration: 48min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Jessica Sidener, the founder of Night Out with “The Girls,” an organization that educates women about early breast cancer detection, by encouraging them to take their health into their "own hands." Night Out with “The Girls” meets women right where they tend to be most comfortable--with their girlfriends, having fun, in a relaxed environment...where awkward questions about early breast cancer detection and how to do self-breast exams are embraced, encouraged and celebrated. By including a breast cancer survivor and a healthcare provider in the fun, these tough, but “need-to-know topics” are tackled in a manner that exudes: comfort, connection conversation. Jessica shares her story about how Life “giving her lemons” unexpectedly transformed her - from a young widow to breast cancer survivor to visionary entrepreneur - and intensified her desire to help others navigate loss. This interview is inspirational and provides all of us as women some important tips

  • Deberah Bringelson: Profit-Producing Business Growth Expert Integrating Quantum Physics in her Work with her Global Clients – 086

    10/01/2019 Duration: 50min

    Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Deberah Bringleson is a profit-producing Business Growth and Empowerment Expert who uses Quantum Physics to grow businesses. And she’s having incredible success! Deberah will be one of our Circle of Inspiration panelists at my January 22 Extraordinary Women Connect Gala! Join us there to meet Deberah live and in person! Deberah is best known for her creative ingenuity and leadership while negotiating the Virgin America deal between Sir Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, for which she received the “Steal of the Year” award, for the deal that never should have happened. She is an internationally recognized Business Development and Empowerment Expert. Her awards are many: She has been named “Most Influential Woman In Business” – Silicon Valley three times, has been honored by the U.S. Congress for her body of work, plus many others. She helped increase one company’s revenue $602 million in 12 months and another company’s revenue $56K to $13 Million. Her propri

  • Shannon Block: CEO of For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations – 085

    03/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Shannon Block, has broke the CEO glass ceiling numerous times. She’s currently helping lead the startup of Skillful, a non-profit initiative of the Markle Foundation, dedicated to enabling all Americans to secure good jobs in a changing economy.  Shannon has been Chief Executive Officer of multiple organizations including World Forward, The Denver Zoo and the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center. Prior to that she was the chief business development officer for Denver Health. Shannon has moved through lots of change over her career.  The question she asks herself, when she starts to hear a call for change is "What conversation do I want to have with the world?" I love this question - and it was this question that led her from daily conversations around baby zoo animals to conversations centered around the future skill needs of our nation's workforce. We talk about her current passion around creating more opportunities for Americans to thrive in the digital economy. As tech

  • Sarah J. Bohnenkamp: Chief Trailblazer of Epic Conversations in Industry, Organizations and Lives Leading Impactful Change – 084

    27/12/2018 Duration: 55min

    What a beautiful gift to close out our 2018 Extraordinary Women Radio series with one of my favorite strategic partners and closest friends, Sarah J. Bohnenkamp as my guest! She’s the perfect changemaker to end 2018 on a big high energy. That is Sarah – big high energy! Sarah is the Chief Trailblazer of some pretty epic conversations taking place in industry, global organizations and the professional and personal lives of many. Sarah is becoming a key global figure on important issues such as antimicrobial resistance and improving how we produce food. This Fall Sarah, helped host a global conference on Beef Sustainability in Ireland, attended by representatives from 25 countries. She loves the tough challenges and bringing all the voices to the table. Earlier in the year, she visited the Centers for Disease Control with a group of beef producers to talk about antimicrobial resistance. This is a great interview as we jam about topics that really matter for our world - sustainability and food production, and

  • Dr. Geil Browning: Founder and CEO of Emergenetics International – 083

    20/12/2018 Duration: 42min

    Our Extraordinary Women Radio guest today, Geil Browning is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Emergenetics International. Geil’s life work has focused on helping people celebrate who they are and recognize the brilliance of their gifts. You can tell why I’m a fan! And I love the Emergenetics work that Geil developed, and will tell you more in the interview. Emergenetics is the merging of two ideas - our behavior emerging from our life experiences and our genetic traits. Emergenetics provides a clear way to understand this intersection of nature and nurture through the Emergenetics Profile, built on four Thinking Attributes and three Behavioral Attributes that every person exhibits. Geil’s passion for education led to the creation of the Emergenetics Profile. In our interview today, Geil shares how her passion and early experience as a teacher led her to founding Emergenetics. She thought her passion was teaching, but she realizes now is that her passion is all about helping people understand their

