Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler



Empowering you to thrive after an autoimmune diagnosis with courageous success stories and expert tips and solutions.


  • Unwinding Resistance to Awakening the Miracle Zone: Clear and Balance ‘Stuck’ Energy

    02/06/2023 Duration: 53min

    Please share this link to our chat with family and friends: welcome Jaya Sarada, master energy healer, educator, and co-founder of Luminous Soul Center, a Gleneden Beach, Oregon yoga and energy wellness center. In this episode, Jaya shares her insights and meditations on our energy fields and effective ways to feel more balanced and grounded. She also reads from a ‘legacy’ book she helped finish (after 70 years) and bring to the world, “Transformation The Light of Krishnamurti” by Dr. Hugh Keller, her stepfather. He originally wrote ‘Transformation’ in the 1940s when he worked with Jiddu Krishnamurti.Jaya shares that we are “multi-dimensional, energy bodies.” Too often, we only identify with our first three, physical and emotional, mental...Together, we explore energy, healing, and wellness, including: • What are ‘parts’ identifications, and how to avoid victim consciousness• How to tap into the Miracle Zone• Why releasing resistance and self-identification into

  • How Improving Your Sleep Habits Can Improve Your Health

    19/05/2023 Duration: 46min

    We uncover (pun intended) simple tips and easy hacks to improve our sleep with this week’s guest, Seth Davis, a Certified Adult Sleep Coach and the founder of Sleepably. Sleepably is a Denver-based team of sleep coaches who help adults and children sleep better. After chatting with Seth, I was surprised to hear how extensively disrupted sleep, even moderately interrupted sleep, can affect our health. Seth shares with us how getting enough sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can improve our mood, boost our immune system, and even help with weight loss.He also shares:• How to create a sleep sanctuary, a relaxing sleep environment,• The new way(s) to have a sleep study and what sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome are,• Why we need sunlight every morning and what to do if you have shift work,• How poor sleep habits can increase the risk of autoimmune issues, depression, anxiety, heart disease, and more…More About Our Guest Seth Davis, a recovered insomniac, Certified Adult Sleep Coach, and the fou

  • How Ruth Found Her Life Again By Learning To ‘Live from the Inside Out’

    12/05/2023 Duration: 49min

    We welcome Ruth Littler, an accredited counselor, certified health coach, and Heart Math Trainer. She is the author of the new Amazon bestseller ‘Live from the Inside Out.’On this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, Ruth shares her journey of discovering her true self. She shares how she realized the importance of advocating for herself and how it led to her reclaiming her health after ten years of being chronically ill; even as a long-time Registered Nurse, she was surprised by what she uncovered that was stopping her from recovering.As Ruth studied, she was surprised at how much ‘stuff she’d been holding on to,’ including resentment, grief, and shame she had been holding on to… with her newfound insight, she decided to share what she had learned with others, she shares with us:• How courage, resilience, and bravery get stronger with use,• How taking the first step was the hardest in releasing accumulated emotions that no longer served her,• How changing how you think will change both your inner and outer world,

  • You Are What You Eat When It Comes To Autoimmune Issues

    05/05/2023 Duration: 50min

    After 25 years of suffering from multiple autoimmune conditions that affected your guest's energy, skin, hair, and joints, VJ Hamilton's finally found her answer(s) and her calling. First diagnosed with alopecia areata in childhood, VJ endured many years of very visible autoimmune conditions, including alopecia, psoriasis, and eczema. After decades of enduring various symptoms and ill health, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue—another 'problem' to add to the growing list. Determined not to let the ongoing multiple health problems become her 'fate' in life, VJ did an intense study into immunology and trained as a Nutritionist.She finally uncovered the root cause of her issues and transformed her health — now living free of symptoms. She shares with us more of her own survivor-to-thriver story, plus she explains: • How we have to think beyond food groups and look at the nutrients we need,• Why and how food can trigger symptoms, including multiple skin issues,• Why (in most cases) we don't n

