Women In The Business Arena



After almost two decades of working with women in business, Sonya Stattmann has been on the front lines of womens quest for liberation, freedom and real success. She knows what it is like to navigate the business arena and she has helped thousands of women around the globe find more fulfilment and freedom. Women in the Business Arena explores the real journey to business success and the twists and turns to experience real liberation. She is joined by her dear friend and previous business partner, Laura Shook Guzman, a somatic psychotherapist who specialises in working with women entrepreneurs. Together they address the real challenges you face in the business arena and talk honestly about their own journeys towards more freedom. It is a deep dive and honest conversation around what makes us thrive as women, and how it is not a linear path to success! For more information visit http://www.womeninthebusinessarena.com


  • How to Be an Activist Entrepreneur (and Why You Should Take a Stand)

    20/01/2020 Duration: 23min

    When you hear the word “activism”, I bet you think of people marching in the streets, attending a protest, or knocking on doors in their neighborhoods. While these actions are definitely forms that activism can take, did you know that you can be an activist in your everyday life? How about being an activist in your business? The truth is, activism is accessible to all of us wherever we are right now. As business owners, we work hard every day to improve the lives of our clients.  In today’s episode, Laura and I are talking about activism and what it can look like for entrepreneurs. We chat about how businesses can have a positive impact on the world, how we can make entrepreneurial decisions that help other people, and why it’s important for us to use our voices for good.  Laura and I also share some of the ways we bring activism into our own businesses and give ideas for those of you who want to amplify the good you are already doing. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can fin

  • Creating Space comes BEFORE Success, Freedom or Fulfillment

    13/01/2020 Duration: 29min

    There are so many elements that make up a business that is successful, sustainable, and healthy for the person running it. But Laura and I have found over the years that one of the most important, and most overlooked, ingredients is space.  Laura and I have both discovered that when we started taking more space, our lives and businesses improved drastically. Our creative ideas flowed more easily. We still had plenty of time to get everything done. And we felt calmer and more tuned in to ourselves than we ever did when we were rushing around.  We’re dedicating this episode of the podcast to space and all the wonderful things it contains. Laura and I talk about our definition of space, why it can be so hard to carve out in our super-busy world, and why creating space is a game-changer.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessare

  • How to Define Leadership and Follow Your Own Compass

    06/01/2020 Duration: 25min

    Welcome to the new year everyone! I’m so excited for everything this year has in store and I hope you are too. It is a new decade, a new slate, and the perfect time to step into the arena in ways you never have before.  I wanted to share my ideas about leadership with you so much that I decided to hop on a solo episode for this week. I think leadership is an incredibly important topic, especially today and especially for women, so we will be discussing this plenty in 2020.  I think it’s important to define the words we use, and love this definition of leadership: “defining and exhibiting moral and ethical courage”. That is the definition I really want to dig into in this episode.  In this episode I’m sharing my thoughts on leadership and why I think we as women (and as a society) need to re-assess what we think leadership is. I’ll also talk about some of the obstacles that keep women from participating in leadership positions as much as they might like to and why we need to closely examine

  • Charging the New Year & Setting Aligned Goals

    30/12/2019 Duration: 28min

    Happy (almost) New Year! If you haven’t done any goal setting for 2020 yet, this episode will help you make some headway and it will help you set goals that are much more aligned with who you really are.  If you can set aside some time this week to not only think up your goals but to really embody them, you’ll be setting yourself up for a strong start to the year.  When we truly embody our goals, we’re less likely to set goals that are solely driven by external factors (like money). Bringing our goals into our physical awareness means they’re probably going to resonate with the things we’re really craving: stability, freedom, space, love, belonging, etcetera.  Laura and I are digging into this wonderful idea in this week’s episode of the podcast and giving you some practical tips for embodiment too. We also talk about why we need to be really honest with ourselves about what we want and stop running away from the things we fear.  Find More Support for Women in Business: > You can

  • Gratitude for 2019 & The Year’s Top Episodes

    23/12/2019 Duration: 21min

    The Women in the Business Arena community really is an amazing one. You’ve helped us create a supportive, engaged and powerful group of women (and men!) in the arena who are working to make a difference in the lives of clients, loved ones, and people around the world.  Laura and I wanted to take this episode to say thank you and to share our gratitude for all of you. We also wanted to put a spotlight on your four favorite episodes from this year, based on their number of downloads, and talk a little bit about why we think these topics resonated.  In this episode Laura and I chat about your favorite episodes of 2019, why target markets are tricky to understand, and why business success takes more than a laptop and an idea. We also discuss the role of powerful emotions in our businesses and why they can be a great way to connect with our fellow entrepreneurs.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastat

  • How You Can Lighten the Emotional Load of the Holidays (Even If You Love Them)

    16/12/2019 Duration: 27min

    Laura and I thought we would tackle another timely topic on this week’s episode of the podcast, since by now the holiday season is well and truly in full swing. Even though it is supposed to be a time of celebration and togetherness, the reality isn’t always so cheery (and that is completely okay).  Oftentimes women are expected to carry the emotional weight of the holidays and make sure everything is magical, everyone is taken care of, and all the plans fall into place. This can be especially difficult if you don’t love the holidays to begin with, but even for women who love all the festivities, it can be too big a burden to handle on your own. Today Laura and I are chatting all about the emotional load of the holidays and how we can carry less of it. It is important to tune into our feelings and needs in this period, take care of ourselves, and then connect with loved ones in the ways we want to.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribu

  • Streamline & Simplify Your Marketing with Lisa Byrne

    09/12/2019 Duration: 28min

    Do you feel like you’re trying every marketing strategy under the sun but don’t see anything move the needle in your business? Marketing is one place where things can get especially overwhelming, and learning to strip things back in this area can have huge benefits. To talk all about streamlining your marketing, we have another special guest on the podcast this week: Lisa Byrne! She’s an amazing marketing coach for product-based businesses, and we’ve also worked together inside my Women in the Business Arena program.  In this episode Lisa and I talk about why so many people are overwhelmed in their businesses, especially when it comes to marketing. We talk about the power of streamlining and how it can help you create a sense of calm in your work and life.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast?

  • Five Things You Probably Don't Know about Us

    02/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever wondered how Laura and I got to where we are today, and not just from a business standpoint? We’re having a bit of fun on the podcast today and thought we’d share five things about us that you probably don’t know, from our love of certain books to our travels around the world.  It’s important to see your business as just one piece of a rich, fulfilling, and sometimes difficult journey. In this episode, Laura and I talk a bit about our time living together, how traveling has made us more resilient, and the other interests and businesses we’ve had along the way. We also chat a bit about why we wouldn’t trade life’s difficult times for anything, because they’ve helped us define our characters and figure out what we are capable of. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly

  • Uncovering Your Purpose and Mission with Belinda Haan

    25/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Letting go of the need for external validation and embracing what we really want to do is a huge key to building a business that’s impactful, sustainable, and supportive. We’ve got to shift towards internal acceptance and trust in ourselves to find that path that we’re truly called to, in life and in work.  And here to speak about this topic on this week’s episode is a special guest: my amazing client, Belinda Haan! Belinda has had some really big breakthroughs this year in her business, and I wanted to have her on the podcast to talk about the shifts she’s experienced and the success she’s created.  Belinda and I chat about the changes she’s made in her business over the past year, how her mindset around creation has shifted, and why she feels like she’s making decisions from a more intuitive place than ever before. We also talk about why it can be so hard for women to shake off all of the labels that society gives them and tune into what they really want. Find More Support For Women In Busines

  • Planning for the Holidays & A Flying Start to the New Year

    18/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    Every year around this time, I have clients say: “I think I’m going to wind things down in November. Nobody really wants to buy anything from me in the holiday season, anyway. I might as well rest until the holidays are over and the kids go back to school.”  This is the total opposite of the attitude I want all of you service business owners out there to have. I want you to relax over the holidays, take care of yourself, and enjoy some time off - but before you do that, I want you to make a plan! In this week’s episode, Laura and I are talking about why the holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the year past and lay the groundwork for the year ahead. We chat about why you shouldn’t tap out of your business in November and expect things to pick right back up in February, and share some of our favorite tips for maintaining minimum momentum in your business. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattm

  • Deconstructing Stress and Removing it From Life & Business

    11/11/2019 Duration: 31min

    Do you ever feel like stress is an epidemic in our society? I know Laura and I do, and we help our clients deal with stress all the time (in addition to managing it in our own lives).  We wanted to explore the topic of stress this week to see if we could deconstruct it, understand it better, and talk about how to navigate it in both business and our personal lives. Laura and I have both found that some of our most stressful moments aren’t necessarily caused by what’s going on externally, but are actually fueled by what’s going on in our minds.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-lo

  • Finding the Time to Network & Grow

    04/11/2019 Duration: 35min

    It’s so important to normalize the fact that it isn’t easy to manage your time and fit everything in. If you’re struggling to do it all, you are so not alone. There are some serious structural and cultural obstacles in the way of women’s full inclusion in the business arena. But instead of only talking about those difficulties today, we wanted to touch on some useful strategies for reclaiming your time, too. On this week’s episode, we’re chatting about the challenges that come from balancing life and work and what we can do to add growth into that mix. Laura and I talk about some of the things that make it hard for us to incorporate regular business growth into our days, and how we can shift our perspective on time and productivity to better align with our commitments. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast?