  • Jennifer Quinn “JennyQ”: Internationally Recognized Livestreaming Expert and Best Selling Author – 082

    07/12/2018 Duration: 42min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio episode is with Jennifer Quinn, better known as JennyQ! JennyQ jumped into becoming an internationally known livestreaming expert with no previous knowledge, whatsoever. Today she’s a livestreaming pioneer, and she’s going to share all she has learned around overcoming the barrier of entry to livestreaming! We have so much fun in our conversation, listening to her journey their Periscope, to Blab to Facebook Live - Jenny shares her best tips creating community online, following our intuitive hits and taking those big bold moves in our business! "It's not about taking old school marketing and bringing it online. It's about creating connection and relationships." ~JennyQ She’s going to share with us how livestreaming increases our authority, credibility, and top-of-mind awareness.  Important stuff when you want to #RaiseUP your visibility in the world! JennyQ teaches professionals around the world to do just that. JennyQ has conducted over 450 live interviews and over the y

  • Cyndie Silbert: Founder of Feminine Mastery and Author of True Callings – 081

    29/11/2018 Duration: 42min

    Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview is a juicy one, with a dear friend of mine.  Cyndie Silbert is the founder of Feminine Mastery. As she shares with us in this interview, the Feminine Shift is real and it's happening now. I know I’m feeling it – and I know many of you are as well. We are being called. There is an old paradigm ending and new, feminine paradigm emerging. Cyndie tells us to embrace the change. Today, I love diving into this conversation with Cyndie. "Trust in yourself... your guidance, your power and all you can create." ~Cyndie Silbert Cyndie wrote her book True Calling, Awaken the Power of Your True Self at the onset of what is now a global feminine-empowered awakening. Feminine Mastery and Cyndie's Archetypes provide a new framework for us as women, to discover our unique role in the global feminine shift and how to flourish in this very new paradigm. It's about guiding a woman to fulfill her desires, dreams and destiny while living a deeply fulfilling and prosperous life. Femin

  • Ceal Barry: Legendary Women’s College Basketball Coach – 080

    20/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    I am so honored to feature the legendary women's basketball coach, Ceal Barry! Ceal is a Colorado Women's Hall of Fame Inductee. She has also been inducted into the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame in 2006, the University of Colorado Athletic Hall of Fame in 2010, and the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in June of 2018. Barry was also named National Coach of the Year for collegiate women’s basketball by the US Basketball Writer’s Association in 1994. Ceal has been a figure here in Colorado for all of my adult-life! I watched her career, cheered on her winning women’s teams and generally been in awe of her. She is one of the most winning coaches in women’s NCAA history, and it was an honor to get to spend time with her. In our interview, we talk about leadership, life and the importance of having a set of guiding principles in our life. Bringing over three decades of leadership and guidance to the CU Athletic Department, legendary women's basketball coach Ceal Barry is in her fourteenth season as the school's De

  • Alyssa Mathews: One Woman’s Quest to Discover the Horse – 079

    16/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Those of you who know me well, know I believe in following your passion. And today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Alyssa Mathews happens to share one of my favorite passions - horses. But this isn't just for those of us who love horses - it's for everyone of you who has a big crazy dream you'd love to follow. Because Alyssa's story is all about that. Alyssa Mathews is a lifelong equestrian and adventure addict, and in 2017, she set out on an adventure to ride every breed of horse in the world, in her quest: Discover the Horse. And so far, she’s ridden over 50 different breeds in seven different countries, and she’s being recognized across the globe for her passion and her pursuit. She has been planning this quest for over a decade and if you love beauty and passion, like I do, you’ll want to check out her Discover the Horse website or her Facebook page which is full of video and story, as she’s meeting the extraordinary horses and their owners along the way. As moves through this journey, Alyssa is wor

  • Krista Morgan – Founder and CEO of P2Binvestor: 078

    09/11/2018 Duration: 38min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Krista Morgan the Co-Founder and CEO of P2Binvestor, a marketplace lender that helps entrepreneurs and innovators transform their companies from sector newcomers to industry leaders. Krista shares her stories of starting P2Binvestor - a financial tech company - when she had no prior experience in finance or tech. She saw a gap in the market place and jumped on the opportunity. With only 2% of venture capital funding going to women founders, Krista is passionate about changing this number! She shares how she raised $13 million in capital to fund P2Binvestor through angel investors vs. the traditional venture capital route. It's an impressive story! We have a rich conversation around funding startups, business building, sales, feminism, doing business with family, and life wisdom in general! "Entrepreneurship is not rocket science... it's just waking up everyday and doing it." ~Krista Morgan P2Binvestor partners with banks and investors, while also offerin