  • A Cheat Sheet for Disabled Travelers (from two seasoned travelers…)

    28/04/2023 Duration: 53min

    I love to travel, thank goodness, because I have to travel for work... And after about three years off the travel treadmill, the world of going out and about, both for vaca and business, is open again. I was surprised at how every plane, bus, or train I was on recently was packed! And, even as a seasoned traveler, my recent trip was one surprise after another.This week, I’m doing something a bit different… My friend Liberty Forrest and I are chatting about our recent experiences traveling with long-term conditions. Now, we can’t cover all the folly and foibles of traveling while ‘disabled.’ (I hate the term ‘disabled,’ yet that’s the label the travel industry seems to like to use.) But Liberty and I are giving it a go!Listen in to our travel adventures and misadventures and the lessons we’ve learned, and I invite you to share your learnings and lessons of travel with an invisible illness with us in the comments section. 
In our time together, Liberty and I share about why my cane is now “not a cane” and how m

  • The Surprising Benefits of Having Difficult Conversations with Sarah Peyton

    21/04/2023 Duration: 52min

    Do you struggle to get your family, friends, or perhaps your medical professionals to listen? Do you cringe when you want to say no or discuss a volatile topic? And what about the conversations that feel polarized?The majority of us sometimes relate to the above questions, I know I sure do. So I invited one of our most popular guests, Sarah Peyton, back on the show to talk about having difficult conversations—whether you have to deliver bad news, talk about complex topics, or are unsure what’s safe to talk about or not, Sarah’s gives us insights, including• The skills and strength to say no, even when it is hard,• Let go of expectations of what might have been,• Ways to support yourself and others with the fascinating skill of “insistent with kindness,”• How to be okay and connected with someone going through a tough time, plus so much more... More About Our Guest: Sarah Peyton is the author of W.W. Norton’s Your Resonant Self, Your Resonant Self Workbook and Affirmations for Turbulent Times.And she has a new

  • What (Really) Goes Into Forgiveness That Works with expert Dr. Shawne Duperon

    14/04/2023 Duration: 56min

    WOWZA! I was blown away by where my chat with Dr. Shawne Duperon, the founder of Project Forgive and one of the world’s leading experts on forgiveness went. That’s right! Blown away… And I am thrilled to welcome to The Autoimmune Hour my friend Dr. Shawne. In addition to Project Forgive, she founded ShawneTV; she is a winner of Six EMMY® awards, 28 EMMY® nominations, and her conflict resolution tool, The Apology (You’ll Never Receive)TM garnered the honor of a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination. 
Why the topic of forgiveness? Current studies have linked past traumas to playing a part in specific immune dysfunction. It is an accepted standard that too much stress adds to inflammation—a common component in autoimmune diagnoses. And general population research shows prolonged anger, hostility, and bitterness are linked to health risks like depression and heart disease.So, in our time together, Dr. Shawne shares many “juicy” thought-provoking truths and ideas, including • Why forgiveness isn’t what most people think, a

  • Can I Have a Healthy Baby When I Have An Autoimmune?

    07/04/2023 Duration: 54min

    In my health journey, I've learned there are multiple things we can do to increase our odds of a positive outcome. That's why we are happy to welcome back Nikki Burnett, MS CNTP MNT, a Functional Nutritionist and Founder of Taste Life Nutrition, to discuss a topic we have yet to chat about... We call Nikki Burnett our 'Health Detective' because Nikki has been on both sides: in practice for seven years as a Functional Nutritionist and over 20 years of study, Nikki is a thriver too. After suffering a 2-year headache that affected every part of her life and dealing with the frustration of feeling helpless with no answers, she decided to take her health into her own hands. Over time and with consistent research into many health modalities, Nikki found the answers she needed to heal. Now Nikki is helping her clients regain their health, and along the way, she has discovered a passion for helping those struggling with infertility. In this episode, Nikki shares with us
• How even small changes in your nutrition can