  • Facing Discouragement & Rising Again

    28/10/2019 Duration: 35min

    We all feel discouraged sometimes. If you’ve launched a program or offering that didn’t take off the way you wanted it to (which, by the way, is all of us with a service business), you’ll be familiar with this feeling.There is a way to sit in that discomfort, and learn from it, rather than panic and close up shop. This week Laura is back with us (yay!) and we’re talking all about discouragement. We’re chatting about how to remember that discouragement is a temporary feeling, how issues in other areas of life can affect how we feel about our work, and why it’s important to acknowledge your emotions (rather than bury them). Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Lo

  • Organization and Productivity That’s Tailored to YOU, Not Everyone Else

    21/10/2019 Duration: 35min

    I’m flying solo on the podcast this week, so I thought I would talk about something people ask me about all the time: how I stay efficient, productive, happy, AND grounded. If that sounds like an impossible combination, this episode is definitely for you. I’ll talk about how I figured out what I need to support my productivity and energy. I’ll also share some tips and tools that I find useful – including journaling – for connecting to my most creative and productive essence. And I’ll cover some of the more concrete planning strategies I use, too. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes

  • Women Empowering Other Women in Business

    14/10/2019 Duration: 34min

    As women, we have huge potential for creating change in our communities, in the market, and in the world at large. But it’s crucial that we band together and lift each other up if we want these changes to become reality. Laura and I wanted to explore the complicated work of empowering other women in this week’s podcast, and we had a super juicy conversation. We talked about how we support women now, how we could do more, and why it’s so important to make sure we reflect on the ways we may be intentionally or unintentionally undermining other women. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love

  • Building Rock-Solid Confidence by Learning to Trust Yourself

    07/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    Women are often told that to be successful in the business world, they just need to be more confident. They need to pull up a chair to the table and take charge. But this ignores two important things: the ways women are conditioned to doubt themselves and their abilities, and the different ways women can project confidence, competence, and creativity in the workplace. Join Laura and I on this week’s episode of Women in the Business Arena as we discuss confidence and self-trust in life and work. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are

  • Being More Embodied in Your Business (So you can Feel less Anxious & Overwhelmed)

    30/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Today Laura and I wanted to explore the topic of embodiment and what it looks like in a business context. We wanted to talk about what it would feel like if we were to tune in with the wisdom our bodies possess about slowing down, being present, and making decisions from a place of groundedness. We also talk about the practical aspects of embodiment, what we like to do to practice it in our own businesses, and why we should rethink how we approach business retreats. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do busine

  • The Inevitability of Discomfort (And How to Move Through It)

    23/09/2019 Duration: 33min

    This week, Laura and I are talking about the role of discomfort in business, how to build resilience in the face of new entrepreneurial challenges, and why this skill set can help us connect with our ideal clients at a deeper level. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do business? No more hustle. No more unethical marketing. No more struggle to get a return on your effort.  Inhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Women Collective) we are creating ease, joy, alignment, freedom & bus

  • Building Real Skills and Embracing the Gifts of Failure

    16/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    Find More Support For Women In Business:> You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do business? No more hustle. No more unethical marketing. No more struggle to get a return on your effort.  Inhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Women Collective) we are creating ease, joy, alignment, freedom & business success, on our terms. We are smashing the patriarchal business table and creating a table of our own.https://bit.ly/worthy-women-collective ( https://bit.ly/worthy-women-collective) Thank you for being you. We are so honored to

  • Reframing Self-Doubt and Normalizing the Shadow Sides of Entrepreneurship

    09/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    Self-doubt is something that every single one of us contends with. We see women in our community doubting themselves, their offerings, and their value pretty regularly. Sometimes, self-doubt even makes them sabotage themselves and their businesses. There’s nothing wrong with holding space for ourselves and each other to remember that feeling self-doubt is a natural – and temporary! – part of this journey. “When we start to doubt ourselves as entrepreneurs, it’s important to remember that we were inspired to create something in the world, something that did not exist before, and it was ours to bring to everyone, to the world, to this space. So trust that you’re holding space for that – that people are going to receive the heart that you’re bringing.” – Larua Shook-Guzman In this episode, Laura and I are exploring the topic of self-doubt and asking if it can be reframed in a more positive light. We talk about why self-doubt is such a common emotion for entrepreneurs to feel – especially women – and some of

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