  • Holly Porter: Innovative Entrepreneur Who Has Run 9 Successful Startups and Author of 10 Books – 077

    31/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Holly Porter a highly successful business expert who has over 30 years in business, ranging from boutiques, real estate, fundraising, spa, day care, and even a concrete company. She has successfully run 9 start-up companies. On top of all of this, Holly has published 10 books, including four #1 International Best Sellers, and has helped over 130 authors become best-sellers. Check out some of her books: The 40/40 Rules: Wisdom From 40 Women Over 40 The 30/30 Rules : What I wished I knew in my 20’s by 30 Women in their 30’s Peeking behind the Scenes: a deliberate path to success Goal For It: Thirty Paths to Imagine more Success Inbox Outbox Unbox Nobox: Four Steps to Delete Your Box Thinking. Holly shares her own personal stories of falling down and getting back up - something we've all done! And she shares more about her passion for helping women come out from behind the scenes, into the spotlight! "Never never give up on yourself, your dreams, hope, l

  • Adrienne Mansanares – Chief Experience Officer at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains: 076

    26/10/2018 Duration: 43min

    Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest Adrienne Mansanares. Adrienne is the Chief Experience Officer at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. She has built her career from a community organizer to her executive current role across several non-profits. Adrienne advances social justice through strong teams, community collaborations, and innovative efficiencies. I love this interview – we talk about our shared passion for uplifting women, leadership and risk-taking. Prior to joining Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Adrienne was the Vice President & COO of the Colorado Nonprofit Association. She also was with The Denver Foundation, where she managed a nationally-recognized program increasing leadership of people of color in nonprofits, involving $1 million in grantmaking and community action strategies. Adrienne and I both serve as Trustees for the Women’s Foundation of Colorado. In addition, she is a fellow with the Latino Leadership Institute and member

  • Lizanne Corbit and Paula Friedland: Co-Founders of Soul Speaks – 075

    19/10/2018 Duration: 46min

    Today, I’m so excited to bring you the duo of my friends and dear clients Lizanne Corbit and Paula Friedland. Lizanne and Paula are the co-founders of Soul Speaks, a transformational process to help people ignite their truth and express their authenticity in the world. I have experienced their work personally, and it’s magical. I love these two women – in addition to running their own successful personal growth businesses – they have found a way to weave their art into all that they do. As you’ll learn in this interview – their art is an essential element of their gift to the world. Lizanne and Paula will be guest speakers at my Extraordinary Women Ignite event coming up on November 1-3! I invite you to join us! Three days focused on raising up your voice, visibility and business. Tickets are available at here. In our interview today, we talk about women finding their their sacred roar and having the courage to speak their truth. Both Lizanne and Paula have heart-touching stories to share that have guided

  • Ronda Renée: Modern Day Mystic with “X-Ray Vision for your Soul” – 074

    11/10/2018 Duration: 43min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Ronda Renée - a modern day mystic with “x-­ray vision for your soul.” She’s an international speaker, facilitator, and three time best-­selling author. Ronda is a Life Fulfillment and Spiritual Business Mentor and has the unique ability for making the intense inner exploration she discovered her life’s work of teaching people how to live and work from their soul. She shares her story and she shares our wisdom with us today. She shares in the interview, "Your responsibility in life is to uncover your truth and live it. The only way you'll make the contribution you're here to make, is to be you. Live, Love and Work who you are - be you everywhere you go." As the creator of Your Divine Navigation System®, Ronda teaches you how to align with your unique energetic soul signature, your Divine Coordinates®, enabling you to fully embrace your Divine Design and live a life of deep meaning, purpose and satisfaction. Knowing that true success and fulfillment can on

  • Jayne Sanders: Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach, and Master Scientific Hand Analyst – 073