  • Great Ways To Reinvigorate to a Life Full of Fun And Flow with Dr. Valerie René Sheppard

    31/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    After a near-death experience, catastrophic-stroke survivor Dr. Valerie René Sheppard has created an inspiring life full of fun and flow. And, as the author of the multi-award-winning, #1 international best-seller, "Living Happy to Be ME!," a Certified Master Trainer and a Ph.D. in Consciousness and Human Potential, she shares with us how to create unstoppable momentum regardless of your diagnosis.Dr. Valerie’s irresistible life-loving insights and lessons learned throughout her life, including her remarkable recovery, are inspirational and educational. Our chat is not to be missed! Dr. Valerie shares multiple ‘A-ha! Moments!’ that include: • How to make peace with the present moment,• From “so what, now what” to resourceful and resilient,• What it means to be in a flow state,• What to do when the ‘old’ no longer works and life feels like a void,• How to “test your way to success" plus so much more…More About Our Guest: Dr. Valerie René Sheppard is a catastrophic-stroke survivor, self-mastery expert, and CEO

  • What Is Healthy For Me? How to Quickly Improve Your Outlook

    24/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    Sometimes our mind runs away with us when ‘everything hurts.’ And it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see your desired wellness results. This week’s guest, Eileen Laird, is a writer, podcast host, and autoimmune warrior, living a vital life with rheumatoid arthritis. She’s reached millions through her popular website and podcast, Phoenix Helix, where she shares information and inspiration for autoimmune health. In this episode, she shares from her immediately useful 'roadmap' book, called 'Healing Mindset: A Guide to the Mind-Body Connection for People with Autoimmune Disease,' including:• How to successfully redefine your life after an autoimmune diagnosis. • The one simple mindset-taming question that can change outcomes, • How the mind-body connection works with wellness,• Surprising ways our thoughts and feelings can impact our physical healthplus so much more… More About Our Guest: Reflecting on her diagnosis in 2012, Eileen Laird shares, “rheumatoid arthritis hit my life like a wrecking ball. I

  • Creating Robust Resilience During Life’s Challenges

    17/03/2023 Duration: 51min

    We welcome back the dynamic duo Tamara Green and David Dachinger to the show. David and his wife Tamara are the creators of the Loving Meditations app, which provides mobile mind-body wellness tools such as meditation and music to elevate the quality of life for all those touched by cancer, including patients or caregivers.Their extensive training, adventure-filled and sometimes harrowing life experiences, and wellness journey have given them a deep understanding of how to “take your life out of fear and into love.”We chat about a wide variety of ways to develop resilience, including:• Why resilience requires reinventing • How to know if it’s ‘scary’ or an old belief that no longer serves you• Why ‘now’ is the only creative place we have• How to craft strong resilience as a couple and as individuals, plus much more... More About Our Guests: Tamara Green, LCSW has spent most of her adult life evolving personally and spiritually. Her daily practice of moving the body, spiritual readings, meditation, and prayer

  • Suffering is Optional: Learning to Be With and Talk About Change, Transitions, and Grief

    11/03/2023 Duration: 55min

    This week’s guest Yvonne Heath is passionate about “supporting the supporters” and “building Compassionate Communities.” Yvonne, a registered nurse since 1988 in emergency, chemotherapy, palliative care, and hospice, has developed a unique view of how to talk about and walk through challenging transitions and grief. With her remarkable history, Yvonne decided in 2015 to blaze a new trail and founded ‘Love Your Life to Death,’ followed by the ‘I Just Showed Up Movement.’ In 2019, she delivered her TEDx Talk, “Transforming Our Grief by Just Showing Up. And, as a consultant, speaker, author, trainer, and television host, Yvonne shares her message of how to “talk about, plan, and prepare for grief, transitions, and end of life.”In addition to her crucial message of how to talk about your grief and her “Just Show Up Movement,” Yvonne shares with us -
• Examples of tough talks when you are tongue-tied during times of change,• How to find closure and ways to hold your boundaries• How to assert yourself when others

  • Beyond Her Dreams: How Micaela Transformed Her Health and Life

    04/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    We welcome Micaela Giles, Co-Founder at Origins Collaborative Care PLLC - Director of Mind-Body Education and Healing. Micaela is a true ‘survivor to thriver’ story. In our time together, she shares how she took control to save herself and discovered a pathway of healing that transformed her health and her life in ways she only dreamed possible. Her dedication to uncovering what was wrong led her to take her profound personal experience, comprehensive formal education, and an exhaustive amount of informal research and transform it into a unique and powerful approach that is deeply intuitive and responsive to those needs she serves. Just some of what Micaela shares is —Why developing a well-being community is utmost in recoveryHow ill health can be the result of early developmental trauma,What is the autonomic nervous system, and how it plays a part in our recovery,Ways to learn to trust yourself (again)What is Polyvagal Theory, other wellness and well-being techniques, and so much more…About Out Guest: Micael

  • Food For Thought: Is Your Healthy Eating Making You Sick?

    25/02/2023 Duration: 55min

    Are you down to a handful of foods and screaming, "I don't know what to eat!"Now, we're not minimizing food sensitivities or allergies. I've got several severe ones myself, yet in my years of doing the show and meeting many in the autoimmune world, I've noticed a fair share, without testing, have thrown out whole food groups to the point where they are only eating a handful of foods — which is not healthy either. Look, our nutrition needs are individual and nuanced. That's why I invited Amanda Mittman, MS, RDN, LDN, and founder of Happy Valley Nutrition, to help us explore why so many of those diagnosed with autoimmunity have disorganized, disordered eating patterns and many foods, including multiple food groups, are on their 'no-no' lists… Amanda gets it. Her teen and early adult 'food rules' were neither attainable, sustainable, or, most importantly, healthy. Those 'food rules' led her to be diagnosed with disordered eating and orthorexia. (I've heard about other eating disorders, such as anorexia, yet I wa

  • Ever Feel Like Eeyore? Exploring Expired Mindsets and other Healing Blocks

    18/02/2023 Duration: 50min

    Ever feel like Eeyore? The grey donkey in the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. Eeyore’s the ‘poor-me’ one, the pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, never-gonna-happen one…. I know I have from time to time, especially right before and after my diagnosis. Negative thinking, old beliefs that no longer serve us, and things like stuck emotions can contribute to problems such as social anxiety, depression, stress, low self-esteem, and even poor health outcomes. Staying positive, upbeat, and thriving can feel like a day-to-day challenge; that’s why I invited Dr. Charryse Johnson, LCMHC, NCC, author of the best-selling book ‘Expired Mindsets: Releasing Patterns That No Longer Serve You Well’ to share with us her thriving autoimmune story and how we too can change those negative thoughts that ooze up into helpful and even empowering thoughts and actions to live our best life yet. Together, let’s explore the intersection of non-judgment, self-witness, and mindfulness with what the negative thoughts and other disempower

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Other Medical Mysteries

    11/02/2023 Duration: 56min

    Are you tired of being told it's all in your head, or your tests all come back normal, and you still feel like cr*p...? Maybe you are having symptoms like food or environmental sensitivities, unresolved aches, pain, and fatigue... or skin rashes, nerve problems, racing heart, headaches, or feeling like every part of you is on overload? We welcome back Dr. Anne Hill, ND., to answer questions about the rise of MCAS and other tough-to-diagnosis conditions. She specializes in functional medicine and other medical modalities to uncover 'mystery' chronic illnesses. On average, people come to her after seeing ten or more physicians, have multiple diagnoses (or NO working diagnosis), and are still sick with no answers. She's found that many of her patients with chronic conditions also have MCAS. That's why we invited Dr. Anne Hill back to answer our questions like — • What is a mast cell, and what 'activates' it,• How to know if it's MCAS or something else,• What type of doctor is best to treat you, • How environme