    04/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Today’s guest on Extraordinary Women Radio is one of our guest speakers at Extraordinary Women Ignite! I’m thrilled to bring you Jayne Sanders of Purpose Wisdom™.  Jayne is a Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach and Master Scientific Hand Analyst. In our interview today, we talk about the importance of finding your purpose and how that can raise up the energetic forces behind us in our life and our business. Jayne’s story of transition from over 25 in the corporate world to doing the work she does today is awesome. She shares how scientific hand analysis was the catalyst that helped her find clarity - helped her find her purpose. And her life hasn’t been the same since! Hand analysis you might ask? Well, let me tell you this isn’t the palm reading of yesteryear. This is a field of scientific study that is growing in use and regard by therapists, counselors and even neurologists and geneticists. It’s fascinating. Hand analysis can bring meaningful insight into our emotional health, our innate life purpose, our

  • Sandra Yancey: CEO & Founder of eWomen Network, on a mission to help one million women reach $1 Million – 072

    26/09/2018 Duration: 43min

    I am so excited and honored to bring you today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview with Sandra Yancey. Sandra Yancey is on a mission to help one million women entrepreneurs each achieve one million dollars in annual revenue!  She is an award-winning entrepreneur, life and business transformation specialist for the Emmy award-winning TV show “The DOCTORS,” multi #1 bestselling author, movie producer and philanthropist. Sandra is the Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork the premier women’s entrepreneur business community with over 500,000 women connected through 118 chapters across North America. Sandra is recognized by the International Alliance for Women as one of the world’s 100 Top Difference Makers and by CNN as an American Hero. Two years into her business she was on the verge of bankruptcy and ready to close her doors. Not one to give up, she found her grit and today leads one of the most successful multi-million dollar women’s business networks in North America. Sandra is the preeminent women’s business

  • Monica Coughlin: COO of Colorado Technology Association – 071

    20/09/2018 Duration: 46min

    Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest Monica Coughlin from the Colorado Technology Association, loves how technology enables connection - makes the world a better place and allows us to connect to so many more people in the world. She is the Chief Operating Officer for Colorado Technology Association, the state's premier non-profit tech organization advancing the Colorado technology industry. Prior to joining CTA, Monica was the Chief Strategy Officer for Colorado Office of Information Technology (OIT).  In her role with the State of Colorado, Monica's responsibilities included development and execution of OIT’s overall organizational strategy ensuring alignment with the Governor’s Office and agencies’ goals. She also focused on attracting, growing and retaining IT jobs and businesses in Colorado and supporting the Secretary of Technology in promoting Colorado as the ideal location for technology based companies and workers. In addition, her efforts also focused on defining the overall broadband strategy f

  • Liz Oertle: CEO and Co-founder of Nanno, a mobile application that provides on-demand childcare – 070

    12/09/2018 Duration: 43min

    Today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest is Liz Oertle, the co-founder and CEO of Nanno, a mobile application that provides on-demand childcare through it’s invite-only network - connecting parents with vetted caregivers. How cool is that! As the co-founder and CEO of Nanno, Liz shares her great start-up story, and shares the trials and tribulations of two women in the tech industry raising capital to fund their startup. We also dig into life as a Mom CEO, passion, life pathways and gratitude. Liz will be one of our amazing Circle of Inspiration Facilitators and Panelists at the September 18th Extraordinary Women Connect event in Denver. Our Circle of Inspiration Panel at this event is focused on women raising capital. Extraordinary Women Connect is all about connecting great women to great women in meaningful conversation. This means you join other great women in conversation – including our facilitators - and this makes these events so special. Join us and come meet Liz in real life! Grab your ticket this

  • Maria Popo: Entrepreneur, globally recognized for launching five successful startups – 069

    06/09/2018 Duration: 41min

    Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Maria Popo is an entrepreneur, globally recognized for launching five successful startups inside Foxconn, 3Com and 3M plus two companies from the ground up. Her approach as a woman raising capital is creative and inspirational – as she’s taken an intrepreneurial route, which she tells us all about in today’s interview! AND Maria will be joining us as one of our Circle of Inspiration Facilitators at the September 18th Extraordinary Women Connect event. I’m super excited about this particular event, as we’re going to be focusing on women raising capital! With only 2% of venture capital funding going to women owned businesses, I’m excited to bring our 4 Circle Inspiration Facilitators to the room to talk about their journeys raising capital! For the full line up, jump out to my Extraordinary Women Connect page! Extraordinary Women connect is all about connecting great women to great women. I love the connections that happen – and even more so – I love the lasting rela

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