  • ‘I Can’t’ Are Not ‘Dirty’ Words and Other Fearless Life Lessons

    04/02/2023 Duration: 56min

    In this episode, we welcome back lifestyle and business coach Simone Giangiordano, better known as Simone G. She’s a multitalented lover of life. She’s an encourager. An autoimmune thriver. A songwriter. An ocean fanatic. And a coach and mentor who willingly shares what she’s learned on her life and healing journey. The cherry on top, she believes the courage to say “I CAN’T” will set you free. And more....In our time together, we chat about a wide range of topics, including tips and techniques to • Overcome misconceptions and stigmas around chronic health challenges,• Become more self-aware and stand in your power,• Set good health habits, including boundaries and limits,• Push through being invisible when you have an ‘invisible’ illness and so much more...More About Our Guest: Simone Giangiordano’s transition from her corporate career of nearly two decades to entrepreneurship and lifestyle and business coaching was due to her health challenges. Now she brings her wisdom and life lessons to bring help and ho

  • On Finding the Courage to Change: Inspired Action Tips to Create The Life You Want and Deserve

    28/01/2023 Duration: 53min

    We welcome back Career, Transition, and Empowerment Coach Laurie Lawson, CEC, PCC. As a Certified Empowerment Coach since 2004, Laurie specializes in transition challenges, strategic planning, goal actualization, personal life re-invention, and so much more. Sharon and Laurie talk about staying on track with our goals, including our wellness goals and the quick-change tools she shares with her high-preforming clients, including• How to cultivate the space for easy change• Moving past fear and finding more time for play• Breaking the patterns that no longer serve you• Set boundaries that work plus much more…More About Our Guest: Laurie Lawson is an expert at discovering her clients' hidden talents and assets to achieve their maximum success. She is a Certified Empowerment Coach from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coach Federation (ICF), a Certified EQ Mentor Coach, a Certified DoLquest Expert, and a Certified Trainer for

  • It’s Tripledemic Time! Tips on Keeping Our Kids Healthy with Dr. Andrena Zeigler

    14/01/2023 Duration: 48min

    In this episode, we welcome Dr. Andrena Zeigler author of the award-winning children’s book, 'But I’m Not Sick!' We chat with Dr. Andrena about her practical and playful book on how to ease children’s fear of a pediatric checkup and the first things to do when our child isn’t feeling well plus• How to prevent illness in the time of tripledemic,• When we should have our child seen in-office,• What to do with a picky eater and childhood obesity,• We even talk about the ‘p-word (as in ‘poop’) ;-) ... More About Our Guest: Dr. Andrena Zeigler is an advanced practice registered nurse who earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree as a first honor graduate from the Medical University of South Carolina and has been a nurse practicing in pediatrics for 20 years. Named the South Carolina Primary Care Nurse of the Year in 2012, Dr. Zeigler is a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner and a board-certified pediatric primary care mental health specialist. She also loves teaching the next generation of nurses and n

  • When Curing is not Healing

    07/01/2023 Duration: 53min

    (Or Healing is an Inside Job...) Fasten your seat belt for a fascinating romp through the question what does ‘to be healed’ actually mean? and other intriguing life questions.In this episode, we chat with Ed Cohen, author of 'On Learning to Heal, or What Medicine Doesn’t Know.’ His book has been described as “memoir-cum-medical philosophy,” which I think sums it up nicely. A favorite quote from this thought-provoking book is, “Learning to heal does not necessarily require us to know how we heal, but it does require that we desire to heal and that we actively value this possibility.” In our time together, Ed shares with us how he overcame a decades-long autoimmune struggle, starting at thirteen when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. At that impressionable age, his doctors told him that the best he could hope for was periods of remission. Unfortunately, they never mentioned healing as a possibility. His new book was borne out of his lifetime of seeking answers to heal himself. He shares with us how he has

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